1185 Notice of Funding Opportunity (515-RIPS)

 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) - Summary Information

1. Awarding Agency Name: Illinois Department of Human Services/Division of Mental Health
2. Agency Contact:

Name: Barb Roberson

Email: Barb.Roberson@illinois.gov

Phone: 217-557-5876

3. Announcement Type: Initial announcement
4. Type of Assistance Instrument: Grant
5. Funding Opportunity Number: 22-444-22-1185-01
6. Funding Opportunity Title: 1185 Regions IPS Trainers
7. CSFA Number: 444-22-1185
8. CSFA Popular Name: Regions IPS Trainers (515-RIPS)
9. CFDA Number(s): NA
10. Anticipated Number of Awards: 2 in Regions 1 and 2
11. Estimated Total Program Funding: $276,012
12. Award Range $94,095 - $181,917
13. Source of Funding: State
14. Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: No
15. Indirect Costs Allowed Yes
16. Posted Date: March 2,2021
17. Closing Date for Applications: APRIL 15, 2021, 5:00 PM CST
18. Technical Assistance Session: Session Offered: No

Agency-specific Content for the Notice of Funding Opportunity

  1. Program Description
    1. Scope of Services

      The Grantee will provide evidence-based Individual Placement and Supported Employment (IPS-SE) to assist persons with serious mental illness obtain mainstream competitive employment.

      The Grantee will recruit, hire, and employ a full-time IPS Trainer (or multiple full-time Trainers) to provide IPS training and technical assistance to other IPS Grantee Agencies and/or Agencies interested in implementing and providing IPS. The IPS Trainer will assist the Division of Mental Health (DMH) with the sustainability and scalability of IPS in the State of Illinois.

    2. Deliverables

      Performance Requirements:

      The Grantee will provide an IPS Trainer who will be an IPS technical assistance practitioner with at least three years' experience delivering the IPS-SE evidence-based practice. The IPS trainer will function in partnership and collaborate with the IPS Statewide Program Manager and other DMH regional IPS-SE coordinators and trainers. The IPS Trainer shall assist DMH with coordinating IPS-SE services, and providing training and technical assistance in all aspects of IPS programming including:

      1. Implementation of the IPS Model using the 8 Principles of IPS
      2. Integration of IPS with Clinical and Recovery Services
      3. Monitoring of Fidelity of IPS
      4. Monitoring and Evaluating IPS Agency Performance and Outcomes
      5. Documentation and billing practices.
      6. Monitoring and evaluating outcomes
      7. Creating reports if necessary.
    3. Payment

      Reference the Uniform Grant Agreement, Article IV Payment, Section 4.2 Return of Grant Funds and 4.3 Cash Management Improvement Act of 1990. Payment will be issued monthly and reconciled with reported allowable expenses.

    4. Performance Measures
      1. Number of direct Technical Assistance (TA) hours provided to IPS stakeholders (Grantees, funders, consumers, family members, collaborators) by the individual IPS Trainer.
      2. Number of (TA) materials and resources developed by the individual IPS Trainer.
      3. Number of Fidelity Reviews Completed by the individual IPS Trainer.
      4. Number of agencies within Grantee Network.
      5. Number of agencies working towards Fidelity Statewide.
      6. Number of agencies at Fidelity Statewide.
      7. The number of agencies statewide implementing or working toward implementing evidence based IPS.
      8. The number of unduplicated consumers statewide receiving IPS.
    5. Performance Standards
      1. 2,500 or more hours of direct TA provided by all IPS Trainers Statewide. (include on-site, group, and tele- and web-based TA).
      2. 25 or more TA Resources and/or materials developed, organized, and prepared for use by others in the current fiscal year by the individual IPS Trainer, Statewide.
      3. 32 or more Fidelity reviews will be completed in the current fiscal year by all IPS Trainers Statewide combined.
      4. 95% or more agencies reached fidelity Statewide.
      5. 100% of agencies implement or are working toward implementing evidence based IPS Statewide.
      6. 3,300 or more unduplicated consumers received IPS in the current fiscal year. (unduplicated number of enrollees in the current fiscal year, inclusive of all IPS sites)
  2. Funding Information

    This NOFO is considered a grant agreement and is a competitive application for funding. It is not a guarantee of funding.

    Applicants must submit a program plan which supports the level of funding (See NOFO Summary Information above) and detailed service delivery and deliverables (See Section A). This award utilizes state appropriated funds.

