Policy Memo
- Due to guidance from Food and Nutrition Services (FNS), under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act of 2020, supplemental emergency SNAP allotments will be issued for April 2020 and May 2020 to SNAP households that are receiving less than the maximum monthly SNAP allotment for the household size.
- The supplemental emergency SNAP allotment is the difference of the maximum monthly SNAP allotment for the household size minus the regular monthly benefit amount that the client receives in April 2020 and May 2020. A SNAP household that is already receiving the maximum monthly SNAP allotment for the household size is not entitled to a supplement.
- No additional action is needed by caseworkers to issue this benefit.
- Active SNAP households whose regular monthly benefit amount is less the maximum monthly SNAP allotment for the household size in April 2020 and May 2020 will receive a supplemental emergency SNAP allotment to bring them to the full maximum monthly SNAP allotment for the household size.
- April 2020 emergency allotments will be made available to active SNAP households on or before 04/20/2020.
- May 2020 emergency allotments will be made available to active SNAP households approximately the same date their emergency allotment was available in April.
- If the SNAP household has an increase in household members during April or May, the household will be entitled to another supplement. This supplement will be issued either through certification or identified in the weekly process to receive an additional issuance. No additional action is needed from the worker for this scenario.
- New applications received during April 2020 or May 2020 will also receive a supplemental emergency SNAP allotment, if their approved regular benefit amount is less than the maximum monthly SNAP allotment for the household size even if the initial approval month is prorated.
- SNAP applications processed during April 2020 or May 2020 will receive the emergency allotment through a weekly process that will identify eligible cases and create the supplemental issuance.
- SNAP households will not be sent a client notice to inform them of the supplements.
Due to COVID-19, the Food and Nutrition Service is allowing SNAP households in Illinois to receive the full maximum monthly SNAP allotment for the household size for April 2020 and May 2020.
If a SNAP household applies and is approved to receive SNAP for April 2020 and May 2020, IES will issue a supplemental emergency SNAP allotment, if the regular benefit amount is less than the maximum monthly SNAP allotment for the household size. The supplement will be issued along with the regular roll approved benefit amount.
Active SNAP Households
Active SNAP households whose regular monthly benefit amount is less the maximum monthly SNAP allotment for the household size in April 2020 and May 2020 will receive a supplemental emergency SNAP allotment to bring them to the full maximum monthly SNAP allotment for the household size.
New Approvals
For approved SNAP EDGs, IES will centrally calculate the emergency SNAP supplements, if the approved regular benefit amount is less than the maximum monthly SNAP allotment for the household size, even if the initial approval month is prorated.
Additional Supplement Issuance
- For April 2020, emergency allotments will be made available to active SNAP households on or before 04/20/2020.
- For May 2020, emergency allotments will be made available to active SNAP households approximately the same date their emergency allotment was available in April.
The HSC should continue entering case information in data collection as they would normally do. The HSC will see the customer's regular SNAP benefit amount.
The supplemental emergency SNAP allotment will be issued centrally and is the difference of the maximum monthly SNAP benefit amount for the household size minus the regular monthly benefit amount that the client receives in April 2020 and May 2020.
- Example: Mr. A has a household of one and receives $37 per month in SNAP. Due to COVID-19, he will receive an additional supplement of $157 in April and in May to equal the maximum monthly allotment of $194.
Emergency allotments are only being issued for two months. For June 2020, SNAP households will receive their regular benefit amount based on household circumstances and income.
Overpayments and Sanctions
SNAP households with active recoupments will only receive an emergency allotment if the SNAP benefit amount plus the recoupment amount is less than the maximum allotment for the household size. SNAP households in sanction status will only receive an emergency allotment up to the maximum allotment for the eligible household size.
Potential Overpayments will not be detected by IES for the months of April 2020 and May 2020. If a valid overpayment situation is discovered, a manual overpayment referral should be sent to DHS.BOC.Ovrpmt.Referral@Illinois.gov
Client Notice
A client notice will not be mailed to these households
[signed copy on file]
Grace B. Hou
Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services