Social Services Advisory Council (SSAC)


The Social Services Advisory Council (SSAC) was created in accordance to P.A. 87685 (305 ILCS 5/124.20d) to advise the Department of Human Services regarding all aspects of assistance delivered or contracted for by the Department. The SSAC will advise and assist in the development of policy for the Department regarding the range of its programs. The SSAC may also serve in a consultative role to discuss proposed changes and to improve service delivery and performance in all areas. The SSAC shall also assist and advise the Department on provider and community issues that have been brought to its attention by constituents, working always to keep the Department and communities at an open and effective level of communication.

Council Requirements

Training Requirements

Please visit the link above to view the training requirements for this Board/Commission/Committee/Task Force.

Committees of the SSAC


Regular meetings of the SSAC shall be held at least quarterly. All meetings are open to the public as prescribed in the Illinois Open Meetings Act.


The SSAC is comprised of 30 voting members which may include a balanced representation of clients, service providers, local governmental units, community and welfare advocacy groups, academia and the general public.

Initially, the Secretary shall appoint 15 members to 2 year terms and 15 members to 4 year terms. All members appointed thereafter shall serve 4 year terms.

Member Photo Organization Appointment Expiration Date
Dayo Adenekan Dayo Adenekan CILA Corporation January 1, 2026
Mary Camper Mary Camper Reestablishing Hope January 1, 2026
AJ French AJ French Gift of Voice December 31, 2028
Ireta Gasner Ireta Gasner Start Early (formerly the Ounce of Prevention Fund) December 31, 2028
Andrea Hall Headshot of Andrea Hall MYSI January 1, 2028
Christa Hamilton - Chair Christa Hamilton UCAN December 31, 2028
Angie Hampton - Vice Chair Angie Hampton Egyptian Health Department January 1, 2026
Deborah Humphrey Madison County Mental Health Board January 1, 2028
Niya Kelly Niya Kelly Chicago Coalition for the Homeless December 31, 2028
Dr. Dan Lustig Dr. Dan Lustig Haymarket Center December 31, 2028
Jodi Martin Jodi Martin Boys & Girls Club of Livingston County / Prairie Central December 31, 2028
Maralea Negron Headshot of Maralea Negron The Network: Advocating Against Domestic Violence January 1, 2028
Dulce Ortiz Dulce Ortiz Mano a Mano Family Resource Center January 1, 2026
José Marco-Paredes Headshot of Jose Marco-Paredes Latino Policy Forum January 1, 2028
Mark Sanders Headshot of Mark Sanders City of Chicago, Department of Family and Support Services January 1, 2028
Itedal Shalabi Itedal Shalabi Arab American Family Services January 1, 2026
Loren Simmons Loren Simmons YWCA - Metropolitan Chicago January 1, 2026
Tony Woods Headshot of Tony Woods Public Equity January 1, 2028
Lauren Wright Headshot of Lauren Wright Illinois Partners for Human Service January 1, 2028

IDHS Administrative Support

SSAC Administrative Contact: Mahi Mahmood -