2020 Prevent Child Abuse (PCA) Fact Sheet

Program Objectives

The purpose and scope of services for this grant are to support the development

and effectiveness of new parent home visitation in Illinois by:

  1. Participating in the Healthy Families Illinois planning and governance structure
  2. Managing funds to assist specific HFI programs with accreditation
  3. Providing staff support to the regional HFI program clusters
  4. Planning and hosting the annual Statewide Conference on Child Abuse Prevention to include a home visitor sessions track and recognition program
  5. Sponsoring an annual HFI Summit training event in conjunction with the annual statewide conference on child abuse prevention.

Program Data

FY18 FY19 FY20
Annual Expenditures $89,188 $90,668 $105,000*
Number of Participants 380 1,258 1,000*

* Projected

Contact Information

Prevent Child Abuse

401 S. Clinton, 3rd FL North

Chicago, IL 60607

E-Mail: DHS.ECD@illinois.gov

Phone: Main: (312) 793-1476