Rehabilitation Services Bureaus - All Funds

BY21 Budget - Change by Line Item - All Funds

Appropriation Name CY Approp. CY Adj. CY Est. Exp. BY Adj. BY Request
Personal Services $42,806.5 ($1,952.3) $40,854.2 $990.9 $41,845.1
Retirement $23,239.6 ($1,059.9) $22,179.7 $764.4 $22,944.1
Social Security $3,375.2 ($149.4) $3,225.8 $47.3 $3,273.1
Group Insurance $13,387.2 ($528.0) $12,859.2 $1,339.5 $14,198.7
Subtotal $82,808.5 ($3,689.6) $79,118.9 $3,142.1 $82,261.0
Contractual $8,689.8 ($1,600.0) $7,089.8 $1,600.0 $8,689.8
Travel $1,468.1 $1,468.1 ($12.2) $1,455.9
Commodities $318.8 ($5.6) $313.2 $313.2
Printing $150.1 $150.1 $150.1
Equipment $676.9 $1,593.0 $2,269.9 ($600.0) $1,669.9
Telecommunications $1,512.7 $1,512.7 ($19.5) $1,493.2
Op of Automotive $30.0 $30.0 $30.0
Support Service In-Service Training (081) $366.7 ($366.7)
Subtotal $13,213.1 ($379.3) $12,833.8 $968.3 $13,802.1
Independent Living Centers $5,802.6 $5,802.6 $1,199.6 $7,002.2
Independent Living Older Blind $134.1 $134.1 $12.0 $146.1
DRS Federal Match for Employment Related Grants $102.0 $102.0 ($12.0) $90.0
Case Services to Individuals $8,950.9 $8,950.9 $4,559.7 $13,510.6
Case Services to Individuals (036) $2,413.7 $2,413.7 ($2,413.7)
Case Services to Individuals (081) $55,000.0 $55,000.0 $10,000.0 $65,000.0
Supported Empl-Implement Title VI Part C (081) $1,900.0 $1,900.0 $1,900.0
Case Services Migrant Workers (081) $210.0 ($210.0)
Independent Living Centers (081) $4,177.2 $4,177.2 $330.0 $4,507.2
Technical Assistance Project (081) $1,050.0 $1,050.0 $1,050.0
Small Business Enterprise Program (081) $3,527.3 $3,527.3 $3,527.3
Independent Living Older Blind (081) $2,545.5 $2,545.5 $500.0 $3,045.5
Subtotal $85,813.3 ($210.0) $85,603.3 $14,175.6 $99,778.9
Total Appropriation $181,834.9 ($4,278.9) $177,556.0 $18,286.0 $195,842.0
CY Adjustments Description Amount
Personal Services Estimated lapse from fund 036 appropriation ($1,952.3)
Retirement Estimated lapse from fund 036 appropriation ($1,059.9)
Social Security Estimated lapse from fund 036 appropriation ($149.4)
Group Insurance Estimated lapse from fund 036 appropriation ($528.0)
Contractual One-time transfer to cover computer hardware upgrades and
local office furniture replacement
Commodities Estimated lapse from fund 036 appropriation ($5.6)
Equipment One time transfer to cover computer hardware upgrades and
local office furniture replacement $1,600.0 and estimated lapse
from fund 036 appropriation ($7.0)
Support Service In-Service Training (081) Excess Appropriation authority ($366.7)
Case Services Migrant Workers (081) Excess Appropriation authority ($210.0)
BY Adjustments
Personal Services Personal Services pricing adjustment, including annualization of
FY20 COLA and Steps and funding for FY21 COLA and Step $990.9
Retirement Annualization at 54.831% $764.4 $764.4
Social Security Annualization at 7.65% 47.3 $47.3
Group Insurance Annualization at $26.5 per employee $1,339.5 $1,339.5
Contractual Reverse one-time transfer $1,600.0
Travel Dissolve the 036 fund and re-align to GRF ($12.2) ($12.2)
Equipment Dissolve the 036 fund and re-align to GRF ($7.0) and reverse
one-time transfer ($600.0)
Telecommunications Dissolve the 036 fund and re-align to GRF ($19.5) ($19.5)
Independent Living Centers Investment in home modification for individuals with disabilities
$1,000.0, 2% full year COLA for minimum wage increase $199.6
Independent Living Older Blind Cost neutral shift from DRS federal match appropriation $12.0 $12.0
DRS Federal Match for Employment
Related Grants
Cost neutral shift from DRS federal match appropriation ($12.0) ($12.0)
Case Services to Individuals General Revenue pick-up from dissolving 036 fund $4,559.7 $4,559.7
Case Services to Individuals (036) Dissolve the 036 fund and re-align to GRF ($2,413.7) ($2,413.7)
Case Services to Individuals (081) Increase in Federal appropriation authority to expend available
award dollars
Independent Living Centers (081) Increase in Federal appropriation authority to expend available
award dollars
Independent Living Older Blind (081) Increase in Federal appropriation authority to expend available
award dollars