August 25, 2021 Racial & Ethnic Disparities (RED) Committee Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Racial & Ethnic Disparities (RED) Committee Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


August 25, 2021

2:30pm to 4:00pm

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  1. Welcome & Roll Call
  2. Approval of July 28, 2021 meeting minutes
  3. Review Group Norms
  4. R.E.D. Plan Review and Implementation Discussion
    1. Overview of four goals
    2. Data Collection Timeline
    3. Year one goals
    4. Working Groups
  5. Breakout Session and Report Back
  6. R.E.D. Data Statewide Report Proposal
  7. Public Comment
  8. Adjourn


  1. Welcome & Roll Call
    Co-Chair Era Laudermilk called the meeting to order at 2:34pm and invited Andrea Hall to call roll.
    Roll Call: Delrice Adams, Garien Gatewood, Lisa Hampton, Haley Hopkins, Omar Jamil, Amanda Klonsky, Era Laudermilk, Korynna Lopez, Tamela Meehan, Peg Robertson, Julia Schick, Sam Smith, Tashiana Stafford, Antwan Turpeau, Tamara Vaughn Walker, Dana Weiner.
    Staff: Katy Culleeny, Andrea Hall, Leslie Ress.  
    CCAS: Tayla Fauntleroy, Dr. Lisa Hutchinson.
    Guests: Ricky Holder, Bethel Kifle.
  2. Approval of July 28, 2021 meeting minutes
    Michelle moved approval of the July meeting minutes. Amanda Klonsky seconded the motion. Motion carried.
  3. Review Group Norms
    Ms. Laudermilk reviewed the group norms and asked if Committee members had any questions. There were none.
  4. R.E.D. Plan Review and Implementation Discussion
    1. Overview of four goals
      Ms. Hall reviewed the four goals of the R.E.D. Action Plan and suggested that the first year efforts focus on Goal #1, and if needed, Goal #3.
    2. Data Collection Timeline
      Ms. Hall reviewed the collection timeline for data collection. September 1st strategic conversations will begin. October 1st data collection and outreach begins. November 1st will be a collection check-in. December 15 the data collection will be complete. January 15th will be initial data analysis and February 15th is when report would be completed. March 22 this data is due.
    3. Year one goals
      Ms. Hall explained that Year 1 the Committee may want two simultaneous working groups and that Goal 1 should be priority.
    4. Working Groups
      Ms. Hall asked the group if they wanted to have two working groups addressing Goal 1 or two workgroups, one group for goal 1 and one group for goal 3.
  5. Breakout Session and Report Back
    The Committee broke out into breakout groups and then reconvened and reported out to the full committee.
    Delrice Adams shared on behalf of Group 1. In regards to how working groups should be formed, Group 1 suggests letting committee members self-sort based on their interests with one sub group to review data and that the two groups would coordinate somehow. In regards to the question posed about ICJIA publishing 2019 data, the recommendation is to not publish until a more formal agreement and understanding is reached with counties. Julia Schick noted it was recently announced that pretrial data will soon be state-run as opposed to local jurisdictions, which may impact data requests. Ms. Hall noted strategic conversations should occur with AOIC and other relevant entities regarding this change.
    Michelle Mbekeani shared on behalf of Group 2. Group 2 suggested prioritizing outreach efforts for counties that have historically been unresponsive or experienced more challenges collecting the data. Group 2 also discussed the possibility of collaborating with other agencies who may also be making data requests.
    Dr. Hutchinson shared on behalf of Group 3. Group 3 discussed the order in which the different Goal areas would need to be completed. The committee would need to strategically where the state has information that counties have already shared with those 5 points of contact. Arrest and diversion points of contact seem to be where there is lack of clarity or data are not readily accessible. Group 3 also suggested making clear the benefit to counties in any marketing and outreach efforts.
  6. R.E.D. Data Statewide Report Proposal
    The committee recommended not publishing the 2019 data as it was not approved for that purpose by counties at the time of collection. Committee members discussed challenges with the data collection in the past year, including that some municipalities refused to respond without a court order.
  7. Public Comment
    There was no public comment.
  8. Adjourn
    Meeting adjourned at 3:47pm.