March 10, 2020 @ 11:00 a.m.
Access Code: 8725035698
401 S. Clinton, 7th Floor, Secretary's Conference Room - Chicago
Peter B. Neumer, Acting Inspector General; Williams J. Diggins, Interim Deputy Inspector General; Brian Dunn, Chairperson; Shirley Perez, Board Member; Jae Jin Pak, Board Member; Megan Norlin, Board Member; Angela Hearts-Glass, Board Member; Pamela S. Oller, Administrative Assistant
Chairperson reiterated the importance of checking state email account regularly.
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 11:13 a.m.
Approval of Meeting Minutes
- February 4, 2020 minutes reviewed
- Motion to approve the minutes - Jae Jin Pak
- Motion Seconded - Shirley Perez
- All in Favor - with none opposed
- February 4, 2020, minutes Approved
Amended OIG Policies
Conflict of Interest Policy
The suggested revisions were implemented, the draft has been sent to DHS Labor, and OIG is awaiting DHS Labor's reply. The floor was opened for suggestions. No other comments.
Intake Procedures
Acting Inspector General Neumer reported on the boards' suggested revisions and opened for discussion on the following:
- Default rule is all allegations that fall under OIG's jurisdiction will be opened for an investigation
- Criteria created to determine when referral to another entity is appropriate
- Revisions to procedures are ongoing and were discussed
- OIG will follow-up with Agencies & Facilities regarding expectations for agency and facility's with respect to reviews of referred allegations
- Letter to Agency/Facility and Written Response form - the letter will clearly state OIG's expectations and the written response form will clearly state OIG's requirements
- Procedure of tracking (1) allegations that do not initiate an investigation and (2) the referrals to outside entities of said allegations
- Pilot will roll-out (target date July 1, 2020) before implementing statewide
The proposed written response process was discussed in length:
- OIG receives the written responses
- MH/DD reviews and signs and routes back to OIG
- OIG performs final follow-up to ensure stated actions are complete
Revisions to the letter and the written response form discussed today, will be presented at the next board meeting for review.
Acting Inspector General Neumer reported the office is looking at possibly revising the policies pertaining to OIG's determination of credible evidence. After OIG completes the revisions, OIG will present them to the board for review.
OIG Reports and New Template
The current and revised format used for substantiated case reporting was discussed at length. The goal of the new format is to ensure it is more comprehensible to the reader. The main revision is the structure of reporting the interviews and documents. The OIG plans to use the revised template on substantiated cases for a period before rolling it out to all cases.
Chairperson Dunn recommended for the OIG to send case reports to the board for review and discussion at the next board meeting.
The OIG's process of receiving allegations and initiating investigations was discussed.
Agendas for Future Meetings
Topics for discussion at the next scheduled board meeting on April 14, 2020 (11 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.):
- Draft Policy for Credible Evidence
- State of the Union Address
- Personnel Updates
- Policy terms of roll-out
- Conflict of Interest
- Other topics affecting OIG as needed
- OIG Reports and New Templates
- Division (MH/DD) approval process pertaining to recommendations made by OIG
- Review of OIG Case Reports Received
Other Business
Chairperson Dunn suggested having an in-person meeting within the Chicago area (for those available to do so) in the Spring and/or Summer.
Meeting adjourned at 12:46 p.m.