WAG 02-05-09: Procedures for DCFS Children in DHS Facilities

  1. (DCFS) Sends Form 2378H to BOS approximately 2 months before a foster child (Category 98) reaches age 19.
    1. 1a. (BOS) Sends the application to the FCRC (Nursing Home Services in Cook County) serving the county in which the facility is located.
  2. (Intake) Contact by telephone, if necessary, the appropriate DCFS or DHS facility staff member. If eligible, approve medical as Category 92 or 93. Use the same RIN assigned to the Category 98 case.

(FCRC) The approval of a Category 92 or 93 case closes eligibility on MMIS under the Category 98 case. The closure is effective the last day of the month prior to the effective month of medical approved for the Category 92 or 93 case. Therefore, do not backdate medical unless the Category 98 case was canceled prior to approval of the Category 92 or 93 case.