DDD Communication - September 28, 2020

Good Morning,

As we turn the corner to October later this week, I want to highlight that October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month! NDEAM aims to educate about disability employment issues and celebrate the many and varied contributions of America's workers with disabilities. Check out the dol.gov website for ways you can raise awareness: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/odep/initiatives/ndeam


The Division will be hosting a remote New Provider Orientation for providers interested in becoming licensed Community Integrated Living Arrangements (CILA) or certified Community Day Service (CDS) providers. The training will be held remotely over two days. Attendance at both sessions is mandatory to move forward in the licensure and/or certification process.

The initial orientation will have limited enrollment and there is already a waiting list. In order to be added to the waitlist please contact: DHS.BQM@illinois.gov We will contact you if we are able to accommodate your enrollment and provide further instructions.

The training will be held on October 6 AND October 8 (2 sessions) from 9am to 12:30pm. You MUST attend both days.

Please note:

  • Participants and presenters will need to have ability to use the WebEx video-conference system (instructions will be forwarded once participants are confirmed).
  • Participants will need to have camera and audio capabilities.
  • Presenters will present via camera remotely and be available following the presentation for questions.


The Bureau of Quality Management (BQM) is finalizing FY 20 surveys and will begin FY 21 surveys in the coming months. As a reminder, BQM's role is to ensure services Providers in Illinois meet quality indicators as defined in our Home and Community Based Services Medicaid Waiver, as well as ensure that services are person centered and of high quality.

We are pleased to announce that the Division is in the process of updating the BQM Survey Tool for FY 21 surveys. The tool is being reviewed with an eye towards streamlining the process, as well as avoiding duplication with the Bureau of Accreditation, Licensure and Certification (BALC), that is responsible for licensing and certifying providers (BALC is part of IDHS, but not under the Division). The updated BQM Survey Tool will also include components of the Ligas Compliance Tool, and updated Settings Rule and person-centered planning components. The Division will present a draft of the updated tool at an upcoming Developmental Disabilities Advisory Committee (DDAC) meeting in order to solicit input prior to moving forward with an implementation plan.


Healing Illinois is a racial healing initiative led by the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS), in partnership with The Chicago Community Trust, designed to distribute $4.5 million in grants to organizations across the state to activate the work of racial healing.

Healing Illinois grants will fund programs in four areas:

  1. Promoting Dialogue: conversations to build understanding and empathy
  2. Encouraging Collaboration: activities that bring people together in-person or virtually to connect, act together on a project or idea
  3. Facilitating Learning: activities designed to build or enhance knowledge
  4. Seeding Connection: racial healing circles, peace circles or restorative justice activities

We invite all organizations, including those that serve individuals with I/DD, interested in working on racial healing to consider applying: https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=126286


I've received many questions, and concerns, from providers regarding creating the Plans of Corrective Action (Plans) as part of the Ligas Compliance Tool process. I want to assure our providers that this is a learning process for all of us; both the Division and the community-based provider system. The Ligas Compliance Tool identified many systemic issues that require remediation. The Division has outlined the steps we will take in the Ligas Implementation Plan and will work towards completion.

As part of the process we also shared the individual scorecards with providers in order for them to prepare a Plan to address. The reality is that the system is not perfect, and we are also in imperfect times (COVID-19). We ask that our providers do their best to identify strategies and supports within these constraints in their Plans. After an initial review, the Ligas Court Monitor's team will be pulling a random sample of the Plans next spring/summer in order to review progress. Please be mindful as you put your Plans together.

As a reminder, the Division and the Ligas Court Monitor's team will be hosting office hours for providers in the coming weeks (see dates and times below). The office hours will give agencies an opportunity to ask questions specific to the individual scorecards the agency received or regarding development of their Plans. Agencies who were part of the review should have received invites to the office hours. If your agency did not, please contact Emily Hughes at Emily.hughes@illinois.gov. The dates/times for the office hours are as follows:

  • Tuesday, September 29, 2:00 - 3:00pm
  • Friday, October 2, 1:30 - 2:30pm
  • Thursday, October 15, 2:00 - 3:00pm
  • Friday, October 16, 10:00 - 11:00am

Thank you for all you do!

