February 9, 2021 - Quality Care Board Meeting


Tuesday, February 9, 2021, 11:00 a.m.


Teleconference: 1-888-494-4032/Access Code: 8725035698


Peter B. Neumer, Inspector General; Bill Diggins, Interim Deputy Inspector General; Brian Dunn, Chairperson; Jae Jin Pak, Board Member; Shirley Perez, Board Member; Megan Norlin, Board Member; Angela Hearts-Glass, Board Member, Julie Gaines, TA Administrative Assistant

Called to Order - 11:03 a.m.

Approval of October 13, 2020, Minutes

Motion to Approve minutes - Shirley Perez

Motion Seconded - Megan Norlin

All in favor, no opposed - October 13, 2020, minutes approved

Approval of December 8, 2020, Minutes

Motion to Approve minutes - Shirley Perez

Motion Seconded - Megan Norlin

All in favor, no opposed - December 8, 2020, minutes approved

Bi-Monthly Update on OIG Operations

Inspector General Neumer reported that the OIG office continues to operate remotely and will perform on-site investigations on an as-needed basis. Safety precautions (sanitation, social distancing, and PPE) have been put in place for OIG employees that are reporting to the work site, in accordance with the COVID19 guidelines set forth by the Department. Employees that work at 24/7 Facilities have been able to receive the vaccination as supplies are available. OIG employees will be scheduled for vaccination, with the understanding that OIG will be the last persons on site to receive vaccinations (i.e. direct care staff will receive priority over OIG). Once staff are completely vaccinated OIG will be transitioning back to working on site, this is expected to take several more months.

LaSalle Veterans Home Investigation

There was discussion about the procurement of legal counsel and the process of how the investigation will continue from this point.


A person has been selected for the Deputy Inspector General position, the information has been sent to the Governor. Interim Deputy Inspector General Bill Diggins will step in and train the new person with his wealth of knowledge.

Highlights from OIG Annual Report

The Annual Report covered FY 20 July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020. Positive improvements were made to reduce outstanding case loads by 25 percent, possibly due to reduction in complaints due to COVID 19.

OIG's Program Audit Report

The Audit was published on 1/14/2021. OIG will implement some of the recommendations from the Audit into the office directives.

The findings regarding the appropriate representation on the board was able to be resolved.

There was discussion about the initial information that is received when an allegation is received from intake to the assignment of the investigator and how OIG needs to document this information in as thorough a manner as possible.

Other Business

Conflict of Economic Interest forms will be sent out soon. These are to be filled out quickly as there are fines for not completing them.

Board members are to complete any required trainings.

Meetings will continue Bi-monthly on the second Tuesday of the month from 11:00am - 1:00pm.


Meeting adjourned at 12:34 p.m.