July 7, 2021 Executive Committee Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Executive Committee Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


July 7, 2021 10:30am


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  1. Welcome and Roll Call
  2. Approval of April Executive Meeting Minutes
  3. FY22' Grant updates
  4. Committee Report Out
    1. Youth Engagement
    2. Racial and Ethnic Disparities
    3. Planning & Grants
  5. July 22nd Agenda Setting Discussion
  6. Public Comment
  7. Adjourn


  1. Welcome and Roll Call
    Chairman Rick Velasquez invited Executive Director Drea Hall to call roll.
    Roll Call: Lisa Jacobs, Michelle Mbekeani, Briana Payton, Rick Velasquez
    Staff: Seth El-Jamal, Andrea Hall
    Mr. Velasquez welcomed committee members and suggested that Executive committee members be confirmed at the next full commission meeting.
  2. Approval of April Executive Meeting Minutes
    Michelle Mbekeani moved approval of the April meeting minutes. Lisa Jacobs seconded the motion with the following condition: Edits be made to the subheading on the Illinois Juvenile Officer Association Conference to include that the date of the conference was changed to June from April. No abstentions. No opposition. Motion Carried.
    • Lisa Jacobs - Yes
    • Era Laudermilk - Not Present
    • Michelle Mbekeani - Yes
    • Tamela Meehan - Not Present
    • Briana Payton - Yes
    • Rick Velasquez - Yes
  3. FY22' Grant updates
    Andrea Hall reviewed the remaining available funds from 2018-2020 federal fiscal years. Andrea Hall explained that typically $1.3 Million is spent on grant funding, while $1.2 Million was spent on FY22 grants. In response to a question from Michelle Mbekeani, Andrea Hall explained that remaining funds would be saved in case other expenses arise. In response to a question from Rick Velasquez about remaining funding, Andrea Hall clarified that they were asking for $1.9 Million and that $1.8 million will remain after FY22 funding. Committee members discussed potential restrictions to funding and allocations, including that FY21 funding will be reduced if the Commission is deemed out of compliance with OJJDP requirements for FY20.
    Andrea Hall provided updates about FY22 grantees, including that all Notice of State Awards (NOSA's) had since been issued and that contracts will be awarded by July 21st. Grant requirements this year include site visits, quarterly phone calls, and IDHS-funded trainings on racial equity and racial bias.
    Lisa Jacobs suggested further discussion is needed on not only the process by which applicants are selected (the scoring process) and about how the Commission spends its money. Michelle Mbekeani and Rick Velasquez agreed, noting opportunities for funding multi-year grants to support diversion and deflection efforts, and that the current NOFO/Award system is limiting.
  4. Committee Report Out
    1. Youth Engagement
      Briana Payton provided updates and presented the two proposals from potential partners interested in leading lead the Youth Advisory Board. Briana Payton noted key differences, and that both applications requested more than the proposed dollar amount; such differences were related to where or how the money would be spent. Rick Velasquez sought clarity on what agency or individual would be supporting this and Lisa Jacobs suggested the group consider the organizations capacity to be statewide. Rick Velasquez suggested a max budget of $75,000 and that ICOY's budget would need to be adjusted this year to accommodate this project; in the future they may look to making this contract its own grant.
    2. Racial & Ethnic Disparities
      Michelle Mbekeani recapped the June 23rd R.E.D. Committee meeting and provided positive feedback related to the breakout groups and high levels of engagement and candid conversation. In response to a question from Mr. Velasquez, Andrea Hall explained that no funding decisions were needed for this committee at this time as no money has been allocated or special project selected, and that current work is focused on data collection and building partnerships. ICJIA may be a partner in the data collection process.
      Lisa Jacobs suggested there be a public-facing digestible report, and/or handout, on R.E.D. Additionally, that a systemic approach to target court stakeholders, who tend to take a dismissive approach to R.E.D. issues, would also be beneficial.
      Lisa Jacobs and Rick Velasquez also emphasized the need for strong learning communities across the state, for R.E.D. and other JJ-related issues.
    3. Planning & Grants
      Lisa Jacobs highlighted the need for strategies that allow the Commission to hear from grantees. Rick Velasquez expressed that site visits this past year did not get to the core of whether or not IJJC funding is making a difference and that better strategies were needed to evaluate programs. Committee members discussed the need for more membership for the Planning and Grants Committee in regard to programs and that overall, committee membership and participation should be a clear expectation for all Commissioners.
  5. July 22nd Agenda Setting Discussion
    Committee members reviewed and approved the agenda provided by Andrea Hall.
  6. Public Comment
    There was no public comment.
  7. Adjourn
    Meeting adjourned at 11:58am.