1184 Q&A - Regions Deaf Special Program (515-RDSP)

1184 Q&A - Regions Deaf Special Program (515-RDSP)

  1. Q:  [Agency] had some questions on the Program Risk Survey under #5, Grant specific questions.

    5.1:  Does the grantee provide any level of outpatient mental health service... I am not sure of the "outpatient" for the Center on Deafness?

    5.4 Is the grantee (Center on Deafness) currently certified as comprehensive community mental health center as defined in part 132 subparts B and C? 

    A:  5.1 Any level of outpatient service includes any mental health service that is not a inpatient mental health service. Examples of an outpatient service may include, but are not limited to, case management; psychiatric; individual or group counseling; community support team services; etc.

    5.4 Certification as comprehensive community mental health center as defined in part 132 subparts B and C refers to the Administrative Rule: PART 132 MEDICAID COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES PROGRAM. Further information on the definition, characteristics and requirements can be found directly at: https://www.ilga.gov/commission/jcar/admincode/059/05900132sections.html.

  2. Q:  Does "community networks" refer to specific, established networks and if so, what are their names, locations, and areas served. Also, do we designate a specific region of the state to serve. Or, since the NOFO refers to "statewide," do we serve people living throughout the state.

    A:  As stated in the NOFO: "There are community networks across the state of Illinois that serve as a separate referral source for these populations. In these networks, information is communicated on how and where to access these services that are delivered in a cultural affirmative approach. The Grantee shall serve as an embedded entity of these community networks as it relates to their cultural affirmative service delivery of mental health services. The Grantee's staff will outreach, collaborate, and network across various service systems to effectively address these challenges."

    Historically, these community networks have naturally evolved to include various stakeholders and service providers specific to serving Deaf, Hard of Hearing, DeafBlind, and Late-Deafened individuals in various and diverse capacities. These community networks communicate with each other specific to the services that are available for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, DeafBlind and Late-Deafened individuals in the State of Illinois. This can include, but is not limited to, referrals and collaboration. This grant opportunity is categorized as statewide, because it is not limited to serving Deaf, Hard of Hearing, DeafBlind and Late-Deafened individuals who reside in one specific geographic location in Illinois.

  3. Q:  Is there contact information for the networks or do we contact each state regions for information on the networks in that region. If they are a source for referrals, then we need information as to how we can contact them about services.

    A:  The community networks referred to are not necessarily formal networks with membership, but rather informal associations and collaborations that have developed between entities who have effectively delivered services to Deaf, Hard of Hearing, DeafBlind and Late-Deafened individuals. They may have partnered together at times and developed relationships with one another that facilitate communication and involvement in providing referrals and services to the communities in which they are involved. In order for the Grantee to serve an embedded entity of a community network, the Grantee must identify it in order to become a part of this network. The community network of various stakeholders and service providers specific to serving Deaf, Hard of Hearing, DeafBlind, and Late-Deafened individuals serves as a referral source and collaborative vehicle so that the populations are aware of how to access the Grantee's mental health services that are delivered in a culturally affirmative model. The network is not within one geographic area of Illinois. It is throughout Illinois and consists of entities that serve the entire state, one specific area of the state, all ages through the lifespan, or only one specific age range. The community network includes (but is not limited to) entities that are service providers (both government and community-related), educational institutions (local school districts, residential schools, special education districts, post-secondary entities, etc), recreational and social groups, advocacy groups, private practice professionals, organizations of professionals who work with these populations, etc. The Grantee is responsible for informing the community network of their service delivery model, including how Deaf, Hard of Hearing, DeafBlind and Late-Deafened individuals from any geographic location can be served by their services. Informing the community network can occur in a variety of ways: electronically via email listservs, website/newsletter announcement(s), social media, interagency collaborative meetings, etc. The Grantee must describe their plan to publicize and announce to the network about their service delivery model and how to access services. Additionally, the Grantee must describe their plan for ongoing outreach and communication with the network to ensure that accurate and up-to-date information about these vital services is known.

  4. Q:  Is the expectation that this funding would cover staff salaries to support those without insurance? Or is the idea to supplement MCO billing with this funding to increase accessibility? Or is that up to the provider?

    A:  This funding is designated to support costs associated with cultural affirmative service delivery approach; the necessary outreach, networking, and collaboration necessary as an embedded entity providing for these populations; adaptation of evidence-based mental health treatment; and paying for licensed sign language interpreter services. This funding does support hiring staff who exhibit the distinct knowledge base, specialized clinical skills, and specialized cultural and linguistic skills to effectively serve these populations. This funding is not designed to supplement any HFS and/or MCO billing, as the designated costs supported by this grant are not billable to HFS nor any MCO.