    1. Funding Restrictions

      IDHS/DMH is not obligated to reimburse applicants for expenses or services incurred prior to the complete and final execution of the grant agreement and filing with the Illinois Office of the Comptroller.

    2. Allowable Costs

      Allowable costs are those that are necessary, reasonable and permissible under the law and can be found in 2 CFR 200 - Subpart E - Cost Principles.

    3. Unallowable Costs

      Please refer to 2 CFR 200 - Subpart E - Cost Principles to see a collection of unallowable costs.

    4. Indirect Cost Rate Requirements

      Please refer to 2 CFR 200.414 regarding Indirect (F&A) Costs. To charge indirect costs to a grant, agencies must have an annually negotiated indirect cost rate agreement (NICRA). If the agency has multiple NICRAs, IDHS will accept only the lesser rate:

      1. Federally Negotiated Rate: Organizations that receive direct federal funding may have an indirect cost rate that was negotiated with the Federal Cognizant Agency. Illinois will accept the federally negotiated rate.
      2. State Negotiated Rate: The organization must negotiate an indirect cost rate with the State of Illinois by completing an indirect cost rate proposal in the CARS system if they do not have a Federally Negotiated Rate or elect to use the De Minimis Rate.
      3. De Minimis Rate: Any non-Federal entity that does not have a current negotiated (including Provisional) rate, except for those non-Federal entities described in appendix VII, Paragraph D.1.b of Part 200, may elect to charge a de minimis rate of 10% of modified total direct costs (MTDC) which may be used indefinitely.
      4. Elect to decline any indirect cost rate: Grantees have discretion not to claim payment for indirect costs. Grantees that elect not to claim indirect costs cannot be reimbursed for indirect costs. The organization must record an election of "No Indirect Costs" into CARS.
    5. Renewals

      This program will be awarded as a 12-month term agreement with two, one-year renewal options. Renewals are at the sole discretion of the IDHS and are contingent on meeting the following criteria:

      1. Applicant has performed satisfactorily during the most recent past-funding period;
      2. All required reports have been submitted on time, unless a written exception has been provided by the Division;
      3. No outstanding issues or outstanding Corrective Action Plans (CAPs) are present (i.e. in good standing with all pre-qualification requirements); and
      4. Funding for the budget year has been appropriated in the state's approved fiscal year budget.
  3. Eligibility Information
    1. Eligible Applicants

      This funding opportunity is not limited to those who currently have an award. All potential applicants are eligible.

      Prior to applying for any Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), every applicant must first be registered and prequalified through the following steps. This must be done on or before the application's due date or the application CANNOT be accepted for review.

      1. Apply for or update their DUNS number. This must be done annually.
      2. Apply for or update their SAM registration and receive a SAM cage code. This must be done yearly.
      3. Be registered and in good standing with the Illinois Secretary of State. (This is not required of governmental entities and schools.)
      4. Register with the GATA/CSFA system at https://grants.illinois.gov/registration/.
      5. Register and access both the IDHS Community Service Agreement (CSA) tracking system and the Centralized Repository Vault (CRV).

        During pre-qualification, verifications are performed to ensure the applicant is not on the Federal Excluded Parties List; not on the Illinois Stop Payment list; and not on the Department of Healthcare and Family Services Provider Sanctions List.

        In addition, the following must be submitted before an award can be made. The due date for the following is APRIL 15, 2021, 5:00 PM CST:

        1. Fiscal and Administrative Risk Assessment (ICQ) for the fiscal year you are applying. Grantees must complete this on the GATA/CSFA system. Be sure to click "submit" to submit your answers when complete. This is done only once per entity per fiscal year.
        2. Programmatic Risk Assessment (PRA). Potential grantees must submit a Programmatic Risk Assessment for each grant applied for. This must be done for each program applied for.
    2. Cost Sharing or Matching: Not required.
    3. Indirect Cost Rate: See Section B Funding Information, #4 Indirect Cost Rate Requirements.
  4. Application and Submission Information
    1. Application Packet

      Each applicant must have access to the internet. Applicants may obtain application forms at the Division's Grant Information website https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=130322. It is the responsibility of each applicant to monitor that website and comply with any instructions or requirements relating to the NOFO.

    2. Questions

      IDHS encourages inquiries concerning this funding opportunity and welcomes the opportunity to answer questions from applicants. Questions and DHS/DMH Responses "Q&A" will be posted to the DMH Grant Information website and updated periodically at the following link https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=130466

      Questions about this NOFO, must be sent via email to DHS.DMHGrantApp@illinois.gov.  "The subject line of the email MUST state: "Program 515-RIPS Regions IPS Trainers - Question(s)". Questions will only be accepted electronically.

