June 12, 2020 Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board


Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


Friday, June 12, 2020

9:30am to 11:30am


This meeting will be conducted by Webex Meeting 

  • Call in number: (312) 535-8110
  • Meeting number: 133 339 6895
  • Meeting password: jxNpUmDm335


  1. Call to order
  2. Roll call
  3. DHS/Board Member Updates
    1. New Board member and ICOY staff introductions
  4. Approval of Minutes
    1. 2/21/20 RIOB Meeting
  5. FY20 Program and Expenditures updates
    1. COVID response update
    2. Redeploy Program expenditures and commitments/number served
    3. ICOY activity update and expenditures
  6. FY21 Funding Decisions
    1. Redeploy Established Programs
    2. Redeploy Planning Grants
    3. Redeploy Training, Technical Assistance & Support Grant
  7. Redeploy Illinois Program Evaluation update 
  8. FY20 Redeploy Planning Grant update
  9. Redeploy Planning Grant Work Group discussion
  10. Redeploy Membership Work Group update
  11. Redeploy Governance Work Group update
  12. Assessment Funding Notice update
  13. Adjourn
    Upcoming meetings/events:
    1. Executive Committee Meeting: Friday, July 17th, 2020
    2. Full Board Meeting: Friday, August 21st, 2020

Approved Minutes

  1. Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order at 9:30am.
  2. Roll Call 
    1. New Member and staff introductions
      Board members: Secretary Grace Hou, Janet Ahern, Carla Barnes, Honorable Walter Brandon, Betsy Clarke, Avik Das, Dan Hunt, Omar Jamil, Kris Mohip, Heidi Mueller, Karrie Rueter, Pam Rodriguez, Jason Stamps, Anne Studzinski, Honorable George Timberlake, Rick Velasquez, Paula Wolff. A quorum was declared.
      Staff: Honorable Steve Sawyer.
      DHS: Karrie Rueter, Kristen Marshall, Erica Hughes.
      ICOY: Chelsea Biggs, Katy Culleeny, Leslie Ress.
      Guests: Sharyn Adams, Shannon Bradford, Dena Dobson, MaryAnn Dyar, Lily Gleicher, Ryan Goodwin, Korynna Lopez, Abby Smith.
  3. DHS/Board Member Updates
    Chairman Secretary Hou asked the members to share their aspirations for the board with respect to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and events following the death of George Floyd. 
  4. Approval of Minutes
    The Board discussed the minutes from the February 21, 2020 meeting. 
    Motion: Rick Velasquez moved to approve the minutes from the February 21, 2020.
    Anne Studzinski seconded the motion.
    Motion passed.
  5. FY20 Program and Expenditure Updates
    1. Erica Hughes asked board members to refer to the "FY20 Redeploy Illinois Program Expenditures" document for this information. Ms. Hughes reported that 60% of the Redeploy funds for FY20 has been spent and that the youth served has remained relatively stable despite a stop in referrals as a result of court closures due to COVID-19.
    2. Judge Brandon asked what kind of services sites provide and how it varies by site. Ms. Hughes noted that sites vary in terms of services offered and that this flexibility is a strength of the program, especially in adapting to restrictions due to COVID-19. Services sites have used or are currently using include mental health treatment, cognitive behavior therapy, Chromebooks for telehealth options, transportation, personal protective equipment, and the Wraparound model. Karrie Reuter added that the cost per youth is a per capita cost which includes staff and administrative costs.
  6. FY21 Funding Decisions
    Ms. Reuter confirmed the general assembly appropriated 6.3 million dollars for Redeploy for the coming year. If the board funds sites as they requested, there would be 2 million left for additional programming. Two sites in the planning grants phase, Sangamon County and Lake County, may soon become fully funded sites. DHS staff reminded the board that if something needs to be clarified in an application, the Board can ask for justifications in writing or place special conditions on applications that sites must accept before the contract is awarded. Budget complications can be addressed in the budget approval process. 
    Ms. Studzinski highlighted some the overall trends identified in the proposals, including: All sites have expanded population served and all sites mention trauma, but further discussion is likely needed as to what trauma-related work should include. Sites requesting more funding but not serving more youth will need to provide justifications for their request. Some sites included electronic monitoring and drug testing, the board recently decided they will not fund electronic monitoring and further discussion is needed on whether or the not the board will fund drug testing. Some sites are starting to incorporate wraparound services. Some sites, where probation is the lead agency, are requesting care coordinators, which would help ensure assessment and provision of services. This year, services provided are available across the entire site, county, or counties in the case of multi-county sites, which is an improvement from last year. More sites are offering remote counseling or telehealth as well as treatment for youth with past sex-offenses.
