Family & Community Services Grant Information - FY 2022

The table below includes links to the Notices of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs), if applicable, Question & Answer (QA) information (if applicable), Grant Application (GA), and the Programmatic Risk Assessment (PRA).

For detailed information about the application requirements, please see Grant Application Information and Instructions.

Funding Opportunities are listed by office below. Click the link and you will go to the section with information about your grant.

Adult Services and Basic Supports

CSFA Number Grant Title NOFO QA GA PRA
444-80-0166 Emergency Food Assistance Program GA-0166 PRA-0166
444-80-0175 Education, Training, and Enhanced Services to End Violence Against and Abuse of Women with Disabilities GA-0175 PRA-0175
444-80-0496 Emergency Solutions Grant Program (ESG) GA-0496 PRA-0496
444-80-0652 Domestic Violence Prevention and Intervention QA-0652 GA-0652 PRA-0652
444-80-0653 Partner Abuse Intervention Program 22-444-80-0653-01 QA-0653 GA-0653 PRA-0653
444-80-0654 Sexual Assault Prevention and Response GA-0654 PRA-0654
444-80-0656 Emergency & Transitional Housing Program GA-0656 PRA-0656
444-80-0657 Homeless Prevention Program GA-0657 PRA-0657
444-80-0658 Supportive Housing Program GA-0658 PRA-0658
444-80-1213 Title XX DFI Child and Family Services GA-1213 PRA-1213
444-80-1214 Title XX DFI Ex Offender Program GA-1214 PRA-1214
444-80-1215 Title XX DFI Youth Services-juvenile offenders, delinquent or pre-delinquent youth or other
youth in custody of DOC
GA-1215 PRA-1215
444-80-1216 Title XX DFI Senior Services GA-1216 PRA-1216
444-80-1217 Title XX DFI Developmental Disabilities/
Mental Health
GA-1217 PRA-1217
444-80-1218 Title XX DFI Family Support GA-1218 PRA-1218
444-80-1219 Title XX DFI Family Services Employability Development GA-1219 PRA-1219
444-80-1220 Title XX DFI Crisis Nurseries GA-1220 PRA-1220
444-80-1221 Domestic Violence Infonet GA-1221 PRA-1221
444-80-1222 Domestic Violence Training GA-1222 PRA-1222
444-80-1224 Domestic Violence Helpline GA-1224 PRA-1224
444-80-2454 Homeless Prevention Cures Act Program GA-2454 PRA-2454
444-80-2466 COVID-19 Community Garden Food Desert Pilot Program GA-2466 PRA-2466
444-80-2479 COVID-19 Grassroots Education, Outreach and Communications GA-2479 PRA-2479
444-80-2512 Eviction Mitigation Legal Assistance Program GA-2512 PRA-2512
444-80-2552 Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) 22-444-80-2552-01 QA-2552 GA-2552 PRA-2552
444-80-2562 Faith Based Housing Awareness and Assistance Program 22-444-80-2562-03 QA-2562 GA-2562 PRA-2562
444-80-2559 Rental and Court Based Assistance GA-2559 PRA-2559
444-80-2705 Supportive Housing - American Rescue Plan Act 22-444-80-2705-01 QA-2705 GA-2705 PRA-2705

Community and Positive Youth Development

CSFA Number Grant Title NOFO Q-A GA PRA
444-80-0687-01 Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program - Continuation
Personal Responsibility Education Program - DIRECT SERVICES
GA-0687-01 PRA-0687-01

Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program - Continuation

Personal Responsibility Education Program - EVALUATION

GA-0687-03 PRA-0687-03

Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program - Continuation

Personal Responsibility Education Program - TRAINING

GA-0687-02 PRA-0687-02
444-80-0710 Comprehensive Community Based Youth
22-444-80-0710-01 TA Q & A GA-0710 PRA-0710
444-80-0711 Homeless Youth GA-0711 PRA-0711
444-80-0714-02 Redeploy Illinois - Evaluation GA-0714-02 PRA-0714-02
444-80-0714-01 Redeploy Illinois GA-0714-01 PRA-0714-01
444-80-2339 Redeploy Illinois Detention Pilot  GA-2339 PRA-2339
444-80-2350 Redeploy Illinois Planning Grant GA-2350 PRA-2350
444-80-0846 Community Youth Services GA-0846 PRA-0846
444-80-1269-01 Juvenile Justice Systems Improvement 22-444-80-1269-01-01 QA-1269-01 GA-1269-01 PRA-1269-01
444-80-1269-02 Juvenile Justice System Training, Technical Assistance and Support (JJTTAS)
22-444-80-1269-02-01 QA-1269-02 GA-1269-02 PRA-1269-02
444-80-1270-01 Juvenile Justice Councils 22-444-80-1270-01-01 QA-1270-01 GA-1270-01 PRA-1270-01
444-80-1270-02 Juvenile Justice Youth Serving Programs 22-444-80-1270-02-01 QA-1270-02 GA-1270-02 PRA-1270-02
444-80-1411 Teen REACH (Responsibility, Education, Achievement, Caring and Hope) 22-444-80-1411-01 QA-1411 GA-1411 PRA-1411
444-80-1550 Teen REACH Training, Technical Assistance & Support TR - TTAS 22-444-80-1550-01 QA-1550 GA-1550 PRA-1550
444-80-1489 Community Wellness - Continuation Application for Current Grantees GA-1489 PRA-1489
444-80-1500 Youth Services Training Technical
Assistance & Support (YSTTAS)
22-444-80-1500-01 QA-1500 GA-1500 PRA-1500
444-80-1502 Youth Employment Training, Technical Assistance & Support (YE-TTAS) GA-1502 PRA-1502
444-80-1718 Youth Services Capacity Building Grant GA-1718 PRA-1718
444-80-2188 Youth Guidance- Becoming a Man GA-2188 PRA-2188
444-80-2199 After School Violence Prevention GA-2199 PRA-2199
444-80-2208 Touched By An Angel Community Enrichment Center GA-2208 PRA-2208
444-80-2218 Violence Intervention & Prevention Positively Uplifting
(Youth Through) Zealous and Zestful Learning Engagements
GA-2218 PRA-2218
444-80-2220 Joseph Academy Prevent Violence Program GA-2220 PRA-2220
444-80-2240 Urban Autism Solutions- Westside Transitions Academy GA-2240 PRA-2240
444-80-2241 OUR Youth Mentoring & Youth Services Program GA-2241 PRA-2241
444-80-2242 NAACP Westside GA-2242 PRA-2242
444-80-2243 West Cook County Youth Club  GA-2243 PRA-2243
444-80-2244 Chicago Fathers for Change GA-2244 PRA-2244
444-80-2327-01 Second Chance Act Youth Offender Reentry - Chapin Hall GA-2327-01 PRA-2327-01
444-80-2327-02 Second Chance Act Youth Offender Reentry - DJJ GA-2327-02 PRA-2327-02
444-80-2377 Illinois Youth Investment Program GA-2377 PRA-2377
444-80-2407 Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) GA-2407 PRA-2407
444-80-2457-01 Tier 1 - Optimally Changing The Map - Direct Services GA-2457-01 PRA-2457-01
444-80-2457-02 Tier 1 - Optimally Changing The Map - Training  GA-2457-02 PRA-2457-02
444-80-2457-03 Tier 1 - Optimally Changing The Map - Evaluation GA-2457-03 PRA-2457-03
444-80-2531 Rural Youth Services Enhanced (RYSE) 22-80-444-2531-01 QA-2531 GA-2531 PRA-2531
444-80-2622 ASLA- After School Arts and Leadership Academy GA-2622 PRA-2622
444-80-2623 BFB Black Fire Brigade GA-2623 PRA-2623
444-80-2620 Alton Afterschool and Summer Program GA-2620 PRA-2620
444-80-2621 Project Learn Central Illinois GA-2621 PRA-2621
444-80-2619 Project Learn Decatur GA-2619 PRA-2619
444-80-2624 Ebenezer Community Outreach- ECO Afterschool Program GA-2624 PRA-2624
444-80-2625 Leaders Ignited for Evident Change- LIFE Change GA-2625 PRA-2625
444-80-2626 Too Good for Violence GA-2626 PRA-2626
444-80-2627 Lake County United 211 GA-2627 PRA-2627
444-80-2628 Logan Square Neighborhood Association -LSNA Youth Council GA-2628 PRA-2628
444-80-2704 Youth Steam - Metropolitan YWCA GA-2704 PRA-2704
444-80-2630 South Shores NNA GA-2630 PRA-2630
444-80-2631 New Life Centers Mentoring GA-2631 PRA-2631
444-80-2633 Post Secondary for Young Moms GA-2633 PRA-2633
444-80-2644 Support for Youth Impact- SYI GA-2644 PRA-2644
444-80-2634 Stem Up GA-2634 PRA-2634
444-80-2659 PBMR Mentoring GA-2659 PRA-2659
444-80-2635 Segundo Ruiz Belvis Cultural Center-SRBCC Arts GA-2635 PRA-2635
444-80-2636 Recreation and Education for Youth-REY GA-2636 PRA-2636
444-80-2637 Support Thru Opportunities Academics, and Recreation- SOAR GA-2637 PRA-2637
444-80-2638 Tri- Town YMCA-TTYMCA GA-2638 PRA-2638
444-80-2686 Working on Womanhood GA-2686 PRA-2686
444-80-2639 West Cook YMCA GA-2639 PRA-2639
444-80-2640 Community Youth Peace Ambassador Program-CYPA GA-2640 PRA-2640
444-80-2641 YSGN Afterschool Programming GA-2641 PRA-2641
444-80-2685 The Belmont Cragin Youth Engagement Program GA-2685 PRA-2685
444-80-2716 Well Kids Learning Hub GA-2685 PRA-2716
444-80-2745 Wonder Works Children's Museum GA-2745 PRA-2745
444-80-2732 Hephzibah Day Care Program GA-2732 PRA-2732
444-80-2693 Black Men United for Reformation, Restoration and Resilience GA-2693 PRA-2693
444-80-2713 Greater St. Johns Church GA-2713 PRA-2713
444-80-2751 ARPA IYIP-Community Intermediaries 22-444-80-2751 QA-2751 GA-2751 PRA-2751
444-80-2752 ARPA-Illinois Youth Investment Program 22-444-80-2752 QA-2752 GA-2752 PRA-2752
444-80-2771 RPSA Violence Prevention Training, Technical Assistance and Support (RVP-TTAS) 22-444-80-2771 QA-2771/2 GA-2771 PRA-2771
444-80-2772 RPSA Youth Development Training, Technical Assistance, and Support (RYD-TTAS) 22-444-80-2772 QA-2771/2 GA-2772 PRA-2772
444-80-2773 Reimagine Public Safety Act Conveners (Reimagine Conveners) 22-444-80-2773 QA-2773 GA-2773 PRA-2773
444-80-2807 AmeriCorps Competitive Fixed PRA-2807
444-80-2808 AmeriCorps Competitive Traditional PRA-2808
444-80-2809 AmeriCorps Formula Fixed PRA-2809
444-80-2810 AmeriCorps Formula Traditional PRA-2810
444-80-2832 ORBIS Youth Assessment and Screening GA-2832 PRA 2832
444-80-2774 RPSA Violence Prevention Services 22-444-80-2774 QA-2774 GA-2774 PRA-2774
444-80-2775 RPSA Youth Development Services 22-444-80-2775 QA-2775 GA-2775 PRA-2775
444-80-2776 RPSA High Risk Youth Intervention Services 22-444-80-2776 QA-2776 GA-2776 PRA-2776

