PM 02-07-03-i: Resources

WAG 02-07-03-i

Revised textVerify resources for the AABD program.

For the Medicare Saving Program (MSP), which consist of QMB, SLIB, and QI-1, accept client's statement of resources. 

Resources are exempt for TANF, RRP, FamilyCare Assist and All Kids.

Verify Revised Textresources for SNAP only if a qualifying member unit's gross income exceeds the 200% FPL SNAP Maximum Gross Income Standard, or if a SNAP unit has an IPV or work sanctioned member. These units are not categorically eligible for SNAP.

Simplified Processing for Determining Income and Resource Eligibility for Medical Benefits

Apply this policy when determining eligibility at initial application, at redetermination and when changes are reported.

This policy applies to Community and Long Term Supports and Services (LTSS) applicants and clients.

  • Accept receipt of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) as verification of financial eligibility for both income and resources for individuals who are receiving SSI.
  • Accept receipt of SSI as verification of financial eligibility for individuals who were receiving SSI when they were admitted to a nursing facility.
  • Accept the individual's current written statement declaring that their resources are below the resource standard for the program, unless questionable, when their verified income is at or below 100% Federal Poverty Level (FPL).
  • Accept information reported on an application or on a redetermination form as a current written statement of resources.
  • Require a current written statement of resources when a change is reported that could affect financial eligibility.
  • Use HFS 2378DR when a change is reported and a current written statement of resources is required.
  • Verify resource transfers for all individuals applying for or receiving LTSS.

Note:  When a person who was receiving SSI income is placed in non-pay status verification of income and resources is required.