HEALING ILLINOIS: Building a bridge to a racially equitable Illinois

Healing Illinois

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Healing Illinois is a racial healing initiative of the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) and the Field Foundation of Illinois. Healing Illinois was designed to support communities across Illinois to begin or continue the work of racial healing in their communities. The ongoing oppressive and structural tactics that uphold systemic racism and inequities highlight the need for racial healing, and the need to address the underlying systems that have created the conditions where vast racial disparities are allowed to exist. As we move ahead with the work of systemic change, we must also lay the groundwork for community healing, acknowledging the harm done to communities of color and providing the space for healing. Healing Illinois represents one step in that process, promoting racial healing for everyone, and advancing racial equity in Illinois.

Funding priorities are:

  • Community Building and Engagement: Funding for existing racial healing activities designed to strengthen relationships and promote collective healing within and across communities.
  • Media and Storytelling: Funding for projects that use media, narrative, and creative storytelling to advance racial healing.
  • Education and Awareness: This category aims to prioritize initiatives that educate individuals and communities on the impact of historic and ongoing harms and highlight pathways towards healing.

Applications are now closed

Contact Information

For technical questions regarding the application portal, email info@justfund.us.

For programmatic and application content questions, email at healingillinois@fieldfoundation.org. Visit our website at www.fieldfoundation.org.

As a result of Healing Illinois, we hope to:

  • Build knowledge and understanding of racial healing and equity in communities across the state
  • Strengthen trust and relationship building among community residents
  • Expand opportunities for communities and individuals to begin to heal from the harms caused by racism
  • Increase awareness and media engagement focused on racial healing and equity
  • Frequently Asked Questions 

We hope you will join us healingillinois@fieldfoundation.org at an event near you!

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