MR #21.05: Temporary Increase in Maximum SNAP Allotments Due to COVID-19

Illinois Department of Human Services Logo



  • This manual release temporarily increases the SNAP Maximum Allotments for SNAP households, including Transitional SNAP (TSNAP) households.
  • Due to guidance received from Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) under the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2021, maximum monthly SNAP allotments are temporarily increased by 15% beginning 01/01/2021 and for each month until 06/30/2021.
  • In addition, the minimum monthly SNAP allotments for 1 and 2 person households has increased from $16 to $19.
  • For the month of January 2021, SNAP households will receive their current monthly benefit amount, plus an additional supplement reflecting the 15% maximum SNAP allotment increase which will bring the household to the full maximum amount.
  • IES system changes will take effect in February 2021 and will reflect the temporarily-increased maximum SNAP allotment amount.
  • The Basis of Issuance Table found in WAG 25-03-09 is revised and provides the temporary monthly SNAP allotments that are in effect 01/01/2021 through 06/30/2021.
  • The IDHS SNAP Eligibility Calculator is currently being modified to use the temporary SNAP allotments effective 01/01/2021.
  • The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program IDHS 124 is currently being revised. Staff will be notified when the IDHS 124 becomes available.
  • Supplement issuances for the January 15% increase for maximum SNAP allotments will be available beginning 01/12/2021 through 01/20/2021.
  • In order for each case to receive the supplement, cases cannot be in case action mode or IES will be unable to issue the supplement.
  • Transitional SNAP (TSNAP) cases are eligible for the 15% temporary increase. Issuance dates will be determined.


This manual release temporarily increases the SNAP Maximum Allotments for SNAP households, including Transitional SNAP (TSNAP) households

Due to guidance received from FNS under the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2021, a temporary 15% increase to the maximum SNAP allotment will be given to active SNAP households beginning 01/01/2021 through 06/30/2021.

Minimum SNAP Allotment

The SNAP Minimum Allotments for 1-2 persons is increased from $16 to $19, beginning 01/01/2021 through 06/30/2021.

Active TSNAP cases

Active Transitional SNAP (TSNAP) cases are eligible for the 15% temporary increase from 01/01/2021 and for each month thereafter through 06/30/2021.

Program Standards Chart

The Program Standards Chart found in WAG 25-03-02 is revised to reflect the temporary increase in SNAP Maximum Allotments.

SNAP Eligibility Calculator

The IDHS SNAP Eligibility Calculator is currently being modified to use the temporary SNAP allotments, effective 01/01/2021. Staff will be informed once it has been completed.

Revisions to SNAP Nutritional Assistance Program (IDHS 124)

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program IDHS 124 is currently being revised. Staff will be notified when the IDHS 124 becomes available.

Basis of Issuance Table

The Basis of Issuance Table found in WAG 25-03-09 is revised to reflect the change, effective 01/01/2021 through 06/30/2021. The change will reflect the 15% increase for the maximum allotments that are currently in effect.

IES System Changes for January and February 2021

For the January 2021 SNAP benefit issuances, a SNAP household will receive its regular maximum SNAP allotment current to the Basis of Issuances Table, revised October 2020, and an additional supplement with the 15% increase to the maximum SNAP allotment.

IES system changes will take effect February 2021 and will reflect the newly increased maximum SNAP allotment amount for each month thereafter until 06/30/2021.

NOTE: Please be advised that in order for each case to receive the supplement, cases cannot be in any case action mode or IES will be unable to issue the supplement. These cases will appear on the Special MUE 100 Exception Report.

Increased Maximum SNAP Allotments 01/01/2021 through 06/30/2021

Household Size Maximum SNAP Allotment
1 Person  $   234
2 Persons   430
3 Persons   616
4 Persons   782
5 Persons   929
6 Persons 1,114
7 Persons 1,232
8 Persons 1,408
9 Persons 1,584
10 Persons 1,760
Each Additional Member  176

Availability Dates for January 2021 15% Increase

Supplement issuances for the January 15% increase for SNAP Maximum Allotments will be available beginning 01/12/2021 through 01/20/2021 as follows:

Regular Availability


Availability Date for

15% Increase Supplement


Case Numbers Starting 1-4



Case Numbers Starting 5-9




01/04/2021 01/15/2021



01/07/2021 01/17/2021



01/10/2021 01/19/2021





Manual Revisions

WAG 13-02-00

WAG 25-03-02 (1)

WAG 25-03-02 (pdf)

WAG 25-06-05-a

WAG 25-06-05-a (1)

WAG 25-03-09 (1)

WAG 25-03-09 (2)

WAG 25-03-09 (3)

[signed copy on file]

Grace B. Hou

Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services

Forms referenced:

IDHS 124