DDD Communication - September 11, 2020

"For me and my family personally, September 11 was a reminder that life is fleeting, impermanent, and uncertain. Therefore, we must make use of every moment and nurture it with affection, tenderness, beauty, creativity, and laughter." - Deepak Chopra

Good Afternoon,

It's been a very busy week at DDD. We're actively working on a half a dozen Information Bulletins so keep your eyes peeled. In addition, our DDD DRS MOU was finalized. The Division is now working on an Information Bulletin to communicate the process to open an individual to Supported Employment (39U) as well as a timeline for all the other deliverables outlined in the MOU. Thank you for all the thoughtful messages of congratulations on the release. Director Patrick and I are very happy we were able to bring this to fruition.

Reinvention Payment Re-Calcualtions

The Division would like to alert providers that we are re-calculating Reinvention payments for some providers. The initial FY21 July reinvention payments were based on the FY20 April retention payments. However, in some cases, not all, this payment was lower than the six-month average. The Division has re-run all payment calculations and will be processing additional July reinvention payments for the CDS providers impacted. The additional FY21 July reinvention payments will be based on the difference between the initial FY21 July reinvention payment and the amount resulting from using the six-month average actual billings (September through February as calculated in March, 2020).

There are some CDS providers whose FY20 April retention payments were calculated to be equal to or greater than the six-month average (September through February as calculated in March, 2020). For these CDS providers, there will not be any additional July reinvention payment or offset, nor will we be recouping these funds.

The FY21 August reinvention payment will be at the same level, with the adjustments, as the July reinvention payment.

Supporting Our CDS Providers 

I want to take a moment to again express my support of our CDS providers and acknowledge the challenges they are facing, especially our stand-alone CDS programs. The reality is that there is no end of the need across the state and here at IDHS we're trying to ensure a consistent application of support with limited resources. With that being said, I am pleased that DDD has been able to support our CDS providers in the following ways:

  • Close to 6 months of retainer payments.
  • Identifying and communicating system flexibilities for CDS providers including the option of providing CDS for waiver funded individuals outside of the traditional days and hours, as well as providing less than the 5 hours a day of service based on the individual (note: not applicable for ICF/DD residents who are required to have 5 hours of service per day).
  • Rapid development of a Virtual Day Services option after provider requests. The rate was developed by an independent rate setter based on Illinois data.
  • Development of a CDS Survey (disseminating Monday) to assess impact of COVID-19 on the CDS service system. This will also give us necessary information to advocate for increased support, potentially, for providers.

37U Holiday Billing

CILA Providers are reminded that with the authorization of 37U, At Home Day Program, there are 11 holidays built into the residential rate though the Division recognizes the 12 holidays listed below. If you billed 37U for the July 3rd holiday, you must not bill any of the other listed holidays in this fiscal year. Please alert your billing department of this information to avoid a need to correct future billing and possible payment recoupment.

Independence Day, Friday, July 3, 2020

Labor Day, Monday, September 7, 2020

Columbus Day, Monday, October 12, 2020

Veteran's Day, Monday, November 11, 2020

Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 26, 2020

Day After Thanksgiving, Friday, November 27, 2020

Christmas Day, Friday, December 25, 2020

New Year's Day, Friday, January 1, 2021

Martin Luther King Day, Monday, January 18, 2021

Lincoln's Birthday, Monday, February 12, 2021

President's Day, Monday, February 15, 2021

Memorial Day, Monday, May 31, 2021

Electronic Monitoring Information Bulletin

The Division will be posting an Informational Bulletin regarding CILA Electronic Monitoring in the next few days. CILA Electronic Monitoring has nothing to do with remote support, virtual supports or Virtual Day Services. This IB is in accordance with the Authorized Electronic Monitoring in Community-Integrated Living Arrangements and Developmental Disability Facilities Act (210 ILCS 165) which was passed in the 2019 Legislative Session. The Act permits an individual to conduct authorized electronic monitoring of the their own bedroom through the use of electronic monitoring devices. The IB will describe the process for requesting and installing the device(s) in the residential settings covered under the Act. It will also provide the consent request forms and the proper signage which will have to be posted on site.

Entrust Encryption Software 

Yesterday we issued notice to providers that they are required to download and install Entrust Encryption software for communicating confidential client information. We've traditionally had very low adoption of utilizing Entrust. Unfortunately, in this remote environment it is imperative that we can safely transmit this information. We explored several different options, and this was the most straight forward and economical (free!). Providers are required to identify at least one individual who will maintain the Entrust encryption software on their computer within their organization (we encourage more) and be identified as the specific contact person for the DDD by September 30.

Thank you for all you do!

