April 21, 2021 IJJC Meeting Agenda & Minutes


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


April 21, 2021, 10:30am -12:00pm


Video Conference Information:

Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/93354632179?pwd=bEMxRmU5aWhiWjZWcVR4amtLQ1BOZz09


  1. Call to Order
  2. Welcome & Roll Call
  3. Approval of January 27, 2020 meeting minutes
  4. Presentation: Study on Domestic Battery Opinions, Center for Prevention Research
    and Development (CPRD), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  5. Executive Director Report
    1. Financial Report
    2. DHS Administration Updates
  6. Committee and Work Group Status Updates
    1. Planning & Grants
    2. Racial & Ethnic Disparities
    3. Youth Engagement
    4. Compliance Monitoring Committee Formation
  7. Finalize Three Year Plan - Vote on Goals & Objectives
  8. Public Comment
  9. Adjourn


  1. Welcome & Roll Call
    Chairman Rick Velasquez called the meeting to order at 10:35am and invited Executive Director Andrea Hall to call roll.
    Roll Call: Marshan Allen, Julie Biehl, Jackie Bullard, Shelley Davis, Savannah Felix, Esther Franco Payne, Lisa Jacobs, Amanda Klonsky, Michelle Mbkeani, Tamela Meehan, Briana Payton, Honorable Ben Roe, Keyria Rodgers, Rick Velasquez, Dana Weiner
    Staff: Katy Culleeny, Andrea Hall, Leslie Ress
    Guests: Didier Moncion, Sarah Henry
  2. Approval of January 27, 2021 Meeting Minutes
    Mr. Velasquez called for a motion to approve the meeting minutes from January 27, 2021. Julie Biehl moved approval, Keyria Rodgers seconded the motion.
    No abstentions, no opposition. Motion Carried.

    Marshan Allen y

    Julie Biehl y

    Jacque Bullard y

    Shelley Davis y

    Savannah Felix y

    Jelani Floyd NP

    Esther Franco-Payne y

    Arnetra Jackson NP

    Ja'Vaune Jackson NP

    Lisa Jacobs y

    Amanda Klonsky y

    Era Laudermilk NP

    Tamela Meehan y

    Michelle Mbekeani y

    Briana Payton y

    Judge Ben Roe y

    Keyria Rodgers y

    Judge Stephen Sawyer NP

    Rick Velasquez y

    Dana Weiner y

  3. Presentation: CPRD
    Mr. Velasquez invited Vice Chair Lisa Jacobs to introduce Doug Smith from the Center for Prevention Research & Development. Ms. Jacobs provided some context about the Commission's involvement and recent efforts to address adolescent domestic battery (adb), noting profound racial disparities, especially for ten through twelve-year-olds. This report and research from CPRD looks into terminology and race when discussing ADB.
  4. Executive Director Report
    Mr. Velasquez congratulated and thanked Ms. Hall for her 1 year as Executive Director.
    1. Financial
      Ms. Hall explained that there is $1 Million allocated to grant awards, this year is currently underspent largely due to impacts of Covid including decreased travel, virtual events and meetings, and PPP loans offsetting costs for providers. IDHS is in the process of allowing grantees to amend their budgets, so if there is anything the Commission wants to move around, now is the time to do so. There were no questions from commissioners. Additionally, a guidebook for new commissioners is now available. Ms. Hall asked Commissioners to please review and note if anything is missing or anything else would be helpful and reminded them of their state mandated trainings.
    2. P&G
      Ms. Jacobs provided updates for the Planning & Grants Committee. The two major projects include voting on and approving the three-year plan and receiving, reading, and scoring the NOFO's. The attached handouts include the outline of the three-year plan. In addition to the four main priority areas, the two overarching values or priorities in all areas of the work include working to reduce Racial & Ethnic Disparities (R.E.D.), and being intentional about youth engagement.
      Ms. Jacobs called for volunteers to read and score NOFO's, with the majority of the time commitment being in May and June. Dr. Klonsky agreed to volunteer at a limited capacity and Shelley Davis agreed to read 4 applications, Jackie Bullard and Keyria Rodgers also volunteered. Ms. Biehl noted that the more people who volunteer, the easier it is to do. Additionally, Ms. Jacobs thanked Tamela Meehan and Briana Payton for their impactful presentation at a recent student law conference.
    3. Compliance
      Mr. Velasquez invited Katy Culleeny to provide an update on compliance. Ms. Culleeny explained the current status of compliance violations Illinois is facing and what steps were currently being taken to address those violations. Illinois is considered out of compliance for Jail Removal as the di minimus number set by OJJDP has dramatically decreased over recent years. Mr. Velasquez called for commissioners to volunteer to join a Compliance Committee to oversee and provide input on strategic interventions and solutions to address Compliance going forward, as this requires a statewide effort with a variety of institutional partnerships. Esther Franco Payne suggested including a consultant role, specifically Vanessa Wesley. Ms. Biehl also offered to connect external partners. Ms. Bullard volunteered to participate as long as the workload remains manageable.
    4. Racial and Ethnic Disparities
      Michelle Mbekeani provided updates on the R.E.D. committee. The Committee will now be meeting on a monthly basis at a schedule time, 2:30-4pm every third Wednesday of the month.
    5. Youth Engagement
      Mr. Velasquez announced Tamela Meehan as one of the new co-chairs for the Youth Engagement Committee. Ms. Payton explained that the committee was exploring the idea of having Commissioners as mentors for the YAB members.
      Ms. Jacobs provided a legislative update. If an amendment is passed on current pending legislation to end the detention of children ages 10, 11, and 12, the IJJC will be involved in the planning and implementation process.
  5. Finalize 3-year plan
    Motion: Mr. Velasquez calls for a second to the motion from the Planning & Grants Committee to approve the three-year plan. Amanda Klonsky seconded the motion. Ms. Jacobs noted that this plan is flexible and can adapt as issues and opportunities arise but servs as an expression of what the Commission wants to pursue. Mr. Velasquez added to the motion that the plan will be reviewed by the Planning & Grants Committee on an annual basis.  No abstentions, no opposition. Motion carried.

    Marshan Allen y

    Julie Biehl y

    Jacque Bullard y

    Shelley Davis y

    Savannah Felix y

    Jelani Floyd NP

    Esther Franco-Payne y

    Arnetra Jackson NP

    Ja'Vaune Jackson NP

    Lisa Jacobs y

    Amanda Klonsky y

    Era Laudermilk NP

    Tamela Meehan y

    Michelle Mbekeani y

    Briana Payton y

    Judge Ben Roe y

    Keyria Rodgers y

    Judge Stephen Sawyer NP

    Rick Velasquez y

    Dana Weiner y

  6. Public Comment
    Sarah Henry thanked the Commission for allowing her to attend the meeting today.
  7. Adjourn
    Meeting adjourned at 12:13 pm.