WAG 03-04-02-a: Student Status (TANF)

PM 03-04-02-a

An 18 year old child is ineligible for TANF text deletedwhen they are not a full-time student in secondary school. A child who is not attending secondary school full-time is ineligible upon reaching age 18. An 18 year old who graduates or drops out becomes ineligible for the fiscal month after the fiscal month in which they graduated or dropped out. An 18 year old who is attending secondary school full-time is ineligible upon reaching age 19.

NOTE: Secondary school includes grades 9 through 12 or a vocational or technical school that is equal to high school.

When a child reaches age 18, review their eligibility as follows:

  • verify if the child is still living with the unit, and
  • verify school attendance and the expected date of completion. Accept the school's statement regarding the date of completion. When the 18 year old child will complete the program before reaching age 19, set a control to change the child's status to medical only for the fiscal month following the fiscal month in which they complete the program. text deleted

A case with an 18 year old dependent child is included on the PAL as code B, 18 Year Old, in the month that the child reaches 18 when the child has code 5 or C in Item 73, indicating they are in school.

If the child is not in school (Item 73 of Form 552 has code 9 or B), the child is centrally changed to medical only by entering code 3 in Item 78 for the fiscal month following the calendar month in which they reach age 18. If they are the only child, the case is zero granted with code F.

A case with a 19 year old dependent child is included on the PAL as code A, 19 Year Old, in the month that the child reaches 19.

For the central action on 18 or 19 year olds see WAG 18-03-11-a and WAG 18-03-11-b.