X. Provider Management Policies and Procedures

A. Policies

The Department's policies for contractual programs are contained within the Community Services Agreement and the Program Manual.

  1. Providers who receive administrative funds for program administration are required to submit an annual program budget within 30 calendar days of receipt of the executed agreement.
  2. The Department will communicate changes and/or clarifications of policy during quarterly Provider meetings and/or in writing.

B. Procedures

The Department's procedures for contractual programs are outlined in the Program Manual. Instructions for submitting billings and completing forms are provided at the beginning of the contract period.

The Department will communicate changes and/or clarifications of procedures during quarterly Provider meetings and/or in writing.

C. Contract/Amendment Process 

1.  The Contract Process

The contract between the Department and the Provider consists of several parts:

  1. Community Service Agreement containing the standard contract language used for all Department contracts;
    • Exhibit A-Scope of Services details program specifics on the population to be served.
    • Exhibit B-Deliverables and Exhibit C-Payment details program deliverables, the number of customers to be served, and payment information.
    • Exhibit D-Contact Information showing the contact information, program type, methods of payment and reconciliation and the estimated funding amount.
    • Exhibit E-Performance Measures and Exhibit F- Performance Standards detail payment information and special report requirements.
  2. Program Manual and forms packet containing the program service provisions, forms and instructions for submitting and completing billing, the budget, and other forms;
  3. The Provider's approved request for funding, if applicable.

2.  Initiating the Contract

The Department will initiate the contract.  The Office of Contract Administration (OCA) will email notices out to Providers informing them that Contracts, Program Manuals and Attachment are available for access and download.  The Provider will review and sign and return directly to OCA at DHS.OCA.SignaturePages@illinois.gov. This is explained further at: https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=61069.  Once the Secretary's signature is obtained, the fully executed contract is forwarded to the Provider.

3.  The Amendment Process

The Department will modify the contract by letter notification when it:

  1. extends the contract beyond the original expiration date; and/or
  2. revises the services purchased as shown on Exhibit B and Exhibit D.
  3. increases or decreases the estimated funding amount; and/or
  4. revises the Program Manual or Contract language due to a change in federal or state law or other reason of substance, when warranted.
  5. It is important to note that when these amendments request Grantee signature, it requires a new signature dated the day of receipt and not the former signature page at initiation. A delegation of authority form is on file in the event the primary contact person responsible for the program is not available.  These requests are time sensitive and a delay of signature may delay payment or implementation of contracts.

4.  Exception Request Process

To request a change in the guidelines of the current contract, a Provider must submit an Exception Request. Contract Exception (doc) .

The request is submitted to the Provider Manager who forwards the request for Administrative review.  Upon review, the Provider will be notified of the Department's decision.

The following guidelines apply to each Exception Request:

  1. request must be submitted to the Provider Manager on the appropriate form;
  2. include specific contract provision and reasons for requested change, and
  3. a separate request is required for each program administered, if applicable;
  4. request may be approved for a limited time period as designated by the Department;
  5. all exceptions MUST BE approved prior to the implementation of requested change(s);
  6. an approval does not obligate the Department to approve again as the requests are viewed on a case by case basis of presenting circumstances.