    3. Content and Form of Application Submission
      1. Each applicant is required to submit a Uniform Application for State Grant Assistance. This is a 3-page document with the first page already completed by the Division of Mental Health. This document must be signed and dated by the applicant.
      2. Program Proposal
        1. The Program Proposal shall not exceed 10 pages. If there are more than 10 pages, the remaining pages will not be reviewed 
        2. Attachments must not contain criteria information. Attachments are NOT included in the page limitations.
        3. The Program Proposal, including attachments should be sequentially page numbered.
        4. All documents must be typed using 12-point type,100% magnification and use black typeface on a white background, Except for letterhead and stationery for letter(s) of support.
        5. The Program Proposal must be typed single-spaced with 1-inch margins on all sides.
        6. The PDF submission must be on 8 1/2 x 11-inch page size .
        7. The submission shall include the 3-page Uniform Application,10-page Program Proposal and attachments. These must be in PDF format and submitted as one document.
      3. Subrecipient budget(s).
        1. All subrecipient budget(s) with narrative must be included with the application package.
        2. Subrecipient budgets shall be submitted on the DHS/DMH Budget template (GOMBGATU-3002-(R-02-17)).
    4. Submission Dates and Times
      1. To be considered for award, application materials must be in the possession of the IDHS email address DHS.DMHGrantApp@illinois.gov and by the designated date and time listed in Box 17 of the NOFO Summary above. Emails into this box are electronically date and time stamped upon arrival. For your records, please keep a copy of your email submission with the date and time the proposal was submitted, along with the email address to which it was sent. The deadline will be strictly enforced. In the event of a dispute, the applicant bears the burden of proof that the proposal was received on time at the location listed above. If an applicant experiences technical difficulties, an email must be sent to DHS.DMHGrantApp@illinois.gov prior to the submission deadline. If State systems are deemed to be working properly, it is the applicant's responsibility to ensure their application materials arrive at the appropriate email address before the submission deadline date and time.
      2. Applications and Program Proposals will only be accepted electronically and should be emailed to DHS.DMHGrantApp@illinois.gov. Those that are delivered by any other means will not be accepted and will be immediately disqualified. IDHS/DMH is under no obligation to review applications that do not comply with the above requirements.
      3. Applicants will receive an email to notify them that the application was received and if it was received by the due date and time. The email reply will be sent to the original sender of the application and program proposal. Applications and program proposals received after the due date and time will not be considered for review and funding. There will be no exceptions.
      4. Submit the completed Application,10-page Program Proposal and attachments as a single document to: DHS.DMHGrantApp@illinois.gov. The submission must not be encrypted.
      5. The subject line of the email MUST state: ""Your Organization's Name; Program 515-RIPS Regions IPS Trainers " and be in the following order: 
        1. Uniform State Grant Application (3-page document) (Not included in page limit)
        2. Program Proposal (Must not exceed 10 pages; if there are more than 10 pages, the remaining pages will not be reviewed).
        3. Attachments (Not included in page limit). This would include Linkage Agreements (if applicable). Attachments must not contain criteria information.
      6. The following mandatory documents must be submitted prior to the due date listed in Box 17 of the NOFO Summary above:
        1. Uniform Grant Application (UGA) for State Grant Assistance
        2. Program Proposal
        3. Subrecipient budget(s)
        4. Uniform Grant Budget (UGB) submitted in the CSA Tracking System.
    5. Budget Requirements

      A budget and budget narrative need to be completed in the CSA tracking system. There is space when preparing the budget on each line item for the budget narrative. Instructions for the CSA Tracking System can be found at https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=61069. For Budget Information click on https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=95348.

      1. A Budget Template and Instructions can be used as a tool to assist in determining expenses; however, the final budget must be completed in the CSA Tracking System. The pdf budget or paper copy will not be accepted nor should be included in the application packet.
      2. The budget narrative should describe how the specified resources and personnel have been allocated for services and activities described in the budget.
      3. The budget should be prepared to reflect a full fiscal year.
    6. Dun and Bradstreet Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Number and System for Award Management (SAM)

      Applicant must annually apply or update their DUNS number and their SAM registration and receive a SAM cage code, and continue to maintain an active SAM registration with current information at all times during which it has an active award or an application or plan under consideration by a Federal or State awarding agency. The IDHS cannot make an award to an applicant until the applicant has complied with all applicable DUNS and SAM requirements and, if an applicant has not fully complied with the requirements by the time the State awarding agency is ready to make an award, the IDHS may determine that the applicant is not qualified to receive an award and use that determination as a basis for making an award to another applicant.

