WAG 13-01-05-a
Medical expenses are not allowed if:
Regardless of intent to pay, allowable medical expenses include, but are not limited to, bills received or expected to be received for the following services:
NOTE: Do not allow for the costs of:
If a SNAP unit incurs attendant care costs for an incapacitated person of any age that could qualify as either a medical care deduction or as a dependent care deduction, allow the unit the option to choose how the costs will be deducted. The unit may choose to deduct the entire attendant care cost as a dependent care deduction or as a medical expense deduction but not both. Discuss with the customer and determine the option that would be most beneficial for them. Incapacitation is:
Note: See PM 13-01-05-e for Medical Expenses not allowed.
Illinois Department of Human ServicesJB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary
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