April 7, 2021 Executive Committee Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Executive Committee Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


April 7, 2021 10:30am 


Video Conference Information:


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of January Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
  4. Three Year Planning Updates
  5. Title II NOFO Updates
  6. Compliance Monitoring Updates
  7. Committee Reports
    1. Racial and Ethnic Disparities
    2. Planning and Grants
      1. Illinois Juvenile Officers Association Grant
    3. Youth Engagement
  8. Public Comment
  9. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order/Roll Call
    Chairman Rick Velasquez called the meeting to order at 10:30am and invited Executive Director Andrea Hall to do the roll call.
    Roll Call: Jackie Bullard, Michelle Mbekeani, Lisa Jacobs, Briana Payton, Rick Velasquez
    Staff: Katy Culleeny, Andrea Hall, Sosina Tesema
    Mr. Velasquez welcomed committee members and let them know the purpose of the meeting was to get updates from committee co-chairs and note any action steps or motions that need to be brought to the full commission. Mr. Velasquez also congratulated Ms. Hall on her one-year anniversary as Executive Director and thanked her for her hard work.
  2. Approval of January Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
    Mr. Velasquez called for a motion to approve the executive committee meeting minutes from January.
    Motion: Briana Payton moved approval of the minutes. Lisa Jacobs seconded. No opposition or abstentions. Motion Carried.
  3. Three Year Planning Updates
    Mr. Velasquez invited Ms. Jacobs to provide updates. Ms. Jacobs explained that while OJJDP has not yet release of the solicitation, the Commission has spent the last year engaging in strategic planning and that Ms. Hall has been working on the data collection. The Commission will review and vote on goals and objectives and give authority for committees to be responsive to OJJDP requests. The plan will go to Planning and Grants for review and then approval for the executive committee for authorization.
  4. Title II NOFO Process
    Ms. Hall provided updates on the NOFO process. Two of the four NOFOS have been released, all NOFOs will be distributed widely. A review team will read and score the applications. Planning and Grants will confirm the scores and provide a motion to the full committee. Ms. Jacobs emphasized the importance of this process and having a robust team of reviewers.
  5. Compliance Monitoring Updates
    Mr. Velasquez invited Katy Culleeny to provide an update on compliance. Ms. Culleeny explained that the Chairman was working with Chicago Police Department to facilitate an institutional partnership and open the door for continued conversation and education to address the high number of Jail Removal violations from municipalities. Additionally, a committee or task force will be created to address Compliance and will include external partners. Commissioners will be asked to participate as well. Ms. Hall added that OJJDP did provide additional money this FY and have asked the Commission put it toward compliance. Illinois is out of compliance for Jail removal, the implications of this include OJJDP withholding or redirecting funding, we will not know until later in the summer. Mr. Velasquez asked for volunteers, Jackie Bullard agreed to participate.
  6. Committee Reports
    1. Racial & Ethnic Disparities
      Mr. Velasquez invited Michelle Mbekeani to provide updates. Ms. Mbekeani explained there was good participation and engagement, the group established norms and values and heard a presentation from Dana Weiner on Disproportionality vs. Disparity.
    2. Planning & Grants
      1. IL Juvenile Officers Association Grant
      2. OJJDP FY 2021 Supporting Effective Interventions for Adolescent Sex Offenders and Children with Sexual Behavior Problems
        Ms. Jacobs explained that they submitted a proposal for OJJDP solicitation for PSB services and supports. If it is not accepted, OJJDP will still give feedback as to why, but Ms. Jacobs noted that she believes it is a strong application.
    3. Youth Engagement
      Mr. Velasquez explained that Tamela Meehan would be replacing Ja'Vaune Jackson as a co-chair for the youth engagement committee and invited Briana Payton to provide updates. Briana explained that the committee was focusing their efforts on ensuring the program is sustainable and that they are still in the planning phases but that they were finalizing some of the essential documents, like applications. They are also revisiting MIKVA as a potential partner to ensure there is enough staff and support for the youth advisory board. Ms. Jacobs emphasized the importance of upfront planning and logistics to ensure that the project is sustainable.
  7. Public Comment
    There was no public comment.
  8. Adjourn
    Meeting adjourned at 11:58am.