FY21 Line Item Change - All Funds

Obj./Approp. Name CY Approp. CY Adj. CY Est. Exp. BY Adj. BY Request % Change
from Est.
1120 Personal Services $877,637.5 ($1,952.3) $875,685.2 $58,243.7 $933,928.9 6.7%
1140 Student Member/Inmate Compensation $34.6 $0.0 $34.6 $0.0 $34.6 0.0%
1160 Retirement $47,193.6 ($1,059.9) $46,133.7 $2,162.2 $48,295.9 4.7%
1170 Social Security $68,293.0 ($149.4) $68,143.6 $4,009.9 $72,153.5 5.9%
1180 Group Insurance $26,947.2 ($528.0) $26,419.2 $2,734.5 $29,153.7 10.4%
1200 CMS Facility Management $42,259.3 $0.0 $42,259.3 $0.0 $42,259.3 0.0%
1200 Contractual Services $101,603.4 $0.0 $101,603.4 $2,100.0 $103,703.4 2.1%
1200 Contractual Services IT Management $3,280.7 $0.0 $3,280.7 $0.0 $3,280.7 0.0%
1200 EBT Contractual $10,800.0 $0.0 $10,800.0 $0.0 $10,800.0 0.0%
1200 Leased Property Management $8,599.8 $0.0 $8,599.8 $0.0 $8,599.8 0.0%
1200 Press Information Officers Management $206.0 $0.0 $206.0 $0.0 $206.0 0.0%
1290 Travel $3,394.1 $0.0 $3,394.1 ($12.2) $3,381.9 -0.4%
1300 Commodities $27,129.8 ($5.6) $27,124.2 $1,000.0 $28,124.2 3.7%
1302 Printing $2,184.1 $0.0 $2,184.1 $50.0 $2,234.1 2.3%
1500 Equipment $6,904.2 ($7.0) $6,897.2 $6,400.0 $13,297.2 92.8%
1600 DoIT Services $74,904.7 $0.0 $74,904.7 ($9,000.0) $65,904.7 -12.0%
1600 Electronic Data Processing $300.0 $0.0 $300.0 $0.0 $300.0 0.0%
1600 Intergrated Eligibility System Support $16,000.0 $0.0 $16,000.0 $24,900.0 $40,900.0 155.6%
1700 Telecommunications $12,386.6 $0.0 $12,386.6 $2,430.5 $14,817.1 19.6%
1800 Operation Of Auto Equipment $1,068.5 $0.0 $1,068.5 $0.0 $1,068.5 0.0%
1900 Behavioral Health Special Projects $11,000.0 $0.0 $11,000.0 $0.0 $11,000.0 0.0%
1900 CMS Fleet Management $2,026.8 $0.0 $2,026.8 $0.0 $2,026.8 0.0%
1900 CMS Graphic Design Management $56.7 $0.0 $56.7 $0.0 $56.7 0.0%
1900 DHS Inter Agencies Support Services $3,000.0 $0.0 $3,000.0 $0.0 $3,000.0 0.0%
1900 Energy Conservation and Efficiency Program $1,000.0 ($500.0) $500.0 $0.0 $500.0 0.0%
1900 Framework Project Program $10,000.0 $0.0 $10,000.0 $0.0 $10,000.0 0.0%
1900 GATA Technical Assistance and Navigation $1,500.0 $0.0 $1,500.0 $0.0 $1,500.0 0.0%
1900 Implement Firearm Conceal and Carry $2,500.0 $0.0 $2,500.0 $0.0 $2,500.0 0.0%
1900 Indirect Cost Principles $0.1 $0.0 $0.1 $0.0 $0.1 0.0%
1900 Medicare Part D $1,507.9 $0.0 $1,507.9 $0.0 $1,507.9 0.0%
1900 MIS Technology Assistance and Support $6,636.6 $0.0 $6,636.6 $0.0 $6,636.6 0.0%
1900 Operation Of Federal Employment $10,783.7 $0.0 $10,783.7 $0.0 $10,783.7 0.0%
1900 Prescription Monitoring Program $2,021.5 $0.0 $2,021.5 $5.8 $2,027.3 0.3%
1900 Private Resources $10.0 $0.0 $10.0 $0.0 $10.0 0.0%
1900 Secondary Transitional Experience $152.9 $0.0 $152.9 $0.0 $152.9 0.0%
