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See policy memorandum dated 10/03/13 Verification for Medical Programs.
See Medical Morsel dated 04/01/14 Electronic Verifications for Medical Programs.
Document in the case record all requests for verification and the actual verification.
For any factor needed to determine cash or medical eligibility, use the verification provided by the applicant to establish the cash eligibility as acceptable verification for SNAP purposes.
Documentary Evidence
The applicant has the main responsibility to provide written proof to support their income statements and to resolve any questionable information. The main source of verification is a copy in the case record or a case recording which is in sufficient detail to document eligibility/ineligibility. If written proof is not available, use a third party contact or a home visit. The record must contain the reason a third party contact or home visit was needed.
Third Party Contact
The applicant is responsible for providing the name of any third party contact.
What is a Third Party Contact?
A third party contact is a verbal confirmation of an applicant's circumstances, by a person who does not live with them and who is able to provide an accurate verification of the applicant's statements.
The contact may be made in person or by phone.
Examples of acceptable third party contacts include, but are not limited to:
- employers,
- social service agencies,
- migrant service agencies,
- neighbors of the applicant,
- landlord.
When is a Third Party Contact Not Acceptable?
The FCRC does not have to use a third party contact named by the applicant, if they cannot be expected to provide accurate verification. When the person is not acceptable, ask the applicant to name another person. The FCRC is responsible for obtaining verification from acceptable third party contacts.
Domestic or Sexual Violence
If a TANF applicant claims to have experienced, be experiencing or fear experiencing domestic or sexual violence, obtain the applicant's written consent before contacting a third party. Do not contact a person named as the abuser or perpetrator, the abuser or perpetrator's family or employer, or any other person who the client indicates is unsafe without the client's written permission. Use Consent to Release Information (Form 34) to get signed permission to contact a third party. Work with the applicant to identify safe verification sources.
Home Visits
Schedule home visits in advance. Use a home visit to obtain verification if written proof cannot be obtained or is insufficient to make a determination.
Conflicting Information
Where information from another source does not agree with statements made by the applicant, give the applicant an opportunity to resolve the conflict before determining eligibility.