Good Afternoon,
Happy New Fiscal Year! Here is to a great FY21!
Attached to this communication are two assessment tools and a DRAFT Information Bulletin on Community Day Services (CDS). We want to acknowledge and thank the Illinois Department of Public Health for their review, feedback and assistance with the contents of these documents.
The Information Bulletin (DRAFT - CDS Operations Under COVID-19) should have all information needed for providers to plan, develop policies and procedures, and implement needed changes and modifications before reopening their CDS program. Thank you to those who responded to the CDS survey. It was helpful in developing the attached IB. Also, due to feedback from providers on their desire to reopen earlier than 9/1/20 we've created a path forward for providers to do a "soft open" on 8/1/20. The steps are outlined in the IB.
Also provided is a significantly revised Individual Benefit/Risk Discussion Tool. This tool references CDC guidance on those with increased risk as opposed to listing the risks, as these change so regularly. Based on feedback from providers we are not requiring this specific tool to be completed; however, if a provider elects not to use the tool provided, they will need to develop their own tool to measure the benefits and risks to an individual's return. They should consider the Division's tool as the floor/minimum of what would be required in their own document. As a reminder, a benefit/risk assessment must be completed on every individual who plans to return to a CDS program prior to their return.
As providers complete the Provider Self-Assessment Tool, they should take in to account the results of the Individual Benefit/Risk Tool for all individuals who are interested in returning to their agency's CDS program. By doing this, providers can ensure that they are collectively evaluating a broader picture with each person's service needs
The Provider Self-Assessment Tool [FINAL Illinois CV Provider PreparednessSelfAssessment IDPH Rev (pdf) ] should walk providers through the process of developing appropriate policies, procedures, and supports in order to reopen.
Thanks for your patience as we work with IDPH and other Divisions, Departments, and Agencies to issue CDS guidance. We look forward to CDS reopening safely!
Thank you for all you do.