1900 Sexually Violent Persons Program $2,269.4 $0.0 $2,269.4 $3,000.0 $5,269.4 132.2%
1910 Alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment $215.0 $0.0 $215.0 $0.0 $215.0 0.0%
1910 DHS Grant Accountability and Transparency Unit $5,000.0 $0.0 $5,000.0 $0.0 $5,000.0 0.0%
1910 DHS Recoveries Trust $22,263.0 $0.0 $22,263.0 $0.0 $22,263.0 0.0%
1910 Drugs and Costs Associated With $12,300.0 $0.0 $12,300.0 $0.0 $12,300.0 0.0%
1910 Federally Assisted Programs $7,388.3 $0.0 $7,388.3 $0.0 $7,388.3 0.0%
1910 Maternal and Child Health Programs $458.1 $0.0 $458.1 $0.0 $458.1 0.0%
1910 Public Health Programs $368.0 $0.0 $368.0 $0.0 $368.0 0.0%
1910 Support Services $9,043.8 $0.0 $9,043.8 $0.0 $9,043.8 0.0%
1910 Support Services Inservice Training $366.7 ($366.7) $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 0.0%
4400 Addiction Treatment and Related Services $530.0 $0.0 $530.0 $0.0 $530.0 0.0%
4400 Addiction Treatment Services $103,175.4 $0.0 $103,175.4 $2,763.5 $105,938.9 2.7%
4400 Addiction Treatment/Medicaid Eligible $27,838.1 $0.0 $27,838.1 ($11,683.2) $16,154.9 -42.0%
4400 Aid to Aged, Blind or Disabled $28,504.7 $0.0 $28,504.7 $0.0 $28,504.7 0.0%
4400 ARC of IL Life Span Project $471.4 $0.0 $471.4 $0.0 $471.4 0.0%
4400 Autism Cares $50.0 $0.0 $50.0 $0.0 $50.0 0.0%
4400 Best Buddies $977.5 $0.0 $977.5 $0.0 $977.5 0.0%
4400 Books Over Balls Costs $250.0 $0.0 $250.0 ($250.0) $0.0 -100.0%
4400 Boys and Girls Clubs of West Cook County Youth Programs $150.0 $0.0 $150.0 ($150.0) $0.0 -100.0%
4400 Case Services Migrant Workers $210.0 ($210.0) $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 0.0%
4400 Case Services to Individuals $57,413.7 $0.0 $57,413.7 $7,586.3 $65,000.0 13.2%
4400 Center for Changing Lives Prevt and Asst for families at risk of Homelessness $150.0 $0.0 $150.0 ($150.0) $0.0 -100.0%
4400 Center for Prevention of Abuse, Ed and Trng Human Trafficking Prevention $60.0 $0.0 $60.0 ($60.0) $0.0 -100.0%
4400 Chicago Fathers for Change Cost $25.0 $0.0 $25.0 ($25.0) $0.0 -100.0%
4400 Chicago Westside Branch NAACP Costs $250.0 $0.0 $250.0 ($250.0) $0.0 -100.0%
4400 Children's Place $381.2 $0.0 $381.2 $0.0 $381.2 0.0%
4400 Children's Wellness Charities $50.0 $0.0 $50.0 $0.0 $50.0 0.0%
4400 Coalition for Technical Assistance and Training $250.0 $0.0 $250.0 $0.0 $250.0 0.0%
4400 Community Grants $7,257.8 $0.0 $7,257.8 $0.0 $7,257.8 0.0%
4400 DCFS Clients $7,549.2 $0.0 $7,549.2 $151.0 $7,700.2 2.0%
4400 Dental Grants $986.0 $0.0 $986.0 $0.0 $986.0 0.0%
4400 Developmental Disabilities Purchase of Care $9,965.6 $0.0 $9,965.6 $0.0 $9,965.6 0.0%
4400 Early Intervention Program $108,691.9 $0.0 $108,691.9 $7,200.0 $115,891.9 6.6%
4400 Epilepsy Services $2,075.0 $0.0 $2,075.0 $0.0 $2,075.0 0.0%
4400 Federal Decennial Census Funds $29,000.0 $0.0 $29,000.0 ($14,500.0) $14,500.0 -50.0%
