Healing Illinois Grant FAQs

  1. Eligibility:
  2. Award amount:
  3. Application process:
  4. Application cycles and deadlines:
  5. GATA Certification:
  6. Project start and completion times:
  7. Examples of projects and expenses that meet the criteria of the RFP:
  8. Distribution of funds:


Who is eligible to apply for Healing Illinois grants?

Entities that are GATA-certified with the State of Illinois are eligible to apply. These may include the following types of organizations:

  • A nonprofit organization with evidence that it (a) has been recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a nonprofit organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Code; Municipalities and government agencies such as school, libraries, and public health departments
  • Colleges and universities
  • Faith based institutions

If my organization is not GATA-certified, how can I participate in this initiative?

We encourage organizations to partner with an organization that is GATA-certified. The GATA-certified organization will be the applicant. If you cannot identify a GATA-certified partner and would like to participate in Healing Illinois, please contact the Healing Illinois team at HealingIllinois@fieldfoundation.org. The team will connect you to an intermediary (a GATA-certified organization that can work with you to apply for a grant). Healing Illinois has identified intermediaries located in each of the five IDHS regional areas.

What types of projects are eligible for funding?

Healing Illinois grants will fund projects that support racial healing and racial equity by:

  • Racial Healing Sustainability: activities designed to build community through knowledge-sharing, deeper interpersonal interactions, and intentional spaces for collective healing. Types of projects may include, but not limited to:
    • Projects that build deeper interpersonal interactions through racial healing circles, peace circles, restorative justice practices, etc.
    • Expansion of existing racial healing programs
    • Creative artistic activities, including community-wide murals, visual artistic events, exhibitions, storytelling and discussion that advance racial healing.
    • Leadership development initiatives for racial healing practitioners, organizers and leaders of color in relation to racial healing, power-building, and community advocacy.
  • Narrative Change: awareness building of racial healing and justice work to facilitate the engagement, leadership, and activation of residents most impacted by systemic racism. Types of projects may include, but not limited to:
    • Workshops to teach community members how to share their personal stories to active others for systemic change
    • Amplify truth narratives of communities most impact by systemic racism.
    • Storytelling programs to build understanding and empathy
  • Education and Training: enhancing knowledge and understanding of racial healing and justice via trainings focused on anti-racism, racial equity, racial justice, etc.
  • Racial Healing Readiness: developing the capacity and early-stage ideas that may lead to new programming and projects with long-term vision to advance racial healing. Types of activities include community consultation, issues identification and research, assessment or feasibility studies for expanding programs and projects, increasing group or organizational capacity through specific skills training and/or new tools.

Award amount:

What is the maximum award amount?

GATA-certified organizations have the opportunity to apply for grants of up to $30,000. Additionally, we are open to considering larger grant requests for collaborative projects that involve a network or coalition of organizations. These collaborative projects should adhere to the same application guidelines and should aim to benefit multiple communities and counties.

What is the total amount that will be awarded?

$4.5 million

Application process:

How do I apply for a grant?

Applicants will submit grant applications via Foundant, the Field Foundation's grant application portal, visit the Grant Interface.

If you are not a current grantee of the Field Foundation, you will have to (1) create a new user account in order to access and submit a grant application. If you are a current grantee of the Field Foundation, login to your account and select Healing Illinois under Apply.

May applicants submit more than one grant application?

Applicants may only submit one application. If the applicant is proposing various distinct projects throughout the state, then clearly articulate such and submit only one application.

How should an organization with a fiscal sponsor identify in the portal when the fiscal sponsor is not the same institution as the applicant?

We are not accepting organizations with fiscal sponsors for this RFP, but a fiscal sponsor can apply for a grant if the sponsor is GATA-certified. The GATA-certified organization can then sub-contract with your organization to fund activities that you will implement.

What does it mean to be a subcontractor?

Subcontractors are paid on a reimbursement basis by the GATA-certified organization.

Can organizations collaborate on a project even if both are GATA-certified?

Yes, GATA-certified organizations may collaborate on a project. This means that one organization will be the grantee. The second organization will be a subrecipient of the lead organization. You may collaborate and apply separately. If you choose to do this, please make it clear that you are working on a joint project with another applicant.

Application cycles and deadlines:

What are the application deadlines, and why are there multiple deadlines?

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis through December 1, 2023 or until budgeted funds are expended. Review deadlines are October 20, 2023, November 10, 2023 and December 1, 2023 at 11:59 PM Central Standard Time.

  • Applications received by October 20, 2023 will be reviewed and notified by October 30.
  • Applications received by November 10, 2023 will be reviewed and notified by November 20.
  • Applications received by December 1, 2023 will be reviewed and notified by December 11.

Is there a difference between the two application cycles?

There is no difference between the review cycles.

The grantees in the first review cycle will receive their funding before grantees in the second review cycle.

