For a TANF case, the case record is called a NERF (Numbered Expandable Removable File) record. SNAP and AABD cases may have either a NERF record or a case record. The case record has a face sheet, Form 500, with case materials fastened together and is placed in a manila folder.
The NERF is an expandable pocket file with 9 labeled sections in the following order:
Section 1 - Application
Includes application forms, except those for only SNAP (see Section 2), attachments, requests for additional assistance, clearances, and copies of notices in response to applications or requests for additional assistance.
Section 2 - SNAP/Shelter
Includes applications for only SNAP, and all forms relating to SNAP, except for recovery or recoupment related forms (see Section 5),
and income-related forms and worksheets (see Section 7).
Section 3 - Verifications/Assets
Includes forms, documentation, and notices regarding verification of assets and nonfinancial factors of eligibility, except for medical-related verifications (see Section 4).
Section 4 - Miscellaneous Responsible Relatives/Medical/Referrals/Other
Includes forms regarding paternity, child support, responsible relatives, medical-related issues including determinations of medical barriers, and referrals.
Section 5 - Recovery/Recoupment
Includes forms, notices, and documents relating to Cash/SNAP overpayments, Intentional Program Violation disqualifications, and personal injury claims.
Section 6 - Redeterminations
Includes all forms and notices relating to the REDE process. Includes all forms and notices relating to the Family Assessment, RSP, supportive services and referrals made to other agencies or providers.
Section 7 -
Includes all
worksheets and income verifications.
Section 8 - Form 157 Series/Form 514/Miscellaneous
Includes all Forms 157, Notices of Change, Forms 514, Case Recordings, and Forms 3067, Case Review Findings. Include in this section all other notices, forms or material that does not belong in any other section.
Section 9 - Form 552
One copy of each turnaround and pencil copy of Form 552 for the 4-year retention period.