4400 Grants Supportive Housing Services $3,382.5 $0.0 $3,382.5 $0.0 $3,382.5 0.0%
4400 Group Home Loans $200.0 $0.0 $200.0 $0.0 $200.0 0.0%
4400 Homeless Youth Services $1,000.0 $0.0 $1,000.0 $0.0 $1,000.0 0.0%
4400 Homelessness Prevention $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $1,000.0 $1,000.0 0.0%
4400 Housing for Families $50.0 $0.0 $50.0 $0.0 $50.0 0.0%
4400 Hunger Relief Checkoff $100.0 $0.0 $100.0 $150.0 $250.0 150.0%
4400 Independent Living Centers $9,979.8 $0.0 $9,979.8 $1,529.6 $11,509.4 15.3%
4400 Joseph Academy Costs $360.0 $0.0 $360.0 ($360.0) $0.0 -100.0%
4400 Living Skills $122.8 $0.0 $122.8 $0.0 $122.8 0.0%
4400 Mental Health Block Grant $23,025.4 $0.0 $23,025.4 $0.0 $23,025.4 0.0%
4400 Mental Health Block Grant Children and Adolescents $4,341.8 $0.0 $4,341.8 $0.0 $4,341.8 0.0%
4400 MH Grants $1,300.0 $0.0 $1,300.0 $0.0 $1,300.0 0.0%
4400 MH Treatment $3,000.0 $0.0 $3,000.0 $0.0 $3,000.0 0.0%
4400 NAMI $180.0 $0.0 $180.0 $0.0 $180.0 0.0%
4400 Non-Medicaid Services for Community Based Youth Programs $150.0 $0.0 $150.0 $0.0 $150.0 0.0%
4400 OUR Youth Costs $100.0 $0.0 $100.0 ($100.0) $0.0 -100.0%
4400 Prevention Partnership Costs $350.0 $0.0 $350.0 ($350.0) $0.0 -100.0%
4400 Project for Autism $4,800.0 $0.0 $4,800.0 $0.0 $4,800.0 0.0%
4400 Project Success of Vermillian County Youth Programs $25.0 $0.0 $25.0 ($25.0) $0.0 -100.0%
4400 Rape Victims/Prevention Act $7,659.7 $0.0 $7,659.7 $0.0 $7,659.7 0.0%
4400 Refugees $1,126.7 $0.0 $1,126.7 $0.0 $1,126.7 0.0%
4400 Respite Services $8,997.5 $0.0 $8,997.5 $180.0 $9,177.5 2.0%
4400 Services to Disabled Individuals $25,000.0 $0.0 $25,000.0 $0.0 $25,000.0 0.0%
4400 Sexual Assault Services $100.0 $0.0 $100.0 $0.0 $100.0 0.0%
4400 SIU Rural Health for MH to Farm Owners $100.0 $0.0 $100.0 ($100.0) $0.0 -100.0%
4400 Specialized Services for Survivors of Human Trafficking $100.0 $0.0 $100.0 $0.0 $100.0 0.0%
4400 St. Mary's Hospital $500.0 $0.0 $500.0 $0.0 $500.0 0.0%
4400 Supported Employment $1,900.0 $0.0 $1,900.0 $0.0 $1,900.0 0.0%
4400 Supportive Food Program WIC $1,400.0 $0.0 $1,400.0 $0.0 $1,400.0 0.0%
4400 TASC for Supprotive Release Center $175.0 $0.0 $175.0 ($175.0) $0.0 -100.0%
4400 Temporary Assistance to Needy Families $134,201.9 $0.0 $134,201.9 $0.0 $134,201.9 0.0%
4400 Touch by an Angel Community Enrichment Center - Single parent programs $250.0 $0.0 $250.0 ($250.0) $0.0 -100.0%
4400 Urban Autism Solutions - West Side Transition Academy $400.0 $0.0 $400.0 ($400.0) $0.0 -100.0%
4400 West Austin Development Center for Childcare, ed, and development programs $620.0 $0.0 $620.0 ($620.0) $0.0 -100.0%
4400 Youth Employment Programs $19,000.0 $0.0 $19,000.0 $0.0 $19,000.0 0.0%