Family Wellness

CSFA Number Grant Title NOFO QA GA PRA

Maternal & Child Health Program -

Better Birth Outcomes

GA-0226 PRA-0226
444-80-0667 Commodity Supplemental Food Program 22-444-80-0667-01 QA-0667 GA-0667 PRA-0667
444-80-0668 Supplemental Nutrition Program for
Women, Infants and Children - WIC Program
GA-0668 PRA-0668
444-80-0669 Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women,
Infants and Children - WIC Food Center
GA-0669 PRA-0669
444-80-0670 Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women,
Infants and Children - Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Program
GA-0670 PRA-0670
444-80-0671 Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children - Farmers Market GA-0671 PRA-0671
444-80-0673 Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children - WIC Statewide Outreach GA-0673 PRA-0673
444-80-0675 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program -
SNAP Education
GA-0675 PRA-0675
444-80-0676 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program -
SNAP Outreach
GA-0676 PRA-0676

Maternal & Child Health Program -

Perinatal Depression

GA-1262 PRA-1262
444-80-1653 Maternal & Child Health Program-Illinois Perinatal Quality Collaborative Partnership GA-1653 PRA-1653
444-80-2535 Family Case Management/High Risk Follow-up 22-444-80-2535-01 QA-2535 GA-2535 PRA-2535
444-80-1702 Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children -
WIC Food Center - FMNP
GA-1702 PRA-1702
444-80-2420 Maternal & Child Health Program - Chicago Family Connects GA-2420 PRA-2420
444-80-2540 Healthy Local Food Systems Pilot Program (HLFS) GA-2540 PRA-2540
444-80-2720 Living to Serve Foundation Project GA-2720 PRA-2720
444-80-2692 Infant Welfare Society Project IWSP GA-2692 PRA-2692
444-80-2759 MedForce Air GA-2759 PRA-2759
444-80-2760 Silver Cross NICU GA-2760 PRA-2760

