WAG 02-09-01

Deny TANF benefits and progress the application to medical (if medical has not already been approved) when a person applying for cash for a family with an adult
or teen parent fails without good cause to:
- participate in a Family Assessment and develop the RSP with the caseworker; or
- sign the RSP.
Deny TANF benefits for that person and all others required to be in the same TANF filing unit. Approve medical assistance for the persons denied cash, if medical has not already been approved.
If a teen parent in a 3-generation household does not cooperate without good cause, deny cash benefits for the entire family. Progress the application to medical if medical has not already been approved. Deny the cash benefits even if the payee is cooperating.
For compliance with ongoing review of an RSP once the case is approved, see PM 03-13-04 and PM 03-13-06.