Dear Community Day Services Providers,
The Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) has developed a survey to help the Division better understand the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the Community Day Services (CDS) system with regards to individuals returning to services. Attached to this cover letter, you will find the survey. Each CDS provider is asked to complete a separate data tab for each site in your agency. The first tab of the workbook contains instructions that will assist you with completing the survey.
The data in the survey should be based on participation from a snapshot in time. In the survey, we've asked this snapshot to be cumulative for the month of September. We request all providers complete and return the survey by October 9, 2020. Once all the data has been collected, the Division will make it available to the CDS providers and stakeholders through a future DDD Comments communication.
Once you've completed the survey(s) for every site in your agency, please submit them via e-mail to Valerie Taylor, If you have questions about the survey, please contact George Bengel, or Derek Hedges,
Thank you,
Allison Stark
Director, Division of Developmental Disabilities