DDD Communication - October 13, 2020

Good Afternoon,


Illinois Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) recently opened their state-based CARES portal for the CARE Fund Pandemic Related Stability Payments Program. A few providers have reached out about this opportunity and asking if waiver funded providers are eligible to register. THEY ARE! HFS reports that they have notified waiver providers through official notice this morning. Note: while waiver providers may register there is no guarantee that funding will be allocated. You should register here: https://caresapp.hfs.illinois.gov/


The Division is pleased we were able to send out notice this morning to our CDS providers of a 15% temporary rate increase for 31U/C from 10/1/20 to 12/31/20. We are implementing this increase to acknowledge the reduced census and increased staffing, pay, overtime and other costs necessary to support individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic. We thank for CDS providers for their support and dedication to those they serve.


As a reminder, in honor of NDEAM the Division will be hosting two webinars. Click on the webinar title to register!

Celebrating Employment

Join Director Allison Stark as she provides an overview of the work and future goals for the Division of Developmental Disabilities in expanding employment opportunities for individuals with I/DD. The second half of the session will feature a moderated panel of providers that provide supported employment supports to individuals with I/DD.

Navigating Employment Supports

Join Deputy Director for Supported Employment, Casey Burke, as he identifies the process for braiding vocational rehabilitation services provided by the Division of Rehabilitation Services with long term employment supports and services funded by the Division of Developmental Disabilities. There will be time for Q & A.


The Division has received questions about the PUNS categories and the process for transitioning from one category to the other. In 2019, the Division moved from 3 categories to just 2, which are:

  • Seeking Services - this category is for people who currently need or desire supports
  • Planning for Services - this category is for people who do not currently want or need supports but may in the future

Neither category is defined by a time frame (i.e need services within 5 years) as they were in the past. In order to move from one category to the other, individuals and/or guardians must notify their ISC. Movement from one category to the other is not automatic. The current PUNS guidelines, as a part of the ISC Manual, can be found on the DHS website at https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=115416#a_toc7


As I mentioned in my previous communication, the Division is in the process of rolling out implementation of the legislatively mandated Sex Education for persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (Public Act 101-0506). The Illinois Guardianship Association is hosting a webinar on implementation December 1, 2020 from 1pm-2:30pm.

Presenters include Kathy Ward, Assistant Director for the Division of Developmental Disabilities; Teresa Parks, Deputy Director and Human Rights Authority Director for the Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission, Linda Sandman, MSW, LCSW, Co-Director of Blue Tower Solutions, Inc.; Kathy Carmody, CEO for the Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities. For more information: http://illinoisguardianship.org/events/upcoming-events/


UIC's Disability and Human Development has curated a fantastic list of COVID resources including a great listing of recorded webinars. You can view all at: https://ahs.uic.edu/disability-human-development/coronavirus-disease-covid-19-resources/ Below are links to a few of the recorded webinars (titles are the links).

Even During a Crisis, People with Disabilities have Rights

Presenters: Robin Jones, MPA, COTA/L, ROH, Director of the Great Lakes ADA and Accessible IT, Department of Disability and Health, University of Illinois at Chicago

Barry Taylor, Vice President for Civil Rights and Systemic Litigation, Equip for Equality

Employment Resilience: People with IDD are Critical Frontline Workers

Presenter: Erin Riehle, MSN, RN, Founder and Senior Director, Project SEARCH

Exercise as a Human Right: Providing Inclusive Physical Fitness Opportunities to People with IDD During the Pandemic and Beyond

Presenters: Jared Ciner, SPIRIT Club Founder and Director, David Godoy, SPIRIT Club Fitness Demonstrator and Administrative Staff Member, and Steve Brown, Executive Director of the Arc of Haywood County

Thank you for all you do!