4400 Youth Guidance - Becoming a Man $1,000.0 $0.0 $1,000.0 ($1,000.0) $0.0 -100.0%
4429 Tort Claims $485.0 $0.0 $485.0 $0.0 $485.0 0.0%
4429 Tort Claims Employees $10.9 $0.0 $10.9 $0.0 $10.9 0.0%
4462 Funeral and Burial Expense $6,000.0 $0.0 $6,000.0 $0.0 $6,000.0 0.0%
4463 Free Distribution Food Supplies $230,000.0 $0.0 $230,000.0 $0.0 $230,000.0 0.0%
4900 Access to Justice Grant Program $10,000.0 $0.0 $10,000.0 $0.0 $10,000.0 0.0%
4900 Addiction Prevention Related Services $21,652.1 $0.0 $21,652.1 $0.0 $21,652.1 0.0%
4900 Addiction Treatment and Related Services $22,212.2 $0.0 $22,212.2 $0.0 $22,212.2 0.0%
4900 Addiction Treatment Services $5,105.8 $0.0 $5,105.8 $0.0 $5,105.8 0.0%
4900 Addiction Treatment-Special Population $5,949.7 $0.0 $5,949.7 $100.0 $6,049.7 1.7%
4900 After School Youth Programs $14,237.3 $0.0 $14,237.3 $284.7 $14,522.0 2.0%
4900 Assistance For Homeless $300.0 $0.0 $300.0 $200.0 $500.0 66.7%
4900 Autism Awareness $50.0 $0.0 $50.0 $0.0 $50.0 0.0%
4900 Autism Research Checkoff $25.0 $0.0 $25.0 $0.0 $25.0 0.0%
4900 Cannabis $11,000.0 $0.0 $11,000.0 $17,000.0 $28,000.0 154.5%
4900 Case Services to Individuals and related costs $8,950.9 $0.0 $8,950.9 $4,559.7 $13,510.6 50.9%
4900 Child Care Service Great Start $5,200.0 $0.0 $5,200.0 $0.0 $5,200.0 0.0%
4900 Child Care Services $721,399.0 $0.0 $721,399.0 $100,000.0 $821,399.0 13.9%
4900 Children's Health Programs $1,138.8 $0.0 $1,138.8 $0.0 $1,138.8 0.0%
4900 Client Assistance Project $1,179.2 $0.0 $1,179.2 $0.0 $1,179.2 0.0%
4900 Colbert Consent Decree $29,319.5 $0.0 $29,319.5 $20,934.4 $50,253.9 71.4%
4900 Comm Transitions and System Rebalancing $47,320.2 $0.0 $47,320.2 $4,289.4 $51,609.6 9.1%
4900 Community Services $7,222.0 $0.0 $7,222.0 $144.4 $7,366.4 2.0%
4900 Comprehensive Community Services $18,560.1 $0.0 $18,560.1 $371.2 $18,931.3 2.0%
4900 Compulsive Gamblers Treatment $6,800.0 $0.0 $6,800.0 $0.0 $6,800.0 0.0%
4900 DCFS Community Integrated Living Arrangements $2,471.6 $0.0 $2,471.6 $0.0 $2,471.6 0.0%
4900 Developmental Disabilities Grants and Long Term Care $1,368,328.4 $0.0 $1,368,328.4 $93,612.0 $1,461,940.4 6.8%
4900 Developmental Disabilities Grants and Purchase of Care $90,000.0 $0.0 $90,000.0 $20,000.0 $110,000.0 22.2%
4900 Developmental Disabilities Long Term Care $45,000.0 $0.0 $45,000.0 $0.0 $45,000.0 0.0%
4900 Developmental Disabilities Transitions $5,201.6 $0.0 $5,201.6 $0.0 $5,201.6 0.0%
4900 DHS Community Services $15,000.0 $0.0 $15,000.0 $0.0 $15,000.0 0.0%
4900 DHS Federal Projects Fund $16,036.1 $0.0 $16,036.1 $0.0 $16,036.1 0.0%
4900 Domestic Violence Programs $100.0 $0.0 $100.0 $0.0 $100.0 0.0%
4900 Domestic Violence Shelters $21,053.1 $0.0 $21,053.1 $402.0 $21,455.1 1.9%
4900 Donated Funds Initiative Program $22,729.4 $0.0 $22,729.4 $0.0 $22,729.4 0.0%
