January 21, 2021 Executive Committee Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Executive Committee Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


January 21, 2021 3:00pm -4:30pm


Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/98226446976?pwd=TmduWHNDZzNDMy9UWHlxdS9KdlBxZz09


  1. Welcome & Roll Call
  2. Approval of Minutes
    November 18, 2020 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
  3. Compliance/Monitoring Update
    1. Jail Removal
    2. Sight & Sound Inspection Modification
  4. Human Rights of Children Report
    1. Resolution Introduction
    2. Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility
  5. Committee and Work Group Status Updates
    1. Planning & Grants
    2. Racial & Ethnic Disparities
    3. Youth Engagement
    4. Other
  6. Three Year Planning Review and Next Steps
  7. Public Comment
  8. Adjourn


  1. Welcome & Roll Call
    Rick Velasquez welcomed commissioners and invited Andrea Hall to do roll call. A quorum was declared.
    Commissioners: Julie Biehl, Era Laudermilk, Vice Chair Lisa Jacobs, Ja'Vaune Jackson, Chairman Rick Velasquez, Briana Payton.
    Staff: Katy Culleeny, Executive Director Andrea Hall, Ariel Liddell.
    Guests: Betsy Clarke.
  2. Approval of November Executive Committee Meeting Minutes 
    Minutes approved. No oppositions or abstentions.
  3. Compliance/Monitoring Update
    1. Jail Removal
      Mr. Velasquez invited Katy Culleeny to provide updates on the status of jail removal  violations. Mr. Velasquez asked Ms. Culleeny to schedule a preliminary call once the data is finalized and to have the previous year's data available for comparison.
    2. Sight & Sound Inspection Modification
      Mr. Velasquez informed committee of a potential issue in a jurisdiction for sight and sound as well as potential changes to inspection requirements from OJJDP.
  4. Human Rights For Kids Report
    1. Resolution Introduction
      Mr. Velasquez introduced the report, shared some of the key findings, including Illinois low score of 3.5 out of 10, and asked for feedback from committee members. Commissioners discussed the ways in which the report could inform or guide the work of the Commission. Era Laudermilk suggested this report be used as a tool to guide advocacy and education efforts, specifically for the Illinois General Assembly. Julie Biehl agreed that report elements were important but were not all-inclusive of pressing juvenile-justice issues and that other metrics, like harm reduction, should be considered when prioritizing issues. Committee members decided that they would not be taking any action at this time.
    2. Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility (Recommendation)
      Committee members decided that while the Commission would not lead advocacy efforts on this issue at this time, they would keep 'examining jurisdictional boundaries on their radar and in the strategic plan.
  5. Committee and Work Group Status Updates
    1. Planning & Grants
      Ms. Jacobs explained that this committee would be busy in the coming months reviewing the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) and applications. This year will not  be a continuation grant and will be competitive. The NOFO's will be impacted by compliance, available funding, and strategic planning.
    2. Racial & Ethnic Disparities
      Ms. Hall let committee members know that the first meeting, including the new external members, will be held February 3rd.
    3. Youth Engagement
      Briana Payton provided updates on the planning process for the Youth advisory Board.  Currently, they are drafting applications for youth members and adult members and  that more time was needed to establish a solid structure before releasing the applications.
    4. Other
      There were no other matters to discuss.
  6. Three Year Planning Review and Next Steps
    Ms. Hall recapped the recent strategic planning session and explained what the next plenary session with CCAS would involve. The next session will have four breakout rooms for commissioners to discuss the four priority areas in smaller groups.
  7. Public Comment
    There was no public comment.
  8. Adjourn
    Mr. Velasquez called for a motion to adjourn. Mr. Jackson moved adjourning; Ms. Jacobs seconded the motion.
    Meeting Adjourned at 4:35pm