Application Review Information
Program Proposal Criteria
The maximum possible score is 100 points. All submissions will be reviewed, evaluated and based on the Criteria listed below. The purpose of this section is for the applicant to present the agency description, history, achievements, service description, financial overview and future.
Criteria |
Purpose |
Score |
Executive Summary |
The purpose of this section is for the applicant to present the agency description, history, achievements, service description, financial overview, and future plans. |
5 |
Capacity - Agency Qualifications/Organizational Capacity |
The purpose of this section is for the applicant to present an accurate picture of the agency's ability to meet and execute the program requirements, including physical plant, personnel, and training. |
15 |
Need - Description of Need |
The purpose of this section is for the applicant to provide a clear and accurate picture of the need for these services within the community and how the proposed project will meet these needs. In addition, address and identify the populations that need to be served, identification of stakeholders, and specific data or other evidence that demonstrates how the proposal supports the grant program purpose should be included. |
10 |
Quality - Description of Program Services |
The purpose of this section is for the applicant to provide a detailed, clear, and accurate picture of its intended program design that indicates its ability to satisfy the requirements of the grant program. |
30 |
Data Collection, Evaluation and Reporting |
The purpose of this section is for the applicant to describe how they intend to ensure accountability at all levels of service provision, IDHS is implementing the practice of performance-based contracting with its Grantee agencies. The articulation and achievement of measurable outcomes help to ensure that we are carrying out the most effective programming possible. At a minimum, Grantees will be expected to collect, and report data indicators and measures as described in this NOFO. |
10 |
Resource Availability |
The purpose of this section is for the applicant to describe what resources and other knowledge, skill and abilities in addition to those specific to the duration of the funding cycle the applicant possesses or will budget for in order to support the objective of this program. |
20 |
Budget and Budget Narrative |
The purpose of this section is to evaluate the budget for Narrative Inclusion, Fiscal Soundness and Programmatic Soundness. |
10 |
Proposals will be reviewed by IDHS/DMH staff familiar with the requirements of the program including services to be performed in specified geographic location, if applicable. Review team members will have no conflicts of interest and will read and evaluate proposals independently.
Merit-Based Evaluation Appeal Process
Competitive program grant appeals are limited to the merit-based evaluation process only. Evaluation scores cannot be protested. Only the evaluation process is subject to appeal.
An appeal must be submitted electronically, in accordance with the grant application document, to An appeal must be received within 14 calendar days after the date that the grant award notice has been published. The written appeal shall include at a minimum the following:
- the name and address of the appealing party;
- identification of the grant;
- a statement of reasons for the appeal
Response to appeal: The appealing party must supply any additional information requested by DHS/DMH within a reasonable time period.
Anticipated Announcement and State Award Dates
It is anticipated that Notices of State Award (NOSA) will be made in June 2021.
Applicants recommended for funding under this NOFO following the above review and selection process will receive a Notice of State Award (NOSA) via the Grantee Portal. It is important to keep contact information in the Grantee Portal updated since the main contact is the person notification is sent to.
The NOSA shall include:
- The terms and conditions of the award.
- Specific conditions assigned to the grantee based on the potential grantee answers on the Fiscal and Administrative Risk Assessment (ICQ), the Programmatic Risk Assessment and the Merit-Based Reviews.
The NOSA is not an authorization to begin performance or incur costs. The NOSA is a notice of the State's intention to make an award but should not be construed as a guarantee of award. A grant award is not considered to be fully executed until both parties have signed the grant agreement.
After acceptance of the NOSA, announcement of the grant award shall be published by the awarding agency at -The grant agreement will also be published in the CSA Tracking System for signature.
A Notice of Non-Selection shall be sent via email to the applicants not receiving awards.