Family & Community Services - Operations - GRF

BY21 Budget - Change by Line Item - General Revenue Fund

Appropriation Name CY Approp. CY Adj. CY Est Expend BY Adj. BY Request
Personal Services $289,077.9 $289,077.9 $23,243.5 $312,321.4
Social Security $22,531.4 $22,531.4 $1,360.2 $23,891.6
Subtotal $311,609.3 $311,609.3 $24,603.7 $336,213.0
Contractual $11,033.6 $11,033.6 $500.0 $11,533.6
Contractual - Electronic Benefit Transfer $10,800.0 $10,800.0 $10,800.0
Travel $394.8 $394.8 $394.8
Commodities $26.6 $26.6 $1,000.0 $1,026.6
Printing $50.0 $50.0
Equipment $195.2 $195.2 $7,000.0 $7,195.2
Telecommunications $2,741.1 $2,741.1 $2,450.0 $5,191.1
Subtotal $25,191.3 $25,191.3 $11,000.0 $36,191.3
Total Appropriation $336,800.6 $336,800.6 $35,603.7 $372,404.3
BY Adjustments Description Amount
Personal Services Personal Service pricing adjustment, including annualization of FY20 COLA and Steps, and
funding for FY21 COLA and Steps - $19,021.9; Personal Services cost associated with 100
additional Human Services Caseworkers - $4,221.6
Social Security Social Security pricing adjustment annualization at 7.65% - $1,037.2; and Fringe Benefit cost
associated with 100 additional Human Services Caseworkers - $323.0
Contractual Annualized costs related to FY20 hiring and 100 additional Human Services Caseworkers $500.0
Commodities Annualized costs related to FY20 hiring and 100 additional Human Services Caseworkers $1,000.0
Printing Annualized costs related to FY20 hiring and 100 additional Human Services Caseworkers $50.0
Equipment Annualized costs related to FY20 hiring and 100 additional Human Services Caseworkers $7,000.0
Telecommunications Annualized costs related to FY20 hiring and 100 additional Human Services Caseworkers $2,450.0