Name: Barb Roberson
Phone: 217-557-5876
The Grantee will subcontract for or directly operate a crisis respite program within a safe, inviting, home-like atmosphere that offers services provided by recovery support specialists and is designed to proactively divert crises and break the cycle of psychiatric hospitalization. First created by Recovery International, the living room model operates from the Crisis Now concept and focuses on practices including recovery orientation, trauma-informed care, significant use of recovery support staff, a commitment to Zero Suicide/Suicide Safer Care, strong commitments to safety for individuals served and the staff providing services, and collaboration with law enforcement. It is traditionally run by consumer operated service providers and is based on a philosophy that crises are an opportunity for learning. The environment provided throughout the living room creates a safe space for the individual to calmly process the crisis event, learn and apply wellness strategies, and prevent future crisis events. The individuals' strengths are the basis for the services and supports which will address whole health, wellness and having a life in the community. Participation in the Living Room will be voluntary and based on the individual's choice. Through participation in trainings selected by the Division of Mental Health, the Grantee and any subcontractors will partner with the state in transforming the crisis care system.
Reference the Uniform Grant Agreement, Article IV Payment, Section 4.2 Return of Grant Funds and 4.3 Cash Management Improvement Act of 1990.
Payment will be issued monthly and reconciled with reported allowable expenses. Grantee shall submit a quarterly Periodic Financial Report (GOMBGATU-4002 (N-08-17)) to the appropriate email address below no later than November 1, February 1, May 1, and August 1. Reported expenses should be consistent with the approved annual grant budget. Any expenditure variances require prior Grantor approval in accordance with Article VI of the Uniform Grant Agreement to be reimbursable.
PFR Email Address for General Grants:
PFR Email Address for Williams Consent Decree:
PFR Email Address for Colbert Consent Decree:
DMH reporting templates and detailed instructions for submitting reports can be found in the Provider section of the DHS website.
The Grantee shall submit quarterly Periodic Performance Report (GOMBGATU-4001 (N-08-17)) and the Periodic Performance Report Template by Program (PRTP) to the appropriate email address below no later than November 1, February 1, May 1, and August 1. Reporting templates and instructions for submitting reports can be found in the Provider section of the DHS website.
PPR and PPRT Email Address for All Grants:
The following are included in the reporting template:
This NOFO is considered a competitive application for funding. It is not a guarantee of funding. This award utilizes state appropriated funds.
IDHS/DMH is not obligated to reimburse applicants for expenses or services incurred prior to the complete and final execution of the grant agreement and filing with the Illinois Office of the Comptroller.
Allowable costs are those that are necessary, reasonable and permissible under the law and can be found in 2 CFR 200 - Subpart E - Cost Principles.
Please refer to 2 CFR 200 - Subpart E - Cost Principles to see a collection of unallowable costs.
Please refer to 2 CFR 200.414 regarding Indirect (F&A) Costs. To charge indirect costs to a grant, agencies must have an annually negotiated indirect cost rate agreement (NICRA). If the agency has multiple NICRAs, IDHS will accept only the lesser rate. There are three types of NICRAs:
This program will be awarded as a 12-month term agreement with 2, one-year renewal options. Renewals are at the sole discretion of the IDHS and are contingent on meeting the following criteria:
This funding opportunity is not limited to those who currently have an award from the IDHS; however, applicants must:
Applicants that do not comply with these requirements are not eligible to receive an award.
Each applicant must have access to the internet. Applicants may obtain application forms at the Division's Grant Information website Questions and answers will also be posted on this website. It is the responsibility of each applicant to monitor that website and comply with any instructions or requirements relating to the NOFO.
See Section C Eligibility Information, #1 Eligible Applicants, letters g and h.
All applicants must demonstrate that the NOFO requirements are met as identified in Section C, #1, a - h.
The maximum possible score is 50 points. All submissions will be reviewed, evaluated and based on the Criteria listed below.
Proposals will be reviewed by IDHS/DMH staff familiar with the requirements of the program including services to be performed in specified geographic location, if applicable. Review team members will have no conflicts of interest and will read and evaluate proposals independently.
Anticipated Announcement and State Award Dates
It is anticipated that Notices of State Award (NOSA) will be made in June 2020.
Applicants recommended for funding under this NOFO following the above review and selection process will receive a Notice of State Award (NOSA). The NOSA shall include:
Reporting requirements for the grant agreement shall be in accordance with the requirements set forth in Section A, Payment Terms and Performance Measures and shall also comply with the requirements of Exhibits C and E of the Uniform Grant Agreement.
Illinois Department of Human ServicesJB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary
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