    7. Funding Restrictions

      IDHS/DMH is not obligated to reimburse applicants for expenses or services incurred prior to the complete and final execution of the grant agreement and filing with the Illinois Office of the Comptroller.

    8. Agreement Terms

      The term of the agreement will be July 1, 2021 and continuing through June 30, 2022 and will require the mutual consent of both parties, be dependent upon the Grantee's performance and adherence to program requirements and the availability of funds. IDHS may withdraw this Notice of Funding Opportunity at any time prior to the actual time a fully executed agreement is filed with the State of Illinois Comptroller's Office.

  5. Application Review Information

    Program Proposal Criteria

    The maximum possible score is 100 points. All submissions will be reviewed, evaluated and based on the Criteria listed below. The purpose of this section is for the applicant to present the agency description, history, achievements, service description, financial overview and future.

    Criteria Purpose Score
    Executive Summary The purpose of this section is for the applicant to present the agency description, history, achievements, service description, financial overview and future. 5
    Capacity - Agency Qualifications/Organizational Capacity The purpose of this section is for the applicant to present an accurate picture of the agency's ability to meet the program requirements. 15
    Need - Description of Need The purpose of this section is for the applicant to provide a clear and accurate picture of the need for these services within the community and how the proposed project will address these needs. The Applicant should include working relationship(s) with other IPS stakeholders 10
    Quality - Description of Program Services The purpose of this section is for the applicant to provide a detailed, clear and accurate picture of its intended program design. 30
    Data Collection, Evaluation and Reporting To ensure accountability at all levels of service provision, IDHS is implementing the practice of performance-based contracting with its Grantee agencies. The articulation and achievement of measurable outcomes help to ensure that we are carrying out the most effective programming possible. At a minimum, Grantees will be expected to collect and report data indicators and measures as described in this NOFO. 10
    Resource Availability Describe what resources and other knowledge, skill and abilities in addition to those specific to the duration of the funding cycle the applicant possesses or will budget for in order to support the objective of this program. These may include, but not limited to the availability of space like meeting rooms, space to carry out this program, etc. 20
    Budget and Budget Narrative The purpose of this section is to evaluate the budget for Narrative Inclusion, Fiscal Soundness and Programmatic Soundness. 10

    Proposals will be reviewed by IDHS/DMH staff familiar with the requirements of the program including services to be performed in specified geographic location, if applicable. Review team members will have no conflicts of interest and will read and evaluate proposals independently.

    Merit-Based Evaluation Appeal Process

    Competitive program grant appeals are limited to the merit-based evaluation process only. Evaluation scores cannot be protested. Only the evaluation process is subject to appeal.

    An appeal must be submitted electronically, in accordance with the grant application document, to DHS.DMHGrantApp@illinois.gov.  An appeal must be received within 14 calendar days after the date that the grant award notice has been published.  The written appeal shall include at a minimum the following:

    1. the name and address of the appealing party;
    2. identification of the grant;
    3. a statement of reasons for the appeal

    Response to appeal
    : The appealing party must supply any additional information requested by DHS/DMH within a reasonable time period.

    Anticipated Announcement and State Award Dates

    It is anticipated that Notices of State Award (NOSA) will be made in June 2021.

    Applicants recommended for funding under this NOFO following the above review and selection process will receive a Notice of State Award (NOSA) via the Grantee Portal. It is important to keep contact information in the Grantee Portal updated since the main contact is the person notification is sent to.

    The NOSA shall include:

    1. The terms and conditions of the award.
    2. Specific conditions assigned to the grantee based on the potential grantee answers on the Fiscal and Administrative Risk Assessment (ICQ), the Programmatic Risk Assessment and the Merit-Based Reviews.

    The NOSA is not an authorization to begin performance or incur costs. The NOSA is a notice of the State's intention to make an award but should not be construed as a guarantee of award. A grant award is not considered to be fully executed until both parties have signed the grant agreement.

    After acceptance of the NOSA, announcement of the grant award shall be published by the awarding agency at www.grants.Illinois.gov. -The grant agreement will also be published in the CSA Tracking System for signature.