4900 DRS Federal Match for Supported Employment Programs $102.0 $0.0 $102.0 ($12.0) $90.0 -11.8%
4900 Early Intervention Program $180,000.0 $5,000.0 $185,000.0 $10,000.0 $195,000.0 5.4%
4900 Emergency and Transitional Housing $10,383.7 $0.0 $10,383.7 $0.0 $10,383.7 0.0%
4900 Emergency Food Program $5,163.8 $0.0 $5,163.8 $0.0 $5,163.8 0.0%
4900 Emergency Solutions Grants Program $12,000.0 $0.0 $12,000.0 $0.0 $12,000.0 0.0%
4900 Employability Development Services $9,145.7 $0.0 $9,145.7 $0.0 $9,145.7 0.0%
4900 Employment and Training Program $485,000.0 $0.0 $485,000.0 $0.0 $485,000.0 0.0%
4900 Family Violence Programs $5,018.2 $0.0 $5,018.2 $0.0 $5,018.2 0.0%
4900 Farmer's Market Nutrition $500.0 $0.0 $500.0 $0.0 $500.0 0.0%
4900 Federal/State Employment Program $5,000.0 $0.0 $5,000.0 $0.0 $5,000.0 0.0%
4900 Food Stamp Employment and Training $3,651.0 $0.0 $3,651.0 $0.0 $3,651.0 0.0%
4900 Gear Up $3,516.8 $0.0 $3,516.8 $0.0 $3,516.8 0.0%
4900 Head Start State Collaboration $500.0 $0.0 $500.0 $0.0 $500.0 0.0%
4900 Health and Human Services Medicaid Trust $32,400.0 $0.0 $32,400.0 $10,000.0 $42,400.0 30.9%
4900 Healthy Families $10,040.0 $0.0 $10,040.0 $1,000.0 $11,040.0 10.0%
4900 Home and Community Based Waiver $480.6 $0.0 $480.6 $0.0 $480.6 0.0%
4900 Home Services Program $726,259.6 $40,000.0 $766,259.6 $89,000.0 $855,259.6 11.6%
4900 Homeless Youth Services $6,154.4 $0.0 $6,154.4 $123.1 $6,277.5 2.0%
4900 Homelessness Prevention $9,000.0 $0.0 $9,000.0 $0.0 $9,000.0 0.0%
4900 Illinois Migrant Council $90.0 $0.0 $90.0 ($90.0) $0.0 -100.0%
4900 Immigrant Integration Services $6,500.0 $0.0 $6,500.0 $0.0 $6,500.0 0.0%
4900 Independent Living Older Blind $2,679.6 $0.0 $2,679.6 $512.0 $3,191.6 19.1%
4900 Infant Mortality $31,665.0 $0.0 $31,665.0 $0.0 $31,665.0 0.0%
4900 JTED-SNAP Pilot Employment and Training $21,857.6 ($16,857.6) $5,000.0 $0.0 $5,000.0 0.0%
4900 Juvenile Justice Planning and Action Grants $4,000.0 ($1,000.0) $3,000.0 $0.0 $3,000.0 0.0%
4900 Maternal Child Health Program $9,401.2 ($7,401.2) $2,000.0 $0.0 $2,000.0 0.0%
4900 Medicaid-Mentally Ill/Kid Care $92,902.4 $0.0 $92,902.4 $0.0 $92,902.4 0.0%
4900 Mental Health Psychotropic Medications $1,881.8 $0.0 $1,881.8 $0.0 $1,881.8 0.0%
4900 Mental Health Supportive Housing $21,968.3 $0.0 $21,968.3 $279.4 $22,247.7 1.3%
4900 MH Evaluation Determination and Dispostion $1,200.0 $0.0 $1,200.0 $0.0 $1,200.0 0.0%
4900 MH Grants, Child and Adolscent, Transitions, and Facility Operations $134,082.2 $0.0 $134,082.2 ($3,818.5) $130,263.7 -2.8%
4900 MIEC Home Visiting Program $14,006.8 $0.0 $14,006.8 $0.0 $14,006.8 0.0%
4900 Migrant Day Care Services $3,422.4 $0.0 $3,422.4 $0.0 $3,422.4 0.0%
4900 Open Door Project $315.5 ($315.5) $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 0.0%
