405 ILCS 5/4-211 requires the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) to approve course material in sex education. The factors IDHS must consider in approving the sex education material are set forth is 405 ILCS 5/211 (a)-(i). The Department may not withhold approval of materials that otherwise meet the criteria specified in this Section on the basis that they include or refer to a religious or faith based perspective. The Committee established a process to review and approve the sex education material to assess whether it met the standards outlined in the statute. The IDHS approved the sex education materials listed below. The sex education materials may change to include other materials submitted, evaluated and approved by the Committee. Disclaimer-IDHS has approved a list of all the sex education materials listed on this website. IDHS does not favor one particular set of sex education materials over another nor does their order of appearance in the list constitute any particular favor by IDHS.
Sex Education for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities Curriculum Review
Assessment of curriculum strength and whether it meets requirements of Illinois Legislative Committee. Curriculum reviewed by the Illinois Department of Human Services Curriculum Taskforce. For questions about this review, contact: DHS.BQM@illinois.gov
Cost: $299.00
For more information, please visit www.elevatustraining.com.
Universal Design & Accessibility |
Material Adaptable for: |
Sexual Rights Component |
Trainer Resources |
Meets Illinois Legislative Curriculum Requirement |
Plain Language Y |
Age Y |
States Sexual Rights Y |
Explains Trainer Skills Y |
Positive Sexual Identity Y |
Visual Aids Y |
Gender Y |
How to Advocate Y |
Useful Handouts Y |
Prevention of Pregnancy Y |
Video |
Culture Y |
Healthy Relationships Y |
Has Lesson Plans Y |
Audio N |
Language N |
First Person Language Y |
Online Safety Y |
Condoms Y |
Sign Language N |
Religion N |
Social Media/Internet Y |
Abstinence Y |
Braille N |
Sexual Orientation Y |
Emotional Consequence Y |
Psychological Consequence Y |
Unwanted Sexual Behavior Y |
Danger/Predator Signs Y |
Plain language and good visual aids.
*Supplemental Communication boards and cards can be purchased separately (see NOTE in Overview Section below).
Curriculum designed for high school students and adults with ID/DD. Images and language is inclusive of different cultures and sexual orientation
Curriculum developed with input from a self-advocacy group; Statement on Rights in Introduction and Sexual Self-advocacy handout. Lesson 9 is about the Internet, Social Media and Communication.
Includes extensive section with introduction, how to set up in an agency or school setting, how to work with parents, teaching strategies, handling disclosures of abuse, a referral form and consent form. Lesson 9 is about internet, social media and communication
Lesson 4, 8: Gender identity and expression; moving from friend to partner/sweetheart. Lesson 11: Being in a relationship; Lessons 20, 21: Avoiding pregnancy and STIs, including discussion of abstinence; Lessons 15, 19: Feelings about sexual acts and decision; feelings and cost of raising a child; Lessons 12, 16, 17, 18: Address abuse, unhealthy relationships, breaking up.
Reviewed 2nd Edition, 2018. Comprehensive curriculum with 22 units designed for high school students and adults with developmental disabilities. In the instruction section at the beginning, there is a Pre/Post Test with instructions.
This curriculum is designed to be taught by a training team: a staff member and a self-advocate as co-trainers. There are extensive instructions (Tips for Facilitators) in plain language and with images for self-advocate trainers.
The Elevatus Training website (www.elevatustraining.com) includes an online course for professionals to learn how to teach sexuality education (cost $397.00). There are also a great number of free resources, articles and links to helpful websites for further information.
This curriculum is:
- Developmentally Appropriate: For individuals with mild ID and possibly with moderate ID with support, and taught at a pace where matched to the individual's understanding.
- Evidence-based: This curriculum was developed using educational principles by a certified sexuality educator (AASECT), with input from self-advocates to reflect their values and preferences. There has been no rigorous evaluation testing of this curriculum.
NOTE: For an additional $225.00, you can purchase a Communication Supports set, which contains communication boards and cards developed by a special education professional with experience teaching sexuality education. They are designed to support the use of the Elevatus curriculum for those who have limited or unreliable speech.