    A Notice of Non-Selection shall be sent via email to the applicants not receiving awards.

  6. Award Administration Information
    1. Administrative and National Policy Requirements

      Applicants awarded these funds shall provide services as set forth in the IDHS grant agreement and shall act in accordance with all state and federal statutes and administrative rules applicable to the provision of the services including indirect cost rate requirements in Section B Funding Information, #4 Indirect Cost Rate Requirements.

      The legal agreement between IDHS and the successful applicant(s) will be the standard IDHS Uniform Grant Agreement. If selected for funding, the applicant will be provided an IDHS grant agreement for signature and return. A sample of the agreement may be found at https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=29741.

    2. Reporting

      Reporting requirements for the grant agreement shall be in accordance with the requirements set forth in Section A and shall also comply with the requirements of the Uniform Grant Agreement.

      Reporting Requirements:

      1. Time Period for Required Periodic Financial Reports. Unless a different reporting requirement is specified in Exhibit G, Grantee shall submit financial reports to Grantor pursuant to Paragraph 13.1 and reports must be submitted no later than 30 days after the quarter ends.
      2. Time Period for Close-out Reports. Grantee shall submit a Close-out Report pursuant to Paragraph 13.2 and no later than 60 days after this Agreement's end of the period of performance or termination.
      3. Time Period for Required Periodic Performance Reports. Unless a different reporting requirement is specified in Exhibit G, Grantee shall submit Performance Reports to Grantor pursuant to Paragraph 14.1 and such reports must be submitted no later than 30 days after the quarter ends.
      4. Time Period for Close-out Performance Reports. Grantee agrees to submit a Close-out Performance Report, pursuant to Paragraph 14.2 and no later than 60 days after this Agreement's end of the period of performance or termination.

        Grantee shall submit a quarterly Periodic Financial Report (GOMBGATU-4002 (N-08-17)) to the appropriate email address. Reported expenses should be consistent with the approved annual grant budget. Any expenditure variances require prior Grantor approval in accordance with Article VI of the Uniform Grant Agreement to be reimbursable.

        PFR Email Address for General Grants: DHS.DMHQuarterlyReports@illinois.gov

        PFR Email Address for Williams Consent Decree: DHS.DMHWilliamsInvoices@Illinois.gov

        PFR Email Address for Colbert Consent Decree: DHS.Colbert.Invoices@illinois.gov

        The Grantee shall submit quarterly Periodic Performance Report (GOMBGATU-4001 (N-08-17)) and the Periodic Performance Report Template by Program (PRTP) to the appropriate email address below. Reporting templates and instructions for submitting reports can be found in the Provider section of the DHS website.

        PPR and PPRT Email Address for All Grants: DHS.DMHQuarterlyReports@illinois.gov

        DMH reporting templates and detailed instructions for submitting reports can be found in the Provider section of the DHS website.

  7. State Awarding Agency Contact(s)

    If you need to contact the Division of Mental Health, please contact:

    Barb Roberson at the following DHS.DMHGrantApp@illinois.gov

  8. Other Information
    1. IDHS reserves the right to request additional information that could assist with its award decision. Applicants are expected to provide the additional information within a reasonable time period. Failure to provide the information could result in the rejection of the proposal.
    2. The release of this Notice of Funding Opportunity does not compel IDHS to make an award.
    3. This funding opportunity is considered a new application.
    4. Useful websites

      Apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) Online


      Grant Accountability and Transparency Act website:  https://www.illinois.gov/sites/gata/Pages/default.aspx

      Illinois Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA) (30ILCS 708/):  http://ilga.gov/legislation/ilcs/ilcs3.asp?ActID=3559&ChapterID=7

      2 CFR 200 Electronic Code of Federal Regulations:  http://www.ecfr.gov/

      Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements (2 CFR 200):


      OMB Uniform Guidance:  https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/learn-grants/grant-policies/omb-uniform-guidance-2014.html

      IDHS website: www.dhs.state.il.us

      CSA Tracking System: https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=61069  

      For Budget Information click on https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=95348

    5. Mandatory Forms -- Required for All Agencies
      1. Uniform State Grant Application
      2. Program Proposal
      3. Subrecipient Budget(s) Template GOMBGATU-3002-(R-02-17).
      4. Budget using the Uniform Grant Budget (UGB) Template (in the CSA Tracking System) https://www.dhs.state.il.us/Page.aspx?item=61069)