January 21, 2021 DDD Communication

Good Afternoon,

 Jennifer Gentile, Deputy Director, Clinical Operations & Tiffany Bailey,

Above: Jennifer Gentile, Deputy Director, Clinical Operations & Tiffany Bailey

Submit your photo or video (either YOUR PLEDGE or actual vaccination) by texting "SELFIE" (English) or "SPASELFIE" (Spanish) to 552020. Then upload your photo. You can also email it to DHS.COVID19@Illinois.gov. If you want to be in the DDD Comments you can also email it to me directly!


IDHS is pleased to provide this phenomenal, must watch video presentation by Dr. Emily Landon on the COVID-19 vaccines. I encourage you to share with your staff that may have concerns or questions. Dr. Landon shares worthwhile information that allays fears. This presentation was originally directed to our State Operated Facilities staff and has led to further vaccine acceptance across our facilities.

Dr. Landson specializes in infectious diseases and leads the University of Chicago academic health system's infection control and prevention efforts. As the medical specialist for the High-Consequence Pathogen Preparedness Program, Dr. Landon has helped steer the University of Chicago Medicine, the University of Chicago, and its affiliates through the COVID-19 pandemic. She also regularly advises businesses, industries and government officials on how to best respond to the global crisis. For more information on Dr. Landon: https://www.uchicagomedicine.org/find-a-physician/physician/emily-landon

Please watch and share with your networks!


  • As of yesterday, The preliminary seven-day statewide positivity for cases as a percent of total test from January 7-13, 2021 is 6.8%. The preliminary seven-day statewide test positivity from January 7-13, 2021 is 8.0%.
  • Need to register for the spring DDD training webinars? You can find information and links to register here: https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=45209


The Illinois Department of Public Health released new guidance on mitigations on 1/15/21.

You can also find statewide, and county, vaccination data here: https://www.dph.illinois.gov/covid19/vaccinedata?county=Illinois


We've received a few inquiries from providers requesting an update on the future of At-Home Day Program (37U). We want to be clear that post-pandemic, At-Home Day Program will return to a prior approval process. At this time, we're allowing for At-Home Day Program to avoid prior approval through June 30, 2021. We will notify providers when this is reverting back to prior approval. Ideally, we would like to see individuals return to a full array of their normal day options post-pandemic.


The Division's Bureau of Quality Management (BQM) has started provider reviews for Fiscal Year 2021 with an updated Tool. These updates are the result of a process undertaken by the Division to incorporate the Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Settings Rule, to more appropriately measure person-centeredness and personal choice within our Waiver settings, and to measure compliance with the Ligas Consent Decree, as appropriate. As part of the update process, members of the Developmental Disabilities Advisory Committee (DDAC) were able to review the draft Tool and provide input. It is important to note that the review Tool is not final and will undergo further revisions over the coming year for use next fiscal year. As more updates are discussed and drafted, the Division will work with the DDAC, as well as other stakeholders, for input. Additional questions or comments should be directed to Cynthia SchierlSpreen, Bureau Chief for BQM, at Cynthia.SchierlSpreen@Illinois.gov. We also welcome provider feedback on the new Tool!


State-wide rate increases ($.50) have been updated in the DD Division's billing and payment systems. Division staff have begun the process of updating each person's CILA Rate as well as their day program rates. We anticipate having waiver rate changes in the system in time for provider's billing of January services after the first week of February. With the continuation of COVID-19 rates for CILA (60D) only, rate summaries will be sent to agencies instead of individual CILA Rate Sheets. Generating and mailing over 11,000 individual rate sheets for people enrolled in CILA is being postponed until non-COVID rates return.

People in ICD/DDs are also in the process of having their residential and DT rates updated (DDD has completed their portion) for the most recent reimbursement increase, however, HFS also has a role to play in updating their systems. We are hopeful this will be completed in the near future.


The Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities (ICDD) is seeking public comment on the draft goals and objectives for its 2022-2026 State Plan. This is an opportunity for the public to provide input on the activities and policy work that we will conduct over the next five years. Anyone interested in disability issues in Illinois - including self-advocates, family members of people with developmental disabilities (DD), service providers, and others - can participate and share their ideas. The deadline to provide comments is March 29, 2021! You can find the plan and feedback survey here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=nwgia7qOPEaE9TFxIQ-QBTefZDSW-WRHn7MIrilFn_9UME4xQlg1SEJYNlRYUVE1NFhPSkZNVEUyUi4u

Thank you for all you do. Pledge to get vaccinated!


Allison V. Stark

Director, Division of Developmental Disabilities

Illinois Department of Human Services

600 East Ash-Building 400, Springfield, IL 62703

Tel: (217) 782 -6803

To request to be added to our email database, or to update your contact and service information, please complete our Contact Survey at the following link:


Information provided will help us to better tailor communications to you in the future.