4900 Parents Too Soon $9,375.3 $0.0 $9,375.3 $1,000.0 $10,375.3 10.7%
4900 Partnership for Success Program $5,000.0 $0.0 $5,000.0 $0.0 $5,000.0 0.0%
4900 Pilot Program Opioid Dependents $500.0 $0.0 $500.0 $0.0 $500.0 0.0%
4900 Prevention of Prescription Drug OD-Related Deaths $2,000.0 $0.0 $2,000.0 $0.0 $2,000.0 0.0%
4900 Public Health Programs $10,742.3 $0.0 $10,742.3 $0.0 $10,742.3 0.0%
4900 Race to the Top $16,000.0 ($11,000.0) $5,000.0 $0.0 $5,000.0 0.0%
4900 Redeploy Illinois $6,373.6 $0.0 $6,373.6 $0.0 $6,373.6 0.0%
4900 Refugee Settlement Services $10,611.2 $0.0 $10,611.2 $0.0 $10,611.2 0.0%
4900 Refugee Social Services $204.0 $0.0 $204.0 $0.0 $204.0 0.0%
4900 Sexual Assault Services and Prevention $600.0 $0.0 $600.0 $0.0 $600.0 0.0%
4900 Small Business Enterprise Program $3,527.3 $0.0 $3,527.3 $0.0 $3,527.3 0.0%
4900 SNAP Education $18,000.0 $0.0 $18,000.0 $0.0 $18,000.0 0.0%
4900 SNAP Outreach $2,000.0 $0.0 $2,000.0 $0.0 $2,000.0 0.0%
4900 SNAP to Success $750.0 $750.0 $1,500.0 $0.0 $1,500.0 0.0%
4900 Special Olympics IL and Children's Charities $1,000.0 $0.0 $1,000.0 $0.0 $1,000.0 0.0%
4900 Special Olympics IL Fund $50.0 $0.0 $50.0 $0.0 $50.0 0.0%
4900 Special Services $7,667.1 $0.0 $7,667.1 $0.0 $7,667.1 0.0%
4900 SSI Advocacy Services $1,009.4 $0.0 $1,009.4 $0.0 $1,009.4 0.0%
4900 State Opioid Response $40,000.0 $0.0 $40,000.0 $0.0 $40,000.0 0.0%
4900 Supportive Housing Services $15,849.7 $0.0 $15,849.7 $317.0 $16,166.7 2.0%
4900 Technical Assistance Project $1,050.0 $0.0 $1,050.0 $0.0 $1,050.0 0.0%
4900 Tobacco Enforcement Program (TEP) $2,800.0 $0.0 $2,800.0 $0.0 $2,800.0 0.0%
4900 Welcoming Centers $1,600.0 $0.0 $1,600.0 $0.0 $1,600.0 0.0%
4900 Westside Health Authority Crisis Intervention $1,000.0 $0.0 $1,000.0 $0.0 $1,000.0 0.0%
4900 WIC Nutrition Program $60,049.0 $0.0 $60,049.0 $0.0 $60,049.0 0.0%
6900 Permanent Improvements $5,000.0 $0.0 $5,000.0 $0.0 $5,000.0 0.0%
9930 Refunds-DHS Federal Projects Fund $25.0 $0.0 $25.0 $0.0 $25.0 0.0%
9930 Refunds-Drug Treatment Fund $5.0 $0.0 $5.0 $0.0 $5.0 0.0%
9930 Refunds-Early Intervention Services Revolving Fund $300.0 $0.0 $300.0 $0.0 $300.0 0.0%
9930 Refunds-General Revenue Fund $7.7 $0.0 $7.7 $0.0 $7.7 0.0%
9930 Refunds-Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant Fund $5.0 $0.0 $5.0 $0.0 $5.0 0.0%
9930 Refunds-Mental Health Fund $2,000.0 $0.0 $2,000.0 $0.0 $2,000.0 0.0%
9930 Refunds-Sexual Assualt Services $0.4 $0.0 $0.4 $0.0 $0.4 0.0%
9930 Refunds-Vocational Rehabilitation Fund $5.0 $0.0 $5.0 $0.0 $5.0 0.0%
9930 Refunds-WIC Program $200.0 $0.0 $200.0 $0.0 $200.0 0.0%
9930 Refunds-Youth Drug Abuse Prevention Fund $30.0 $0.0 $30.0 $0.0 $30.0 0.0%
Total $6,919,919.7 $4,396.8 $6,924,316.5 $458,345.4 $7,382,661.9 6.6%