Substance Use Prevention & Recovery - GRF

BY21 Budget - Change by Line Item - General Revenue Fund

Appropriation Name CY Approp. CY Adj. CY Est. Exp. BY Adj. BY Request
Personal Services $1,029.9 $1,029.9 $73.8 $1,103.7
Social Security $78.8 $78.8 $5.6 $84.4
Subtotal $1,108.7 $1,108.7 $79.4 $1,188.1
Contractual $1.4 $1.4 $1.4
Travel $1.5 $1.5 $1.5
Equipment $1.1 $1.1 $1.1
Telecommunications $25.0 $25.0 $25.0
Subtotal $29.0 $29.0 $29.0
Addiction Treat/Medicaid Eligible $27,838.1 $27,838.1 ($11,683.2) $16,154.9
Addiction Treatment Services $43,175.4 $43,175.4 $2,763.5 $45,938.9
DCFS Clients $7,549.2 $7,549.2 $151.0 $7,700.2
Addiction Treatment-Spec Pop $5,949.7 $5,949.7 $100.0 $6,049.7
Pilot Program Opioid Dependents $500.0 $500.0 $500.0
Addiction Prevention Related Services $1,102.1 $1,102.1 $1,102.1
Subtotal $86,114.5 $86,114.5 ($8,668.7) $77,445.8
Total Appropriation $87,252.2 $87,252.2 ($8,589.3) $78,662.9
BY Adjustments Description Amount
Personal Services Personal Services pricing adjustment, including annualization of
FY20 COLA and Steps and funding for FY21 COLA and Steps
Social Security Annualization at 7.65% $5.6
Addiction Treat/Medicaid Eligible Shift of SUPR Medicaid to MCO coverage ($12,000.0) and
2% full year COLA $316.8
Addiction Treatment Services 2% full year COLA for minimum wage increase $2,763.5
DCFS Clients 2% full year COLA for minimum wage increase $151.0
Addiction Treatment-Spec Pop 2% full year COLA for minimum wage increase $100.0