2344 Q&A for Outpatient Fitness Restoration (230)

Q&A for Outpatient Fitness Restoration (230)

  1. Q:  Is an agency, that is physically located in a region other than those listed in the NOFO, eligible to apply for this opportunity?

    A:  The NOFO states it is only for Regions 3, 4 and 5, which are in Central and Southern Illinois. Therefore, no other areas are eligible to apply.

  2. Q:  Will you all be sharing some data with those of us in Regions 3, 4, 5 on the NOFO for OP Fitness Restoration on the number of USTs per county?
  3. A:  Yes, please see https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=126269 "2344 Number of USTs by County (data from FY 2020)".
  4. Q: What credentials do you require the clinicians to have (LCPC, LCSW, etc.)?

    A:  Clinicians need to have at least a master's degree and be licensed.

  5. Q:  If awarded, what area are you expected to provide services to? Can you provide services to specific counties or is it for the whole region?

    A:  If awarded, the provider is expected to provide services to individuals who reside within their county.  If viable, the provider can provide services in other counties as well. 

  6. Q:  Will multiple organizations be awarded for the same areas?

    A:  It is possible for multiple organizations to be awarded for the same areas.

  7. Q:  Under the background section, second paragraph, the purpose is to operate an Outpatient Fitness Restoration Program by licensed mental health professionals. To clarify, since services will be billed as appropriate to the individuals insurance (HFS, MCO, Commercial), the level and credentials of the staff providing the services will need to be consistent with those payor requirements?  Is the intention to have the program oversight by Clinical Licensed Professionals? Seems there may be some services, such as: community support; WRAP groups; case coordination, etc., where the level of staff could be less than an LPHA as long as in keeping with Rule 140 or other insurance guidelines.

    A:  Clinical work must be supervised by an LPHA and court reports should be signed by an LPHA.  If they are receiving services from the agency's psychiatrist, that person needs to sign as well. Clinical work can be performed at the QMHP level if that is consistent with Medicaid billing. What is most important is that an LPHA is supervising.

  8. Q:  What is the percent of UST individuals who are unable to be found fit?

    A:  Across outpatient providers, including cases seen by DHS staff, approximately 40-45% are not restored. Ultimately these cases are either extended, dropped, or given time considered served. They may still continue on with outpatient treatment.

  9. Q:  The NOFO indicates that the Total Program Funding as $1,000,000.00 and the Anticipated Number of Awards as 6.  But the Award Range is listed as  $20,000.00 - $81,000.00. That range doesn't seem to add up.  What would be more correct so that we can appropriately determine a budget?

    A:  The award range is an estimate based on current awards for this service. Provider proposals should be an accurate representation of their proposed costs for their area. DMH may fund additional agencies depending on proposals received.

  10. Q:  [Applicant] noticed that there were roughly 12 referrals total last fiscal year in the four counties [Applicant] serves - two of which had no referrals listed. Do you see this as problematic as far as being competitive to receive the grant and/or in filling the obligations/requirements of the grant if awarded?

    A:  Each application will be considered equally. We believe that the dearth of referrals in different parts of the state have been affected by the lack of services available and the lack of awareness by the courts of outpatient alternatives.

  11. Q:  Can you share how the funding works - Is it an upfront grant or is reimbursement based on referrals and services?

    A:  Per Section A, Payment, of the NOFO, advance Payment will be issued monthly and reconciled with reported allowable expenses.

  12. Q:  A Uniform Grant Application must be done. On the last page of the UGA, question #44 is Proposed Project Term (Start and End Dates). I am not seeing anything for the dates. Normally, we are looking at July 1 to June 30 but since these are being done after the fiscal year has already started, I am not sure what dates to use for both?

    A:  Per the NOFO Section D. Application and Submission Information, Budget Requirements, d, "The budget should be prepared to reflect eight months for Fiscal Year 2021", the anticipated start date would be November 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.

  13. Q:  Will the CSA budget system allow us to apply for more than $81,000?

    A:  The system will allow you to apply for an amount higher than $81,000. The award range listed in the NOFO is an estimate based on current awards for this service.  Provider proposals should be an accurate representation of proposed costs.

  14. Q:  Is there any other information about the required training by IDHS/DMH Forensic staff you could provide? WIll it be a cost to us or covered by IDHS/DMH?

    A:  DHS provides training and consultation at no cost to providers.

  15. Q:  If we have not secured personnel for the various positions that the program model requires by October 8th (due date for submissions), is it possible to list positions in the budget instead of actual names that we will have once the grant commences?

    A:  We understand that some providers may have to hire staff for the program and it is not required that those staff be on board 10/8.

  16. Q:  Can the requirement to make contact (and documented) with individuals within 48 hours of receipt of a court order for outpatient services be in-person, over the phone or via web based contact?

    A:  48 hour contact can be in person, phone or telehealth.