Mental Health Grant Information - FY 2022

The table below includes links to the Notices of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs), if applicable, Question & Answer (QA) information (if applicable), Grant Application (GA), and the Programmatic Risk Assessment (PRA).

For detailed information about the application requirements, please see Grant Application Information and Instructions. If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to

CSFA Number Grant Title NOFO Q&A GA PRA
444-22-2857 401 Suicide Prevention Call Center Enhancement (SPCE) NOFO 2857 QA 2857 GA 2857 PRA
444-22-2838 999 Sustainability Grant Non-Competitive NA 2838 GA 2838 PRA
444-22-2718 515-NRSP National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) - DuPage Non-Competitive NA Sent to Provider PRA