0636 Q&A - PATH Grant (575)

0636 Q&A - PATH Grant (575)

  1. Q:  Please advise the types of entities that are eligible to apply for this program.

    A:  Per the NOFO, Section C. Eligibility Information, Number 1. Eligible Applicants, All potential applicants are eligible. There are no restrictions.

  2. Q:  Is there a document other than the NOFO, that has a more detailed description or guidance on proposal requirements? Is there a corresponding RFP document that exists for this opportunity?

    A:  There is no RFP document other than the currently posted NOFO. 

  3. Q:  Is there a level of specificity and detail regarding the program for allowable budget costs?

    A:  Allowable costs should be consistent with 2 CFR 200.

  4. Q: Is there a required number of individuals to serve, etc.?

    A:  No, but it should be reflective of the amount of funds that are being requested and it would be helpful to include in the proposal.

  5. Q:  Would the applicant be facilitating the deliverable "h": Housing assistance (e.g. security deposits, planning for housing, one-time rental assistance to prevent evictions)?

    A:  Yes.

  6. Q:  Would the funds be built into the grant request?

    A:  Yes, the housing piece will be built in the budget not to exceed 3%.

  7. Q:  The NOFO indicates that there is a match requirement. Is the match to be a cash match requirement or can it be In-Kind?

    A:  The match can be either cash or in kind.

  8. Q:  In the proposal, under the section on "Need", it states to identify "stakeholders". What is meant by stakeholders in the context of this program?

    A:  Homeless advocacy groups and other entities with housing concerns.

  9. Q:  Can grant funds be used to cover costs for clothing, hygienic products and other supplies participants may need? If so, would they be considered program supplies? Or are they to be leveraged from community partners?

    A:  Grant funds may be used to cover the costs referenced and are considered program supplies. Other supplies should be specified as "other supplies as needed".

  10. Q:  Are we able to use HUD and DFSS funding as match sources in our budget for this NOFO?

    A:  You are only able to use those funds if they are NOT federal.