Mental Health Grants & Program Support - GRF

BY21 Budget - Change by Line Item - General Revenue Fund

Appropriation Name CY Approp. CY Adj. CY Est. Exp. BY Adj. BY Request
Personal Services $4,728.9 $4,728.9 $288.2 $5,017.1
Social Security $361.8 $361.8 $22.0 $383.8
Subtotal $5,090.7 $5,090.7 $310.2 $5,400.9
Contractual $972.1 $972.1 $972.1
Travel $80.5 $80.5 $80.5
Commodities $17.1 $17.1 $17.1
Equipment $3.9 $3.9 $3.9
Telecommunications $173.6 $173.6 $173.6
Subtotal $1,247.2 $1,247.2 $1,247.2
NAMI $180.0 $180.0 $180.0
MH Psychotropic Drugs $1,881.8 $1,881.8 $1,881.8
Community Transitions & System Rebalancing $47,320.2 $47,320.2 $4,289.4 $51,609.6
MH Evaluation Determination, Disposition $1,200.0 $1,200.0 $1,200.0
Colbert Consent Decree $29,319.5 $29,319.5 $20,934.4 $50,253.9
Supportive MI Housing $21,968.3 $21,968.3 $279.4 $22,247.7
MH Grants, Transitions, SOF, & SMHRF $134,082.2 $134,082.2 ($3,818.5) $130,263.7
Subtotal $235,952.0 $235,952.0 $21,684.7 $257,636.7
Total Appropriation $242,289.9 $242,289.9 $21,994.9 $264,284.8
BY Adjustments Description Amount
Personal Services Personal Services pricing adjustment, including annualization of
FY20 COLA and Steps and funding for FY21 COLA and Steps
Social Security Annualization at 7.65% $22.0
Community Transitions & System Rebalancing Williams Consent Decree FY20 annualizations and FY21 new placements
$1,650.0, 2% full year COLA to address minimum wage increase $639.4,
investment in the Comprehensive Services Program for
Williams Consent Decree transitions $2,000.0
Colbert Consent Decree Appropriation transfer from DoA $10,000.0, FY20 annualizations and
FY21 new placements $4,400.0, 2% full year COLA to address minimum
wage increase $534.4, investment to support Comprehensive Services
Program for Colbert class member transitions $6,000.0
Supportive MI Housing 2% full year COLA to address minimum wage increase $279.4
MH Grants, Transitions, SOF, & SMHRF 2% full year COLA to address minimum wage increase $4,181.5,
shift of MH Medicaid to MCO coverage ($8,000.0)