DDD Communications - November 5,2020

Good Afternoon,

As of yesterday, the statewide rolling 7-day positivity rate was 8.5% with all regions in mitigation.


  • Be on the lookout for additional COVID-19 guidance, including renewing some policy flexibilities under the Appendix K.
  • Next week expect the publication of our new DDD Employment page. It will include links to our two NDEAM webinars for those that missed them, as well as a few other employment resources.


As a reminder, the Division is asking agencies to report all COVID-19 positive individuals they support in their waiver funded residential program to their Independent Service Coordination (ISC) agency. You can find all provider reported data, to date, here: https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=125170


I also want to remind providers that Local Health Departments (LHD) should be consulted immediately if a positive COVID-19 case is identified. LHDs have the resources to provide testing and will also provide guidance and support. We understand there have been some challenges with individual LHDs. Please work with your LHD FIRST. If you're running into issues, then reach out to the Division. The Division does not have testing capabilities, but we will assist, as we can, if you're running into issues with the LHD. We're here to help.


I want to make providers aware of IDPH's webpage that provides notice of mobile testing sites that are open to all regardless of symptoms. You can find the list here: http://dph.illinois.gov/testing/mobile-testing-sites. We continue to work with IDPH on a testing strategy for a survillance screening program for CILA locations. This situation is not unique to the State of Illinois. I've reached out to other DD Directors across the nation and the vast majority report the same issues. If you are aware of any states that have surveillance testing (asymptomatic) for group home providers, please let me know.


IDPH announced that Region 2 entered into mitigations yesterday, November 4, 2020 alongside all other regions in the state. Again, to remind our providers, CDS providers in all regions are not required to make changes to their operations in response to the mitigations announced. However, community-based guidance is different than guidance for our LTC facilities, which specifically, and exclusively, impacts ICF/DDs. ICF/DD residents in these regions will not be allowed to attend CDS programs during mitigation. CDS providers are able to send staff to an ICF/DD to provide CDS.


The use of the electronic version of the HRST is required by Public Act 100-1111, which amended the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Administrative Act. Specifically:

  • Each individual residing in a community integrated living arrangement shall receive an annual assessment to screen that individual for any health issues or risks. Beginning July 1, 2019, each individual shall receive his or her annual client assessment via a web-based, electronic screening tool. The electronic screening tool shall replace the current paper-based assessment.

Since July 2019, the Division has provided agencies additional funds to cover the cost of having access to the electronic Health Risk Screening Tool (HRST) for all of their residential CILA clients.

We have received notification from HRS, Inc. that we have a number of providers that have not paid their HRST invoices - and some are more than 90 days past due. HRS will be notifying providers that effective December 1, 2020, providers that are more than 90 days past due on payment will have access to the HRST restricted. Further, in order to reinstate access to the HRST, HRS, Inc. will be imposing a $250 reinstatement fee. HRS, Inc. will be notifying providers of their past due status, however, we want to ensure that providers are aware of the December 1 deadline.

Failure to maintain use of the online version of HRST by HRS, Inc. can result in the Division putting payments to your agency on hold, freezing future placements with your agency and/or termination of your CILA license. Please keep up with your invoicing!


The next RN Nurse Trainer Medication Administration in the Community webinars series will be held November 17, 2020. There are 3 webinars, and all are required. There is a recorded prerequisite webinar to be viewed prior to the two live webinars on November 17. You must register for each webinar. To find additional information and to register https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=45209


CTF Illinois and the Southern Illinois Transition Project, with funding from the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities, is offering a Charting the LifeCourse Skills Training (CTIC) Workshop. The CTlC framework was developed by families to help individuals with disabilities and families to develop a vision for a good life, think about what they need to know and do, identify how to find or develop supports, and discover what it takes to live the lives they want to live. This workshop series is ideal for case managers, transition coordinators, teachers, self-advocates, family members, IEP teams and organizations. The first session is November 11. Don't delay! Registration is required and spaces are limited. For information contact Reagan Carey - reagancarey@ctfillinois.org. Register: https://bit.ly/3kXldJq Download Flyer: https://bit.ly/34Panzd


Speak Up and Speak Out is right around the corner! SUSO is a 5-day conference of speakers (including me!) and fun activities that will show people with disabilities that they have a voice and have choices in what they do with their life. The summit starts November 16 and lasts through November 20. It isn't too late to register for the virtual program: https://www.speakupspeakoutsummit.org/ Can't wait to see all the SUSO attendees virtually! I received my t-shirt in the mail yesterday!

Director Stark with Speak Up Speak OUt Summit t-shirt

Thank you for all you do! Hang in there! Let me know how I can help!

