Good Afternoon,
We've received a couple of inquiries from providers in regard to the receipt of remittance details for reinvention payments. The Bureau of Reimbursement and Program Support is currently working on the breakdown by provider and we anticipate they will go out at the end of this week or early next week. Processing payments by individual agency, as well as the payment recalculations for some providers, have pushed this a little behind schedule. We apologize for the delay. If you have questions please direct them to Celia Weatherford at Celia.R.Weatherford@Illinois.Gov or Elizabeth Solomon at Elizabeth.Solomon@Illinois.Gov.
We released an updated IB on ISC monitoring which you can find here:
The Division is clarifying the remote monitoring expectations for both ISCs and the individuals being served, their family and/or providers. Ideally, remote monitoring would include the use of video-conferencing technology so that the ISC can see the individual. In addition, ISC monitoring may now also include in-person visits if determined necessary by the ISC. We want to make it clear to providers, in particular, that it is important that they support the individual to participate in remote monitoring with the appropriate technology and staff support. Thank you for your cooperation!
The Bureau of Clinical Services has been conducting Rule 116 reviews remotely and, overall, it has gone well! We have been making changes as needed to improve the process and welcome feedback. The reviewers have been able to remotely observe a medication administration pass and conduct a check of the medications and medication cabinet/closet. We appreciate the providers assisting direct care staff with these observations. As a reminder, providers should be taking steps towards securing Entrust Encryption software.
We want to remind residential providers that At-Home Day Program (37U) is a habilitative day program with programming. Please review the IB:
We also want to draw our ISC and residential provider's awareness to this component of the CDS IB (
- If multiple day programs or supported employment is used, there must be Implementation Strategies that define exactly the hours billed for each type of service to ensure the 1,100 hours is divided appropriately. The ISC is responsible for ensuring all services are reflected and itemized appropriately.
Specifically, if an individual has returned to a CDS program, but still plans to participate in At-Home Day Program (37U) on some days, it is imperative the ISC mediate and ensure that both providers have a plan for utilization of the 1100 hours. This will also be relevant for VDS.
Thank you for all you do!