    Board members discussed detention reduction as a possible goal for sites. Ms. Reuter noted that detention reduction was not specifically delineated in the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for FY21 given that the primary goal and focus of Redeploy is keeping youth out of DJJ. The board members agreed sites should be made aware that detention reduction, in regards to both admissions and length of stay, will be specifically outlined in the FY22 NOFO and that time should be set aside in FY21 for sites to plan for such changes. This will be included as a condition to the contract for all sites. Board members agreed that sites should collect and disaggregate juvenile justice data by race and ethnicity. DHS staff and Illinois Collaboration on Youth staff will work together to assess what technical assistance can be provided to assist sites in building a detention reduction plan by the end of FY21. The board agreed that sites should utilize monthly detention data reports published by the Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission. Ms. Reuter shared that there is standard language in the NOFO that states sites are now required to capture and track data points relative to detention. Judge Timberlake reminded the group that there are also youth sent out of state and that there is currently no established data collection around that. The board agreed that collecting data and tracking youth who are sent out of state should be a condition placed on all sites. 
    The board reviewed their previous discussion on the funding of drug testing. Board members agreed that RDI funds for drug testing should only be used for clinical purposes as opposed to court-ordered. Further, RDI funds should be used as a last resort after all other appropriate funding sources are exhausted. The board agreed that sites who use RDI funds to pay a premium to providers to ensure quicker access to services should cease doing so and that funds should instead be directed towards expanding capacity. Sites are allowed to use funds to supplement or aid in provision of services not covered by Medicaid, for example transportation to services or Chromebooks for telehealth. Judge Timberlake emphasized the gravity of this situation and how this information should be utilized to express to the legislature that this lack of services is a threat to the safety and wellbeing of Illinois youth and families and that action is needed. DHS staff were asked to ask sites how many youths are on the waitlist for mental health or substance abuse services during their monthly calls for the purpose of keeping a record.
    The board reviewed and voted on applications from the eight sites.
    1. Established sites
      1st Judicial Circuit
      Ms. Hughes led RIOB members in discussion about the 1st judicial circuit's application. Ms. Hughes pointed three things out about the first circuit application Three key notes include 1) Focusing engagement efforts in Alexander, Pulaski, and Johnson counties, which had not participated in the past 2) they will be implementing Wrap services 3) they will be opening a space for the purpose of training and individual counseling. Ms. Studzinski asked for further clarification on whether they have services for homeless youth, Ms. Hughes agreed to discuss that with the grantee. Board members requested the following special conditions be placed on their contract: RDI funds may not be used for GPS monitoring, the site will need to justify asking for more funding while planning to serve fewer youth. With special condition and requesting justification Condition: no Redeploy money for GPS.
      Motion: Ms. Barnes moved approval of the 1st Judicial Circuit's application with the following special conditions: They must create a detention reduction plan and Redeploy funds may not be used for electronic monitoring or drug testing. Additionally, they must provide justification for requesting more funds while planning to serve fewer youth.
      Judge Walter Brandon seconded the motion.
      Abstentions: Avik Das.
      Motion passed.
      2nd Judicial Circuit
      Motion: Pam Rodriguez moved approval of the 2nd Judicial Circuit's funding proposal with the following special conditions: they must create a detention reduction plan and Redeploy funds may not be used for electronic monitoring or drug testing. Additionally, they must provide justification for requesting more funds while planning to serve fewer youth.
      Mr. Velasquez seconded the motion.
      Abstentions: Mr. Das.
      Motion passed.
      Madison County
      Motion: Ms. Studzinski moved approval of Madison County's funding proposal with the following special conditions: they must create a detention reduction plan and Redeploy funds may not be used for electronic monitoring or drug testing.
      Ms. Barnes seconded the motion.
      Abstentions: Mr. Das.
      Motion passed.
      St. Clair County
      Motion: Betsy Clarke moved approval of St. Clair County's funding proposal with the following special conditions: they must create a detention reduction plan and Redeploy funds may not be used for electronic monitoring or drug testing.