Can one organization apply in both cycles and under two different goal areas?

No. You may only submit one application, even if your project relates to more than one goal or geography. We want to make sure funds are equitably distributed throughout the region.

GATA Certification:

What is the process for my organization to become GATA certified and how long does it take?

For more details about GATA certification, visit GATA Pre-Award Requirements. If the organization already has a valid DUNS number and SAM.gov number from the federal government, the process with the State will be faster. If an organization does not already have a valid DUNS number and SAM.gov number, it could take up to two months.

Please note that if your organization is starting the GATA certification process during this grant-making period, it is possible that you will not receive your certification before the final grant application deadline. Working with a GATA-certified partner may be the best option. For more information about connecting to a GATA certified partner, please contact HealingIllinois@fieldfoundation.org.

Is there a directory of GATA-certified organizations?

We do not have a directory. You can access this portal CSFA | GATA to find out if an organization is GATA-certified. Type the complete name of the organization in the search box under "Search Registered Grantees." If the organization is GATA-certified, a clickable link with their name will appear. If their name does not appear, it means that they are not GATA-certified.

You can also contact us at HealingIllinois@fieldfoundation.org to learn which organizations in your area are GATA-certified.

We are GATA-certified. How can we get on the list for possible collaborations?

Thank you for your interest in partnering with organizations that are not GATA-certified. Please email us at HealingIllinois@fieldfoundation.org to explore this possibility.

Project start and completion times:

When must grantees expend the grant money they are awarded?

All grant money, regardless of when it was awarded, must be expended by June 30, 2024

Since funds must be expended by June 30, 2024, do proposed activities have to be completed by that date as well?

The majority of grant activities should be completed by June 30, 2024, however, they may continue for one to two months after June 30. The purpose of the grant is to spark short-term projects that involve quick actions and to inspire future racial healing and equity work. Think of your activities as taking place in this concentrated period of time, and also helping to create a foundation for future work.

Can we submit a proposal for a project that we will operate for the next five years?

The grant money for the project must be expended by June 30, 2024, and the majority of activities should take place by June 30, 2024. Further, the project must connect with at least one Healing Illinois goal and at least one of the focus areas listed in the RFP.

Are all projects expected to start by a certain time?

Some organizations will already be doing the work because it's part of their existing programming. Many organizations will launch projects before they get the grant because they will begin planning. Regardless of which cycle you submit your application, you will be able to fund activities going back to Oct. 1, 2023 if they were for the purpose of executing the proposed project.

What if we hire people to work on the project beyond June 30, 2024, would we have to pay them ahead of time because the funds have to be used by June 30, 2024?

Programming may continue beyond June 30, 2024, but funds have to be expended by then.

Examples of projects and expenses that meet the criteria of the RFP:

Are the funds intended for external partnerships, or can they be used for internal purposes, such as staff or board training?

Activities can be internal or external. Training for your staff is acceptable. For example, you may want to do restorative justice circles or racial healing circles, book club discussions, or lunch and learn conversations with guest presenters.

Will indirect costs be allowed, or should the budget only reflect direct expenses from the project?

Yes, indirect costs are allowed as long as they are reasonable and necessary.

Is project personnel, such as a project manager, an allowable cost?

Yes, personnel costs are allowed for staff or consultants to coordinate or conduct an activity. Examples of allowable personnel include: a consultant to organize and implement a project, a facilitator to run a conversation and an artist to create a mural.

Small stipends or other low-cost incentives are allowable for participants if they are reasonable and clearly necessary. For instance, if it is challenging to get high school students to participate, it would be reasonable to give a student a stipend or gift card of around $20 to participate in a racial healing circle.

Distribution of funds:

Is this a reimbursable grant, or will funds be available prior to events planned?

Grant recipients will receive their funds upfront. Organizations that are not GATA-certified and have to participate as subcontractors will receive funding on a reimbursement basis.

When will applicants be notified of funding decisions?

  • Applications received by October 20, 2023 will be reviewed and notified by October 30, 2023.
  • Applications received by November 10, 2023 will be reviewed and notified by November 20, 2023.
  • Applications received by December 1, 2023 will be reviewed and notified by December 11, 2023.

If you apply for the first deadline and don't receive funds, will your application be considered in the second?

Some proposals will be ineligible and will be denied. Others might be considered for the second round. We will inform you of the status.

How many organizations will be approved for grants?

We do not have a targeted number of organizations that will be approved. We will continue to approve grants until the $4.5 million is expended and distributed across the five IDHS regions in accordance with allocation guidelines set by IDHS.

Will you provide the state regulations and guidelines that apply to these awards?

All expenditures need to be reasonable and clearly necessary for the project to be implemented. They must also follow 2CRF 200 guidance. Organizations awarded a grant will receive more detailed guidance on allowable and forbidden expenses.