PM 03-05-01
Verify close relative status using the following items.
Birth Certificates
Baptismal Certificates
Medical Records
Census Records
Court Records
Marriage Certificates
Civil Union Certificate (TANF)
DCFS records
IDPH Query in the KIDS System (note: for children only)
Hospital Record of Birth
Bible Entries
Social Security Records
Veteran's Administration Records
Death Certificates
Adoption Records
Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity
Department of Public Health Records
NOTE: Birth certificates issued in the City of Chicago for 1950 or later must have a file number starting with "6" or "7". Birth certificates issued in downstate counties or Cook County outside of Chicago for 1950 or later must have a file number starting with "0" or "1".
- DCFS Family Reunification Referral (CFS 301)
- Verification of Birth, Marriage, Divorce, or Death (Form 97)
- Record of Birth (Form 2636)
- Adjudication of Paternity (Form 3148)
- Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity (Form 3416B)
- Arrival-Departure Record (I-94) (Use for refugees, asylees, parolees, conditional entrants, and Cuban-Haitian entrants)
- TPQY Input (SSA 491TC)
NOTE: If the child has a Social Security Number and other sources of verification are unavailable, attempt to verify relationship through SSA records.
For refugees, parolees, Cuban-Haitian Entrants, or applicants for asylum, use the person's Arrival-Departure Record (I-94) to verify relationship. If the noncitizens entered the U.S. at the same time and same place (Port of Entry), have the same last names and their alien registration numbers are consecutive, accept their statements of relationship.