      Janet Ahern seconded the motion.
      Abstentions: Mr. Das.
      Motion Passed.
      LaSalle County 13th Circuit
      Ms. Hughes advised the Board of a correction to the proposal summary document, the projected number of youth served should be sixty-nine and the cost per youth will change to $7,309.
      Motion: Ms. Studzinski moved approval of LaSalle County's funding proposal with the following special conditions: they must create a detention reduction plan and Redeploy funds may not be used for electronic monitoring or drug testing.
      Mr. Velasquez seconded the motion.
      Abstentions: Mr. Das.
      Motion passed.
      Macon County
      Motion: Judge Timberlake moved approval of Macon County's funding proposal application with the following special conditions: They must create a detention reduction plan and Redeploy funds may not be used for electronic monitoring or drug testing. Additionally, they must provide justification on who they will serve, how they will determine what services are appropriate for each youth, and how police referrals will operate.
      Ms. Barnes seconded the motion.
      Abstentions: Mr. Das.
      Motion Passed.
      Winnebago County
      RIOB Members discussed that Winnebago needs to explain how they plan to start accepting more females into their programs, how youth will get mental health services if they need them and clarify their target population.
      Motion: Ms. Rodriguez moved approval of Winnebago County's funding proposal with the following special conditions: they must create a detention reduction plan and Redeploy funds may not be used for electronic monitoring or drug testing. Additionally, they must provide justification for their target population, accepting females to the program, and how they will provide mental health services.
      Ms. Studzinski seconded the motion.
      Abstentions: Mr. Das, Judge Timberlake.
      Motion passed.
      4th Judicial Circuit
      Mr. Velasquez pointed out that there is no racial and ethnic disparities data in their proposal, and Ms. Studzinski stated that they need to gather this data county by county rather than circuit-wide by the time site visits happen.
      Motion: Ms. Studzinski moved approval of the 4th Judicial Circuit's funding proposal with the following special conditions: they must create a detention reduction plan and Redeploy funds may not be used for electronic monitoring or drug testing.
      Ms. Barnes seconded the motion.
      Abstentions: Mr. Das.
      Motion Passed.
    2. Planning grants: No discussion, as they are continuing planning efforts and no additional funding is requested at this time.
    3. The Board reviewed the FY21 Youth Services Training and Technical Assistance Contract with ICOY. Board members and ICOY staff discussed the funding for Washington Aggression Interruption Training (WAIT). Judge Timberlake expressed he would like more information as to whether or not sites were actually utilizing these trainings, DHS and ICOY staff agreed to follow up with sites to assess their needs further, and that the money will not be spent if the training is not requested. Ms. Clarke raised concerns about the poor response on the detention NOFO. ICOY staff and DHS staff will outline a technical assistance plan.
      Motion: Ms. Clarke moved approval of ICOY FY21 proposal.
      Judge Brandon seconded the motion. Abstentions: Ms. Studzinski, Mr. Das.
      Motion Passed.
  7. Redeploy Illinois Program Evaluation Update
    Due to time constraints, the board decided that the report from the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA), to be presented by Lily Gleicher, will occur in a separate meeting due to time constraints. RIOB members will have the opportunity to send Dr. Gleicher questions beforehand. 
  8. FY20 Redeploy Planning Grant Update
    RIOB members reviewed FY21 planning grant amounts for Sangamon and Lake Counties. Sangamon County has $10,900 and Lake County has $14,600. Ms. Rueter explained that the full planning grant award amount was put into the FY21 agreement because that was easier even though sites are spending some of the money right now in FY20. Leftover money will be applied towards future grants when doing sites' amendments and these amounts will be brought to the Board for funding decisions, at which point, planning grants may be converted to full program grants. Motion: Judge Timberlake moved approval of what Ms. Rueter laid out for the planning grants for FY21 for Sangamon and Lake Counties. Ms. Rodriguez seconded the motion.
    Motion passed 
  9. Redeploy Planning Grant Work Group discussion
  10. Redeploy Membership Work Group update - no updates given due to time constraints
  11. Redeploy Governance Work Group update - no updates given due to time constraints
  12. Assessment Funding Notice Updates - no updates given due to time constraints.
  13. Adjourn
    Motion: Judge Timberlake made a motion to adjourn. Judge Brandon seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 11:53am.