- Provider Sick Time Benefit Program will Sunset on June 30, 2024
- Effective July 1, 2024 Paid Time Off will take effect. Refer to Paid Time Off (PTO) page.
Sick Time Benefit Communication (pdf) | Spanish - Sick Time Benefit Communication (pdf)
Sick Time EVV Toolkit (pdf) | Spanish - Sick Time EVV Toolkit (pdf)
January 26, 2021
Dear Home Service Program (HSP)Customers and Individual Providers (IPs):
At Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS), we are committed to ensuring the health and safety of customers, providers and staff. The Department of Rehabilitation Services (DRS) local offices are not open to the public but are staffed on a limited basis. We are writing to share some important information regarding timesheets and sick time eligibility. IDHS Staff will ensure that timesheets are processed timely and accurately.
Submission of Current Timesheets
On 9/22/20, Customers and IPs were asked to begin submitting current timesheets to the local office for processing. Timesheets should be submitted by the timesheet due date as listed on the enclosed "HSP Individual Provider Payroll Schedule."
Submission of Timesheets from March 2020 - September 2020
In March 2020, Customers and IPs were informed that they were not required to physically submit timesheets. The notification stated that IPs were required to use EVV and maintain a timesheet that would need to physically be submitted later.
IPs are now being asked to submit all timesheets for pay periods in which the IP worked between March and September 2020. The HSP understands that some IPs may not have maintained a timesheet and therefore may not be able to submit the requested timesheets. HSP realizes that we may not receive all the timesheets and while not ideal, we need to collect as many timesheets as possible.
Additional Guidelines for Submission of timesheets
- Timesheets must be complete and legible and must include the signatures of both the Customer and IP.
- Original timesheets are not required. Timesheets may be scanned, faxed, photocopied, or similarly reproduced if the copy is of the original document.
- Signatures may be original handwritten, electronically reproduced or digitally signed.
- IPs may use the standard 3-ply carbon timesheets, photocopy of the 3-ply carbon timesheet or the PDF version of the timesheet posted to the HSP-COVID website at
- Timesheets may be submitted through any of the HSP-approved methods: email, fax, drop boxes now located at the local office or USPS.
Individual Providers Sick Time Notification
Effective Jan 1, 2021 some Individual providers who work for Home Services Program (HSP) customers are eligible to be paid for their earned sick time.
HSP's Collective Bargaining Agreement with SEIU states
"Effective January 1, 2021, Individual Providers having completed two years of work in the program, shall be eligible for paid sick time. Accrual of paid sick time shall be one (1) hour of paid sick time for every 40 hours worked at the straight time rate and shall cap at sixteen (16) hours maximum in a calendar year. Paid sick time shall be used in one-hour increments."
IPs who have worked in the program at least two (2) years will automatically begin earning paid sick time effective January 1, 2021. This means providers who were paid for services in both calendar year 2019 and calendar year 2020 are eligible to earn sick time in calendar year 2021. For every forty (40) hours worked by eligible providers one (1) hour of sick time will be earned. For every additional 40 hours worked, an additional hour will be added until the provider reaches 16 total hours.
Additional Guidelines to Eligible Individual Providers
- One hour of sick time is earned for every 40 hours worked.
- Can earn and claim up to 16 hours maximum in a calendar year. Any hours requested, that have not yet been earned or are over 16 hours will not be paid.
- Must have enough sick time hours earned at the beginning of the pay period in order to be paid for sick time being requested.
- Sick time can only be used in 1-hour increments.
How to be Paid for Sick Time
In order to be paid for sick time, providers are expected to record the sick time using the existing EVV System (Santrax), as well as record the sick time on the HSP timesheet. HSP has implemented Sick Time as an additional service in the Santrax System. IP's must report their sick time by calling the designated 1-800 number. Detailed instructions are provided in the attached quick reference guide.
When submitting timesheets to local offices, IP's must indicate which hours on the timesheet are paid sick time hours. Below is an example of a proper entry on the HSP timesheet to report sick time.