FCRC's Workforce Development and Policy

CSFA Number Grant Title NOFO QA GA PRA
444-80-0160 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program GA-0160 PRA-0160
444-80-0164 State Administrative Matching Grants for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program GA-0164 PRA-0164
444-80-1271 FSP/SNAP GA-1271 PRA-1271
444-80-1455 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment and Training Program GA-1455 PRA-1455

Program Support and Program Evaluation

CSFA Number Grant Title NOFO QA GA PRA
444-80-0688 Front Door Referral Process - Front Door Program GA-0688 PRA-0688

Welcoming Centers and Refugee Services

CSFA Number Grant Title NOFO QA GA PRA
444-80-0207 Refugee Resettlement Program/Employment and Social Services GA-0207 PRA-0207
444-80-0692  Refugee Resettlement Program/Refugee Health Services  GA-0692 PRA-0692
444-80-1233 Title XX DFI Refugee & Immigrant Services GA-1233 PRA-1233
444-80-1456 Immigrant Integration GA-1456 PRA-1456
444-80-1493 Welcoming Center 22-444-80-1493-01 QA-1493 GA-1493 PRA-1493
444-80-2219-01 The Resurrection Project GA-2219-01 PRA-2219-01
444-80-2219-02 The Westside Justice Center GA-2219-02 PRA-2219-02
444-80-2463 Illinois Immigrant COVID-19 Outreach and Education GA-2463 PRA-2463
444-80-2472 Illinois Welcoming Center Immigrant and Refugee Capacity Development Network GA-2472 PRA-2472
444-80-2461 lllinois Immigrant Public Health and Navigator Project GA-2461 PRA-2461
444-80-2462 Illinois Immigrant and Refugee Employment & Training Project GA-2462 PRA-2462
444-80-2478 Illinois Immigrant & Refugee COVID-19 Housing Assistance Project GA-2478 PRA-2478
444-80-2555 Illinois Immigrant & Refugee Housing Assistance Project 22-444-80-2555-02 QA-2555 GA-2555 PRA-2555
444-80-2588 Refugee One Case Management and Immigration Services Program GA-2588 PRA-2588
444-80-2684 Communities United Family Support Initiative GA-2684 PRA-2684
444-80-2689 Pilsen Neighbors Community Council Education and Work Force Development Project GA-2689 PRA-2689
444-80-2701 Enlace Chicago-Immigrant Social Services Assistance Project GA-2701 PRA-2701
444-80-2702 Immigrant and Refugee Legal Aid Clinic GA-2702 PRA-2702
444-80-2703 Casa Michoacán Case Management and Social Services Project GA-2703 PRA-2703
444-80-2660 Illinois Migrant Council Case Management and Referral Services Program GA-2660 PRA-2660
444-80-2835 State Afghan Placement and Assistance Program GA-2835 PRA- 2835

Workforce Development 

CSFA Number Grant Title NOFO QA GA PRA
444-80-0689 Employment Barrier Reduction Fund GA-0689 PRA-0689
444-80-0699-01 TANF Employment & Training Program -
Job Placement with Retention Program - COOK COUNTY ONLY
22-444-80-0699-01 GA-0699-01 PRA-0699-01
444-80-0699-02 TANF Employment & Training Program -
Job Placement with Retention Program
GA-0699-02 PRA-0699-02
444-80-0700 TANF Employment & Training Program -
Special Projects Program
GA-0700 PRA-0700
444-80-0701 TANF Employment & Training Program -
Support Services Program
GA-0701 PRA-0701
444-80-0704 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - Earnfare (Cook County) GA-0704 PRA-0704
444-80-0705 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - Earnfare (Downstate) GA-0705 PRA-0705
444-80-0706 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - Earnfare (NCP) GA-0706 PRA-0706
444-80-0707 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program -
Job Placement (With Retention)
GA-0707 PRA-0707
444-80-0708 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Special Project) GA-0708 PRA-0708
444-80-0709 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment & Training (Support Services) GA-0709 PRA-0709
444-80-1252 HCD Special Project Contracts GA-1252 PRA-1252
444-80-1255 HCD Special Project - Workforce Partnership GA-1255 PRA-1255
444-80-1268 TANF Employment & Training Program -
Special Projects Program
GA-1268 PRA-1268
444-80-1455 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment & Training Program GA-1455 PRA-1455
444-80-2459 COVID-19 Pilot Faith Based Employment & Training Program GA-2459 PRA-2459
444-80-2474 CARES-Act Workforce Equity Initiative Program GA-2474 PRA-2474
444-80-2538 SNAP and TANF E&T Training and Technical Assistance 22-444-80-2538-01 GA-2538 PRA-2538