Cash Certification Periods Will Not Be Extended Beyond February 2021

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Policy Memo


No Additional 6 Month Extensions After Certification Periods Ending 02/28/2021

TANF and AABD cash certification periods will not be extended beyond February 28, 2021. A TANF or AABD cash household that is currently in a 6-month extension will continue without interruption until the end of the 6 month period.

Cash Redeterminations

  • The Family Community Resource Center (FCRC) will need to process redeterminations (REDEs) for TANF and AABD cash households with an expiring certification period March 31, 2021.
  • REDEs will continue to be processed for each month thereafter.
  • When processing redeterminations workers should certify medical EDGs unless the certification will result in the closure of medical coverage. .

System Changes

  • IES system changes are effective 04/2021.
  • A system generated Cash, SNAP and Medical Redetermination Application (Form 1893) will be mailed to the SNAP households due for a REDE with certification periods ending 03/31/2021 and each month after.

Mid-Point Reports (Form 2890)

Mid-Point Reports due in March 2021 through June 2021 will continue to be waived.

[signed copy on file]

Grace B. Hou

Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services

Form reference:

Form 1893

Form 2890