A. Introduction
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment & Training (SNAP E & T) Program is a voluntary program to help customers acquire work skills and find employment. The program also helps support customers with work-related expenses for the first 30 days of a job and services designed to ensure new employment is retained through the first critical 90 days.
The program is voluntary for anyone who is able to work and who receives SNAP benefits. Participation in SNAP E & T enables participants to gain work skills and experience, meet the federal work requirement, and become self-sufficient.
Participants have a range of educational experience who also bring a spectrum of work skills and experience. Individuals will participate in specific programs based upon their individual assessments, identifying strengths and areas in need of development.
Following are descriptions of the SNAP E & T programs and/or activities funded by the Division of Family and Community Services, Bureau of Workforce Development, Employment and Training Resource Development Services. The Provider is contracted to implement the programs/activities specified in this SNAP E & T Program Manual.
***All Provider contracts must go through the GATA/NOFO process. For more information, please contact your Provider Manager.***
Contracted Work and Training Providers
Agencies contracted to provide work and training activities are responsible for the overall case management of customers enrolled in core and non-core work and training activities. These agencies, referred to as Providers, are responsible for securing appropriate work experience, community workfare and educational opportunities for customers. The contracted work and training Providers are responsible for securing documentation from assigned work and training site supervisors that verifies customers' daily hours of attendance and for submitting this information monthly to the Department. These agencies are also responsible for placing a percentage of customers into unsubsidized employment. Contracted work and training Providers may also provide Supervised Job Search and Job Readiness activities. Services provided by contracted work and training Providers are monitored by Department staff. All services must be in compliance with the Department's SNAP E & T Work Plan.