MR #20.22: Update to Social Security Number Verification Procedures

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Illinois Health Care and Family Services Logo



  • Updates are being made to IES that will help workers verify Social Security Numbers.
  • Page level validations will be added to IES to help workers accurately enter Social Security Numbers (SSN).
  • A popup box will display on the Clearance Results Screen under certain conditions.
  • The Federal Data Service Hub (FDSH) clearance will be modified to update an individual's SSN verification source as "Not Verified" when appropriate and under certain conditions a case comment will be inserted to IES.
  • Changes will be made to the Individual Information Screen. A message will display to help worker's with SSN validation and a new "Validated by SSA PC" check box will be added.
  • A popup box will display on the Non-Citizen's Details when there is a Social Security Number or Alien Registration Number found in IES and the worker selects the Admission Status as "Undocumented".
  • SSN validation scenarios have been added to WAG 03-11-01-b

Due to audit findings IES will be enhanced to warn workers against selecting a valid Social Security Number (SSN) source if the SSA clearance returns an invalid response. IES will now help workers with SSN validation and Non-Citizen documentation.

Effective 09/02/2020 popup boxes display on the Clearance Results and Non-Citizens Details screens in data collection. The popup boxes will ask workers to review information entered for accuracy. Additional changes are made on the Individual Information screen and a validation message will display when the worker attempts to use the verification source "Federal Data Services Hub/SSA". A "Validated by SSA PC" check box will be added and will be in "read only" to everyone but DHS Social Security Program Control Unit workers.

Federal Data Service Hub (FDSH) Clearance

When the Federal Data Service Hub (FDSH) clearance runs on an individual it will update the SSN verification source on the Individual Information screen as "Not Verified" and insert a case comment if:

  • The "Validated by SSA" and "Validated by SSA PC" check boxes on the Individual Information screen are not checked for the individual and
  • The individual's current SSN verification source is:
    • Conversion
    • Federal Data Service Hub/SSA
    • Other Acceptable
    • Verified by SSA/SOLQ or
    • Social Security Card


  • The SSA clearance result is one of the following:
    • SSN Not Verified/SSN does not exist;
    • SSN Not Verified/SSN exists there is no match on name or Date of Birth (DOB);
    • SSN Not Verified/SSN exists there is a match on name but not on DOB; or
    • SSN Not Verified/SSN exists there is a match on DOB but not on name.

The case comment inserted will read: The SSN verification source on the Individual Information page was automatically updated to "Not Verified" for (Last Name, First Name) because the SSA Clearance was unable to successfully verify the SSN entered in IES.

If workers continue in IES without performing any updates to the SSN or SSN verification source, EDGs will pend for unverified SSN and a VCL will be generated after running eligibility. If the customer does not respond to the VCL , EDGs will close for failure to provide the verification when appropriate.

Examples of the FDSH clearance and instructions on how to handle the clearance can be found in WAG 03-11-01-b

Clearance Results

A popup box will be thrown on the Clearance Results screen if IES detects that the worker has indicated that an individual has a valid SSN verification source WAG 03-11-01-b but the clearance has indicated that the individual's information in IES does not match what the Social Security Administration (SSA) has on file. The popup box will be dispalyed when the worker clicks "Next" on the Clearance Results screen and at least one of the individuals on the case meets the following conditions:

  • The "Validated by SSA" checkbox on the Individual Information screen is not checked for the individual; or
  • The "Validated by SSA PC" check box on the Individual Information screen is not checked for the individual; and
  • The individual has an SSN verification source of conversion, Federal Data Service Hub/SSA, Other Acceptable, SSA/SOLQ, Social Security Card, Blank, or Not Verified; and
  • The most recent clearance result for the individual is:
  • SSN Not Verified/SSN does not exist;
  • SSN Not Verified/SSN exists, there is no match on name or Date of Birth (DOB);
  • SSN Not Verified/SSN exists, there is a match on name but not DOB; or
  • SSN Not Verified/SSN exists, there is a match on DOB but not on name.

Additional Information

  • Clicking the name of any individual displayed in the popup box will navigate the worker to the Individual Household screen and close the popup box.
  • Workers can close the popup box by clicking Close or the X button, or by using the hyperlink to navigate to the Individual Household screen.
IES Clearance Screen Shot

Individual Information

The Individual Information screen will have a new "Updated by SSA PC" check box added. This check box will only be available to the Social Security Administration Program Control Unit (SSAPC) workers. If an individual's SSN is validated by the SSAPC unit and the "Updated by SSA PC" check box is enabled, the SSN and Verification Source fields will be disabled and will be read-only to all workers.

The SSN Verification source value "Verified by SSA" will be renamed to "Verified by SSA/SOLQ".

In order to prevent workers from selecting "Verified by Federal Data Service Hub/SSA" as a verification source, a validation message is added. When a worker attempts to navigate away from the screen IES will display the following hard stop message, "Users cannot select an SSN verification source of Federal Data Service Hub/SSA. This value can only be set by the SSA clearance. Please select a different verification source."

Individual Information Screen Shot

Non Citizen Details

A popup box will appear on the Non-Citizen-Details screen when IES detects that the worker has indicated that an individual is an Undocumented Non-Citizen, but the individual has a valid SSN or Alien Registration Number. When the worker attempts to save a record for an individual the popup box will appear if the individual being added meets the following conditions: 

  • The Confirm checkbox has not already been checked for the case/individual combination since the last time the case was certified; and
  • The individual has a Non-Citizen Admission Status of "Undocumented" currently selected on the screen; and
  • The individual has an SSN entered on the Individual Information screen, or an Alien Registration Number currently entered on the Non-Citizens-Details screen.

Additional Information

  • If the Confirm check box is not checked and the Submit button is clicked the popup box will not close and will display the following message: "Information cannot be submitted without selecting the Confirm checkbox. Please select the Confirm checkbox and click Submit again, or click Cancel if undocumented non-citizen has not been reviewed". Scenarios can be found in WAG 03-01-02.
IES Non Citizens Detail Screen Shot
  • If after reviewing the ECR, the worker is then able to change the Undocumented Non-Citizen to Citizen or Documented, the popup box will not appear again.

Manual Revisions

[signed copy on file]

Grace B. Hou

Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services

Theresa Eagleson

Director, Illinois Department of HealthCare and Family Services

Forms referenced
