Family & Community Services - Operations - All Funds

BY21 Budget - Change by Line Item - All Funds

Appropriation Name CY Approp. CY Adj. CY Est. Exp. BY Adj. BY Request
Personal Services $289,077.9 $289,077.9 $23,243.5 $312,321.4
Social Security $22,531.4 $22,531.4 $1,360.2 $23,891.6
Subtotal $311,609.3 $311,609.3 $24,603.7 $336,213.0
Contractual $11,033.6 $11,033.6 $500.0 $11,533.6
Contractual - Electronic Benefit Transfer $10,800.0 $10,800.0 $10,800.0
Travel $394.8 $394.8 $394.8
Commodities $26.6 $26.6 $1,000.0 $1,026.6
Printing $50.0 $50.0
Equipment $195.2 $195.2 $7,000.0 $7,195.2
Telecommunications $2,741.1 $2,741.1 $2,450.0 $5,191.1
Operations of Federal Employment $10,783.7 $10,783.7 $10,783.7
Public Health Programs $368.0 $368.0 $368.0
Subtotal $36,343.0 $36,343.0 $11,000.0 $47,343.0
Total Appropriation $347,952.3 $347,952.3 $35,603.7 $383,556.0
BY Adjustments Description Amount
Personal Services Personal Service pricing adjustment, including annualization of FY20 COLA and Steps, and
funding for FY21 COLA and Steps - $19,021.9; Personal Services cost associated with 100 
additional Human Services Caseworkers - $4,221.6
Social Security Social Security pricing adjustment annualization at 7.65% - $1,037.2; and Fringe Benefit cost
associated with 100 additional Human Services Caseworkers - $323.0
Contractual Annualized costs related to FY20 hiring and 100 additional Human Services Caseworkers $500.0
Commodities Annualized costs related to FY20 hiring and 100 additional Human Services Caseworkers $1,000.0
Printing Annualized costs related to FY20 hiring and 100 additional Human Services Caseworkers $50.0
Equipment Annualized costs related to FY20 hiring and 100 additional Human Services Caseworkers
and division wide equipment refresh
Telecommunications Annualized costs related to FY20 hiring and 100 additional Human Services Caseworkers $2,450.0